
Villainous Heiress And Her Ex's Tyrant Boss

Participating in Cupid quill contest!! Please show your support! "He lied, cheated, and dared to reject me with utter disrespect!" This is the fury of a vengeful soul, who shows no mercy. Hailey Gao's whole being is fueled by an unrelenting fury. She's out for the blood of her boyfriend : Mason He, who spurned her in the most degrading manner, igniting a hatred she can't ignore. This is when Hailey's path crosses with Adrian Zhan, a tyrant in the business world whose very name instills fear. • • "Together, we'll crush our enemies," Adrian proposes, sparking a risky alliance. "And make them regret ever trying to ruin us," Hailey retorts with a sly smile and a mischievous glint in her eyes. • • What begins as a supposed fake relationship, a transaction of mutual use, takes an unexpected turn. • • "We're in a relationship now. You are mine alone; remember that." • • Hailey is startled as Adrian seems to invest genuine emotion into this charade. Is her ex's boss truly in love with her, or is he skillfully playing a game of deceit to make their faux relationship disturbingly real?

Kuchi_G_ · Urbain
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29 Chs

Chess in the Garden

After a leisurely drive, Hailey's car arrived in front of the grand mansion, gracefully navigating the sweeping driveway. Stepping out, Hailey and Julie made their way toward the entrance of the opulent estate.

As they strolled along the meticulously designed stone pathways, the air was filled with the fragrant scent of blossoming flowers. The gentle rustle of leaves overhead added a soothing melody to the surroundings, creating an atmosphere of tranquility.

In the heart of this verdant sanctuary, Hailey's gaze was drawn to a secluded garden where a group of elderly ladies, including the venerable Madam Gao Lian, chairwoman, and founder of Gao Glamour Groups, engaged in a strategic game of chess. Two exquisite chessboards, crafted from carved jade, rested on a stone table surrounded by intricately designed wooden chairs.

Madam Gao, draped in an elegant cashmere blouse adorned with delicate floral patterns that mirrored the garden's blooms, presented a graceful figure. Opting for tailored wide-leg trousers instead of the customary long skirts, she exuded a blend of comfort and sophistication. A pearl necklace and matching earrings added a touch of timeless elegance to her ensemble.

Presiding over the chess game with a keen strategic mind, Madam Gao's silver hair, neatly arranged in a bun, glinted in the dappled sunlight. The sound of the ladies' laughter and the subtle clink of chess pieces created a timeless symphony, echoing the years gone by.

Hailey couldn't help but smile as she observed the captivating scene. Approaching, her footsteps muffled by the plush grass, she bowed respectfully to the gathering of wise matriarchs. Madam Gao acknowledged her with a gracious nod, gesturing for Hailey to join them.

Hailey gracefully settled into one of the intricately designed chairs beside Madam Gao, immersing herself in the unfolding chess match. The strategic dance of chess pieces was accompanied by occasional pleasantries exchanged among the ladies, their voices weaving a harmonious melody in the gentle breeze that carried hints of tea and incense, creating an enchanting ambiance.

As the game progressed, one of the elderly ladies in a blue dress couldn't help but comment, "My, my, Madam Gao, your granddaughter has grown up to be such a beautiful young lady."

With a playful wink and smile, Madam Gao responded, "I told you; she is the exact replica of me when I was young."

Observing the interaction, Hailey couldn't shake the feeling that these ladies were merely putting on a facade to please her grandmother. Despite her reservations, she forced a polite smile and replied, "Thank you for the compliment, Chairwoman Hang, but I'm not as beautiful and vibrant as you all."

A second old lady, elegantly clad in a purple dress, chimed in enthusiastically, "Oh, my, your granddaughter gives me so much joy." She made a move with a pawn on the chessboard.

"Madam Liu, you must be talking about another granddaughter of mine; this one's a troublemaker," Madam Gao remarked playfully, chuckling softly. Hailey seized the opportunity and skillfully took over the game.

After making her move, Hailey leaned closer to Madam Gao and whispered, "Did you gather them here just to play chess, or is there another purpose behind this gathering?"

Madam Gao chuckled once more and nodded, "We came here together for a game of chess. I don't know what else you're talking about," she replied, maintaining her pleasant smile.

"Something like setting up another goddamn blind date," Hailey remarked, causing Madam Gao to stare at her briefly before bursting into laughter. Madam Gao playfully pinched Hailey's right cheek and commented, "You're way too smart."

"I'm not, I just know you and what you're capable of doing," Hailey responded, puffing out her cheeks playfully in an attempt to evade Madam Gao's fingers.

"I suppose that makes sense. She always does have a knack for causing mayhem, just like her birth mother," added the third old lady, elegantly adorned in a white gown with a sophisticated makeup palette. She made a move, advancing her bishop to complete the first row of defense.

The room fell into a brief pause as everyone stopped their activities, focusing on Madam Qian. Hailey couldn't help but smirk as the woman gestured for her to play.

"Madam Qian, what are you saying now?" Chairwoman Hang inquired.

"What? I can't voice out my mind. Moreover, y'all know that Madam Gao invited us to talk about marriage with her granddaughter. If I were you, I wouldn't allow my grandson to marry an illegitimate child like her," Madam Qian stated with a sneer on her face.

"What do you mean?" Madam Gao asked angrily.

Madam Qian replied, "I'm sorry, Madam Gao, but it won't look good for the reputation of my family, considering that this young girl has been born out of wedlock."

Silence loomed, and the tension between them became palpable. Hailey, with an evil smile on her face, didn't appear hurt; instead, she focused on the chessboard. With calculated moves, she maneuvered her king to a strategic spot, placing a small pawn between a knight and a rook.

"What's this?" Madam Qian inquired.

"You should play your piece right, Chairwoman Qian, or else you might face checkmate from your opponent," Hailey suggested with an evil grin, taking a sip of her tea. The room lightened as everyone chuckled, even Madam Gao, who shook her head at her granddaughter.

"Are you really suggesting that you'll win?" Madam Qian retorted, still frowning.

Hailey chuckled, "Not exactly, but if you don't play your piece correctly, maybe I'll end up beating you instead."

"Oh, really? Well, let's see then," Madam Qian spat in return.

"You're one stubborn old hag," Hailey mumbled under her breath.

Madam Qian glared at her, about to speak, but Hailey interrupted, saying, "Let's continue."

Hailey eyed the chessboard, her cunning mind assessing the situation. In a bold move, she shifted her bishop diagonally, exploiting a weakness in Madam Qian's pawn structure.

"Your defenses are unraveling, Chairwoman Qian," Hailey teased, confident in her strategic maneuver.

Madam Qian, flustered, adjusted herself on her chair and contemplated her options. Madam Qian moved her knight. Seizing the opportunity, Hailey advanced her queen diagonally, strategically placing Madam Qian's king in a vulnerable position.

With a sly grin, Hailey whispered, "One wrong move, and it's game over."

Madam Gao made another move and Swiftly, Hailey made a precise move, cornering Madam Qian's king.

Madam Gao and the others watched in anticipation as Hailey orchestrated her victory. The tension in the air heightened, reflecting the intensity of the chess match. With a final calculated move, Hailey announced, "Checkmate."

A mixture of shock and embarrassment painted Madam Qian's face. Hailey leaned back, triumphant, and took another sip of Madam Gao's tea, which she found quite refreshing.

Hailey delicately placed the teacup back on the saucer, addressing Madam Qian, who glared daggers at her, "I wouldn't want to marry your grandson either; he is obviously the type to have a child from wedlock. So, you should check your grandson first before pointing fingers at my background."

Madam Qian intensified her glare, stood up, and declared, "I will never set foot into this house again." Hailey, pursing her lips, thought, 'She's not wanted here though.'

Madam Gao sighed, "How could you be so rude, Hailey?"

"Sorry, Grandma, I did not intend to offend anyone. However, she insulted me first," Hailey replied coldly as she rose from her seat.

Madam Gao looked at her sternly and said, "Sit, you're not going anywhere."

"But Grandma," Hailey protested, taking a step away from the seat.

"No 'buts'; you've already caused enough ruckus today. Sit."

Though reluctant, Hailey obeyed her grandmother's command. Uncomfortable, she scanned the place for support from the other old ladies present, but they had turned away from her. With a sigh, she lowered herself back into her seat once more.

Chairwoman Hang cleared her throat and said, "Now, Madam Gao, my grandson has just come back from studying abroad. Wouldn't it be best to match them both? Don't worry; I have consulted a matchmaker, and the matchmaker said they are a good match."

"That's great, and this would be a great chance for both families to unite and create a strong and prosperous union. They will go on a blind date two days from now, and if they like each other, then we can proceed," said Madam Gao.

Hailey glanced at her grandmother with narrowed eyes and whispered, "I don't think so. I don't even know him."

Madam Gao gave her a 'keep quiet' look, but Hailey refused and continued, "Grandma, listen to me. I don't want this."

Madam Gao ignored her and focused on Chairwoman Hang.

"That will be amazing; I will inform him right away,"

Chairwoman Hang said with a smile as she picked up her phone and excused herself from the table.

Madam Gao nodded, "Go on. We mustn't delay any further."

Frustrated with her situation, Hailey decided to stay silent and observe the ensuing conversation in silence as she continued to sip her grandmother's tea. The room buzzed with discussions about the impending blind date, leaving Hailey feeling like a pawn in a game beyond her control.