
Villainous Dimensional Chat Group Alternative

Reboot of my Original Villainious Dimensional Chat Group, why did I Reboot this? well the whole reason i dropped the Orginal is that the direction i was going wasnt interesting and the whole entire 2nd quest that was done along with the first quest wasnt too interesting after thinking about it so ive decided to Scrap it and make this New one instead. Im sorry if you liked the Original but i didnt as much after looking back on it after making plenty of other stories since then so i decided to restart this one all over again. you can read the original Synopsis on the original one but short of it is Dio woke up 60 Years earlier than cannon and somehow got a Smartphone to make him part of this Chat Group. though this time this is completely DIO and not him merged with someone else this time so he knows his own plot being a major difference and some of the original chat group members will change as well with only a few staying from the original one. This is a complete Restart so this will go differently than before, hopefully. And the Cover is obviously not mine and belongs to their respective artist and all characters belong to their respective creators.

OneMoreScore · Anime et bandes dessinées
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As soon as I saw her a thought came into my mind, 'how sad', a thought that I was surprised I would have felt for a child before.

For the most part I care little to none at all for children and only partially for my future children and even that depends after they show their potential with Giorno being the only one I'm genuinely proud of.

She was emanating fear, but she wasn't showing it on her face showing to me that she has been through a lot, so much pain and suffering for a child to go through…. Even worse than my childhood….

I walked over and sat on the end of her bed as she stayed towards the top, as far back from me as possible.

I slightly smile as I hold out my hand, "Want to see a magic trick?" I say as I pull out a handkerchief and place it over my hand before I put the other hand on top of it.

She looked at me strangely, before I pulled it off to reveal an apple in my hand.

She was a bit surprised, but she just looked at me as she tilted her head, "Is that your quirk?"

"My quirk? Well I guess you could say it is, but it also isn't, my quirk is…." I say as I do many different things to the apple in my hand.

Rapidly age and de-age it, cut it evenly into parts before bringing it back together, levitating it, making it disappear, every type of quirk I showed it before her ever so slightly brightened eyes that looked on at my 'magic'.

And finally the apple was returned to its original form after I had my fun showing off my numerous powers before I held it out to her making her slowly reach out and take it.

"Eri, do you wish to have full control of your powers?" I decide to ask the girl who was looking all over the apple to see if it really had been brought back to its previous state.

Hearing what I said made her stop, her hands were shaking as she looked up at me, "You…. You can do that?" She asked with a bit of hope in her eyes, but then her eyes darkened again, "…. But He wouldn't like that…." She said as her shoulders shaked as some tears were on the verge of falling from her eyes.

I slightly smiled as I moved closer and brushed the tear from her face, "Him? Well you no longer need to worry about him anymore." I say as I use my hand on the apple in her hand before making it disappear.

"Because he is just like that apple, he is gone, and he won't come back." I say before I made a green apple this time appear in my hand and place it in hers.

Looking at the new apple and hearing the confidence in her voice tears began to flow from her rather downtrodden face before she slowly reached out and grabbed at my jacket, "Is…. Is he really gone?" She quietly asked me with a quiver in her voice.

I just placed my hand on her head and rubbed her hair, "He's gone, and he will never hurt you again, though it's funny in some ways, it took a villain to save the life of a little girl while the 'hero's' who knew of your pain and suffering but did nothing only because saving you would break their rules they hold oh so dearly." I sigh as I hold my head as I see her fate begin to darken which makes the monster in me grin at the sight.

"They…. They knew…. But didn't come to save me….?" She said as she gripped her blankets as more tears flowed from her eyes.

"Oh they knew, but they couldn't get enough evidence to 'legally' do anything as that is against those rules that the Hero's hold oh so dear, if they break their own rules, that would make them no better than the villains they are supposed to take down, I mean I can show you the documents about you and everything else your father was doing and what they knew, and why they couldn't do their jobs." I say pulling out some 'legit' legal documents about her and the yakuza with the parts she needed to focus on was the highlighted parts in yellow.

Those areas showed what they knew about her foster father and what he was doing, but he had to many things to push the attention off of him and make those businesses look like they were owned by someone else entirely, and even if they knew what was happening to her this is something only the police are allowed to deal with, and it seems the police aren't so clean as they took bribes to look the other way.

Seeing this made her heart break and having her faith in hero's and the police shatter into a million pieces as the darkness on her fate had fully settled in, 'Time to work my magic'.

"Eri, it's alright now as the world is changing, you might not know this but the way society has been is, those so called hero's have lost the respect of the people, sure things will be dark for a long time while this change takes place, but you won't have to live through that suffering, I'll make sure of it, but I need a little bit of your trust in me to make this possible, okay?" I explain a bit what's happening in the outside world as a whole.

"But you don't need to worry about it little Eri, we being the force of change have the safest place in the world for you, and unlike those who rejected you, we will accept you for who you are, and even better give you full control of your powers." I say as I hold out my hand to her.

She was a little hesitant, but she slowly lifted her hand before placing it in mine as a golden light streams came out from my arm and gently into her, "Eri, from now on unless you say or think the word 'Reversal' your powers will no longer activate to cause harm to others around you." I say with a gentle voice as my power slowly went into her body and rewrote it as I said.

Soon the light disappeared before I let go of her hand, "Now, try using your powers without saying Reversal." I say as I look at the apple in her other hand.

She then looked at it and tried to use her powers like she always had before, but this time the apple stayed the same and didn't change at all which made her eyes widen.

"Now say Reversal and see what happens?" I say with an intrigued smile on my face.

She looked at it again, "…. Reversal." And as soon as she said that she could feel her powers going through her hand and into the apple as it began to rapidly unripen and slowly shrink before turning all the way back to its flowering state as it was nothing more than a flower it was before it became a fruit.

"There you go Eri, you never need to worry about your power going out of hand ever again." I said as I pat her head as I could clearly see the happiness in her face even if her face still stayed rather neutral as I have a good read on people.

"Now, let's take you away from this place and let you have the freedom you so want." I say as I hold out my hand as she takes it before I float her out of her bed and carry her in my arms before I help her fall asleep in my arms as the darkness takes both away from this dark and dreary dungeon that she has been living in for most of her life.

This is the next big step to her new future after all, even if it shall be cloaked in the most darkest of evil known to man.

(Dying Tigers and Buried Dragons, Fall from Grace, Complete!)