
Villainess with a Dungeon

Step into the extraordinary world of Claire Ramos as she embarks on a remarkable journey in the novel "Roxana, the Healer." Trapped inside the body of enigmatic Louise Illicia De Luca, Claire embraces her newfound role as a villainess with unwavering resolve. As she navigates the halls of the Academy and delves into the mysterious depths of the dungeon, Claire encounters new allies. Join her as she unlocks the secrets and uncovers the true extent of her powers. With every step forward, Claire inches closer to her destiny, facing challenges that will test her courage and resilience. Don't miss out on the adventure of a lifetime as Claire discovers what fate has in store for her.

Isizo · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

CHAPTER 3: Staying at the Manor

The Count informed me of the news: my enrollment at the Academy was set, exactly two months from now.

Excitement surged within me at the thought of attending the Academy. The very swordsmen and magicians I had only encountered in books would soon be part of my reality!

"I really cannot believe it! Me, a student at such a prestigious Academy? It's like a dream come true!" I whispered to myself, unable to contain my widening smile. 

"You must be quite pleased, My Lady?" a familiar voice asked.

Glancing around, I spotted the servant who barged in earlier.

"Well, yes, I suppose I am," I replied, meeting her gaze with a smile.

"Our count is far too generous! Providing you with food, shelter, and now the opportunity to attend the Academy!" She exclaimed, her voice tinged with disbelief. Approaching me, she leaned in close, whispering in my left ear, "A child of humble origins like you doesn't merit such kindness." With a smirk, she glided past me, leaving me to contemplate her words.

The unexpected encounter left me momentarily stunned. As I resumed walking, I couldn't help but wonder, "What's her deal, calling me like that?" 

Lost in contemplation, my thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the rumble of my stomach. "Looks like I got a bit too caught up and forgot to eat," I remarked to myself, staying oblivious of the things that might happen next. 

"Wait, let me think this through," I murmured to myself, trying to gather my thoughts. "A shabby room, yet an invitation to the Academy? Something doesn't add up."

"But you've been dreaming of this, haven't you?" my inner voice countered, tauntingly. "This is your chance to escape this dreary existence."

"True, but..." I hesitated, unsure of what to make of the unexpected turn of events. "Is this too good to be true?"

I paced back and forth, grappling with conflicting emotions and uncertainties.

"The how about meals? Where will I eat?" I mused aloud, furrowing my brow in thought. "Surely not in the grand dining room with the count. Then where, when, and what do I eat?" 

As I was walking and wondering, I saw a servant that seems to be working in the kitchen. Once again, I tried to just use my luck.

"Can you hand me my food?" I asked after gently pulling the skirt of the servant. The servant turned her whole body to me and smiled kindly.

"Your meal will be sent directly to your room, My lady," she said gently. I nodded and made my way back to my quarters.

I sat on my bed and eagerly waited for my food to come. " Having a room like this, I shouldn't expect something extravagant. Perhaps they will give me bread, some soup, and vegetables. That's not bad though..." My stomach growled once again, disrupting my thoughts.

"My poor little tummy..." I rubbed it gently. "Hang in there for just a few more minutes, alright? The food will be here soon!"

The door slowly swung open, and the servant I asked for food from walked in, wearing a smile that seems to be fake. She placed the tray on my bed, her eyes gleaming strangely. "My little lady, you must finish and enjoy your meal for the day," she said sweetly, but something about her tone made me uneasy. As she left, I couldn't shake the feeling that she was hiding something, and her kindness felt more like a trick than genuine care.

Hungry and eager to eat, I focused on the tray she brought me. However, my hunger turned to dismay as I inspected the food. The bread was as hard as a rock, the soup emitted a strange odor, and even the water looked murky and unappetizing. "What is this?!" I exclaimed in disbelief, feeling both disappointed and puzzled by the unexpected meal.

"Okay, Claire, calm down," I muttered to myself, taking a deep breath to calm my nerves. "It's not worth getting worked up over." With each inhale and exhale, I could feel the tension slowly melting away.

"So what am I supposed to do next? " started talking to myself. "Should I steal just to fill my stomach?"

Knock! Knock! Knock!

My thoughts were interrupted once again.

"My lady, this is Luna. May I come in? " The voice from the outside of the door asked.

"Luna? You may enter." I replied.

As she slowly opened the door, Luna entered with a tray in hand. "What's that?" I inquired.

"It's your meal, My Lady. I'm sorry for serving you the same food repeatedly," she uttered, tears welling in her eyes. 

"Luna, thank you for bringing this," I said softly, taking the tray from her hands.

Her eyes lit up at my words, a glimmer of gratitude shining through her tears. "You're welcome, My Lady," she replied, her voice wavering slightly.

Luna wiped away her tears and met my gaze with a kind smile. From her pocket, Luna retrieved a small bag and presented it to me with a gentle smile. "Candies, My Lady," she said graciously, her eyes reflecting sincerity. "It's my token of gratitude for asking me my name earlier. It really made me happy. " A bashful smile graced her features as she glanced downward.

But suddenly she sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. "Is everything alright, Luna? You seem troubled," I asked.

"It's just... I feel like I'm failing in my duties to you, My Lady. You deserve so much better," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

I shook my head, offering her a warm smile. "Luna, you're doing a wonderful job. And these candies are a sweet gesture. Thank you," I said sincerely, accepting the small gift she offered.

A look of relief washed over Luna's face, her smile returning as she gazed at me gratefully. "You're welcome, My Lady. If there's anything else you need, just let me know," she replied.

"My Lady, I'll be taking my leave. Please enjoy your meal. " Luna bowed and opened the door.

"Thank you for you kindness, Luna. " I smiled while saying that to her. She suddenly got teary-eyed, "It's my pleasure, My Lady." She bowed once again and left the room.

Luna brought me a freshly baked bread, warm soup, milk, and a glass of water. I am really thankful for her kindness. I won't be worrying about my meal today thanks to her!

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