
Villainous Dimensional Chat Group Alternative

Reboot of my Original Villainious Dimensional Chat Group, why did I Reboot this? well the whole reason i dropped the Orginal is that the direction i was going wasnt interesting and the whole entire 2nd quest that was done along with the first quest wasnt too interesting after thinking about it so ive decided to Scrap it and make this New one instead. Im sorry if you liked the Original but i didnt as much after looking back on it after making plenty of other stories since then so i decided to restart this one all over again. you can read the original Synopsis on the original one but short of it is Dio woke up 60 Years earlier than cannon and somehow got a Smartphone to make him part of this Chat Group. though this time this is completely DIO and not him merged with someone else this time so he knows his own plot being a major difference and some of the original chat group members will change as well with only a few staying from the original one. This is a complete Restart so this will go differently than before, hopefully. And the Cover is obviously not mine and belongs to their respective artist and all characters belong to their respective creators.

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Challenge & The Demon Slayer Meeting

"Doma, since the truth has been revealed, tell the Night Parade to spread the word that the newer demons that they can go back to their homes and get back to their lives." I say as we both arrive in my throne room.

"As you wish Dio-sama." He said with a bow.

"Also, I have an important mission for you." I say as I turn to him, "I want you to take a ship and go to China and start making more demons, I don't care what you do so long as no major new of what you do makes it back here as I don't need the Slayers to all decide to not join us because you couldn't handle your…. Urges…."

He just smiles a bit and unfurls one of his fans, "As you command Dio-sama." He says as he bows once more before turning around and walking away to heed my commands and spread my influence outside of Japan.

Not just him but my women as well as V1 and V2 plus a few other demons headed to the current and future world powers so I can finish my conquest of this world.

So now it was the waiting game for me as I soon began to relax and read while listening to Nakime, but the playing didn't last long as she stopped and looked towards me.

"Dio-sama, Lower Moon Six Kyogai and Rank One of the Hundred Demons named Susamaru, wish to speak with you." She says to me.

"Oh? Let them in, let's see what they want?" Though I could guess why they were here, Susamaru was here to challenge Kyogai for his rank as Lower Moon Six.

And soon enough the two demons were before me as they both knelt in my presence, "My Lord…" They both say in tandem.

"Let's get to the point of why you both are here, Susamaru your challenging Kyogai for his rank, correct?" I say as I look at the both of them.

"Yes, as you say my lord." Susamaru nodded in response and Kyogai nodded as well.

"As the first rank of the Hundred Demons, you are the only one who can challenge the Lower Moon Six for his position, but you can only challenge him once and if you lose you must wait a year before you can challenge him again, Kyogai if you win you won't be challenged again at least for a month if Susamaru loses her rank as 1st of the Hundred Demons to another who can challenge you again, do you both accept this." I go onto explain as during the past week since taking the throne I made it so that only certain demons can fight for the ranks of the Twelve Demon Moons if they have the sufficient strength to claim those ranks where as Muzan didn't do that and just chose who were and weren't worthy of their ranks.

They both nod in response agreeing to the terms, "Good, Kyogai your Demon Art works best indoors where as Susamaru your advantage is fighting outdoors and in large open areas, so I know the best place to set your fight for you." I say as Nakime plays her Biwa as the room changes with the doors opening behind them to reveal a wide open room that was a 1000x1000x1000 meter cube room.

"This is where you both will fight, that extremely large room is good enough for the both of you to fight while showing all your might, rules are simple, whoever rips off or destroys the others head or at any point loses their ability to move and is immobilized and unable to attack also loses, now take your positions." I say as they both quickly arrived at the exact opposite sides of the extremely large room from eachother.

"Once the door shuts your fight begins, remember, in here I'm always watching…." I say as my voice easily echos into the room from my throne with the help of my voice being heard through their shadows.

*Clack!* and with the doors shutting the match between those two begun, but with that out of the way I returned to reading and relaxing while listening to Nakime playing on her Biwa.




Meanwhile at the Demon Slayer Headquarters.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" The Wind Hashira, Sanemi Shinazugawa, shouted out at Kanae who was only barely being held back by Tengen.

"Nothing is wrong with me, I made a decision to protect anyone and made the sacrifice to become a demon, but as you can see the sun isn't doing anything and I don't hunger for flesh either, actually I feel more energetic than before so as he said there haven't been any disadvantages so far." Kanae says calmly as she drinks some of her tea not bothered by Sanemi's outburst.

"HAHAHA! How interesting! If this is true then their would be more people of strength to protect their loved ones and those that truly need protection this way!" The Fire Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku, said in his usual cheery and enthusiastic way.

The Stone Hashira, Gyomei Himejima, was praying, "Finally, I won't have to hurt anything and anyone anymore if this is true." He said as tears streamed down his face, not of sadness but of joy that he won't have to hurt anything anymore like the gentle giant he is.

"ARE YOU ALL IDIOTS OR SOMETHING?!?! Did you assholes already what they had done to Obanai a few months ago?! We lost one of our own and you guys want to go along with this?!" Sanemi shouted out as he was getting pissed that they have forgot one of the Hashira dying after coming in contact with Upper Moon Three, Akaza.

This shut everyone up as of course they hadn't forgotten but the thought of Muzan's death meant that peace was about to come but then they found out a new demon took his place and made the demons immune to the sun but also made them lose the need to eat humans and thus helped them regain their humanity as a result, but that won't bring Obanai back from the dead.

"Obanai's death is a sad thing, but still we can't use that as the only reason to refuse to at least think over the choice we have been given." They all hear a voice as an older man approaches them as they all soon kneel on both knees in his presense.

"Ubuyashiki-sama." They all say in tandem with respect in their voice for the man before them.

"We need to think about this and not jump to any rash decisions about everything, Obanai's death was tragic, but as I said we can't let that influence our decision here today." He said shaking his head before taking a seat before everyone.

"If we weren't living in the times we are right now I would be utterly against this, but with Muzan's Death and the new 'Demon King' not slaughtering humans, as far as we know, and turning them into Demons but not showing any obvious change outwards to their bodies, I have also recieved reports that the humans that had left their villages are returning with no one being missing, but it's most likely they were all turned into Demons as they didn't want to stay outside for too long." He goes onto explain the reports he has received from the messenger crows.

"So let's discuss this in detail before we all make a decision, and even before we do that I want to know what he decides to happen to us if we agree to take his offer as if it's against our ways then we will have to stand in opposition to him, do you understand?"

"Yes Ubuyashiki-sama." They all say together.

"Good, then let's start this meeting." He says as the meeting to decide the fate of the Demon Slayers had begun.


Oh no! Obanai's dead! Curse you Muzan in taking away the only guy that was interested in Mitsuru! Now she will forever remain single unless she can find a man who isn't even remotely intimidated by her strength, I wonder if she will ever find a guy like that? 🤔