
SSS Class Villains

"So you at least plan to let us in on your worlds story so we don't go in blind here?" I decided to start off, after all its not a good idea to go blind into this world and it's best to know about it if we're going to be helping him out so it's best he lets us see his worlds story as it gives a good summary to use as reference.

"Hmmm, well you have a point, fine read it, it should make things easier for all of us." After thinking about it for a moment he agreed and summoned three more copies before sliding them across the table, giving each one of us one to read, which we did read rapidly all the way to the end as we all were good speed readers when we need to be.

"I see, so the main targets that we need to deal with are your old enemy All Might, and his successor and this worlds True Hero as well as the other great Hero's of the world and those here in Japan." I say closing the book and looking at him.

"You can say that yes, though I would prefer that you work alongside with my successor and show him what it truly means to be evil after all." He decides to mention.

"Sucessor? Didn't you only make him your Sucessor just so you could take his body as yours since your current one was dying?" Medusa cuts in after shutting her book and looking at the now young and healthy looking All for One.

"Yes that was the initial plan, but as things have changed I no longer need him as a candidate for my new body, but I still want to make him an apprentice of mine that I could say I'm proud of, and with his immense hatred for the world and all the wrong it had done for him so I still look at him as my apprentice and if brought to his truest state of evil, my own son is what I can see him to be." All for One to clarify about his current relationship between him and Shigiraki.

"Hmmm, so how should we split each other up? We need to deal with not only All Might and his successor, but all of the Number One Heros across the world to break this worlds society as well as other major hero's so everything falls apart." Chrollo cuts in after he puts his copy of the book away.

The Hero's we need to deal with for this mission are as follows from the info provided to us.

All Might, Japan's #1 Hero

Izuku Midoriya, All Mights Sucessor

Star and Stipes, America's #1 Hero

Jaguar Man, South America's #1 Hero

Dragon Warrior, China's #1 Hero

The Great Bear, Russia's #1 Hero

The King, Europe/UK's #1 Hero

Shaman King, Africa's #1 Hero

OutBack, Australia's #1 Hero

Kaizer, Germany's #1 Hero

Big Moose, Canada's #1 Hero

Sparrow, Central America's #1 Hero

And plenty of others I don't have the time to name off, simply put their are a lot of hero's Worldwide that we need to take down.

(A/N for any country I haven't named people can put in their suggestions for that country's number 1 hero's name if you want, which ever one I like I'll think of making it official and naming them when there mentioned)

"Going all around the world to take all of these Hero's out is going to be time consuming, and how would we get all around without getting the governments to pull out the big guns to destroy any of our transportation." Chrollo points out a problem, a problem for him that is.

"Well that's not an issue for me, after all that's why I brought her with me." Medusa cuts in and points to one of her followers who looks like a witch but has some frog like features.

I looked at her, which made her shake in what looks like fear before she pulled her witches hat down, but for some reason I could see a bit of a blush on her face.

"And with all the powers I have gotten from the quests it's not to hard to get around the world as well, but I think All for One here has ways to make it possible to rapidly go around the world right?" I say as I look over to the man himself.

"Of course, I can temporarily give you a warp gate quirk to let you and your followers travel the world with ease Chrollo, so that shouldn't be an issue." All for One nods as he looks over at Chrollo.

"I see." He says before summoning his book and going over to All for One, "Then explain it to me how it works while holding this and I'll have that ability to use, after all Nen is the same as Quirks while we're on this mission after all."

"Well this makes it more convenient, and less painful for you then." He says as he places his hand on the book while he begins to explain the power of the Warp Gate quirk before finishing and the book opening to a blank page as it fills with the information of the Quirk and how it looks as it becomes a part of Chrollo's powers for now.

"Now the real question is who is going where? Since we need to be divided into our own groups with at least two of our groups going abroad to deal with the worlds greatest hero's after all." I decide to point out.

"Well I don't mind heading towards Europe, the geography isn't much different from my world and that's a part of the world I'm more familiar with so I don't mind heading their and dealing with the Hero's there." Medusa chimes in.

"And Asia will seem like a good starting point for myself and my group, so we shall head there to deal with them as well." Chrollo decided for himself as where he and his group shall go to.

"Then I'll stay and help All for One with things here in Japan as this is for the most part the Worlds main stage." I decided for me and my followers.

"Then everything is planned out, everyone knows what they need to do, so let's get this done and finally bring this world to its knees." All for one said as he and all of us stood up before Medusa's follower cast her mathematical calculation magic to make a portal which they took to Central Europe while Chrollo held out his book as a portal appeared which he went through along with his crew in tow.

"Well then, I should let you meet with my disciple." He said before getting up and going over to an intercom system before pressing a button.

"Shigiraki, I'm sending you some more Allie's to aid you, but know this, they may help you but they are not your followers so it's best you don't order them around." He says through the microphone that goes directly to the League of Villains HQ.

"Yes master, as you say." Is all Shigiraki says before a portal opens nearby us, and with a nod to All for One, me and my followers walked through to end up inside looked like a rundown bar.

This was just the start of the rise of three world renown SSS Rank Villains the world had never seen before.

Dio's Group- Dio, Vanilla Ice & Mariah

Medusa's Group- Medusa, Eruka Frog & Free

Chrollo's Group- Chrollo, Feitan & Machi