
Leave the Villainess Alone

This is messed up I didn't plan to sleep the whole day yesterday but this body still needs some energy.

I was having a breakfast with the duke when suddenly Fabian entered the room and said something to him, which I didn't heard since they were whispering

The duke stood and walked away, Fabian also followed him right away.

Now, I do understand why I misunderstood the duke when I read the novel, he was painted bad as a father as he was often not there for his daughter.

I do understand him, my parents was also like him, they were never there for me, but what's difference between them is, he showed up when his daughter needs him, and he cares for her.

"Are you alright my lady?" Mildred went as she saw I stopped eating my food.

"I'm good, "I said as I continue eating. 


Helion is walking with his knights as they were going to the border to fight the monster, he heard that the duke wasn't still there so, he sent one of his men to tell the duke the current situations.

we were continuing walking when suddenly we received a message from Ernie.

"You're highness, the duke has already left the duchy and was now on his on way to the border," Jarnus said as he read the message that Ernie sent.

Helion just nodded and try to think, he knew that the duke cared for his daughter since he saw how he do some simple thing secretly for his daughter but he too was wondering why would the duke fell for his daughter charade?

He heard in Count Bellos party that Lady Acantha Solaris did everything to get her father's attention and I wonder if the Duke who seems to be so busy fighting will leave the border for his daughter's whims.

Helion haven't seen the girl after he went to fought on the border when he was twelve years old. she used to be that kid who always follows them around, and he heard that she was the one who insisted for the party time to change because she had an accident.

"Tell Ernie to stay there and try to know about the duke's daughter," Helion said as he ride his horse.

Jarnus followed Helion and send some message to Ernie.


Acantha decided to went out from the Duchy palace that day as she was bored, she wanted to explore the place that she once read in a novel. 

Mildred went with her and they were now at the market trying to look something that might get her attention.

We went inside the jewelry shop and I saw there are so many beautiful jewels. I tried looking at necklaces and some rings.

"Welcome to our shop Lady Noraya," the man said as he bows to woman named Noraya who just smiled at him sweetly.

Noraya? damn, she's the protagonist of this story. What is she doing here of all place, of all time?..

And what is it? why did the man who is the manager of this shop didn't even acknowledge me? is it because of my reputation?

"My lady, that's lady Noraya Abellarde, she's the daughter of Marquis Abellarde who was a close aid to the crown prince," Mildred said as she was giving me information.

Acantha didn't knew who was Noraya at first in the novel, she just learned it when she saw the crown prince and Noraya danced at the royal ball.

But, Not me. I am Lucille who was currently inside the body of Acantha knew already who she was. This woman will be the one to cause the fall of the Solaris Duchy who was an old aid of the royal family and one of the Noblest family in the kingdom of lluminaryas

Noraya saw me and she smiled sweetly at me. "Nice seeing you here. lady Acantha," she said as she gives some courtesy at me.

"You know me?" I asked as far as I know she still haven't met Acantha yet as they first meet at Count Bellos party which I avoided.

"No one in the kingdom who doesn't know who you are my lady, after all you are the daughter of duke Solaris the most powerful man in the kingdom that even the king was afraid of him, my lady." Noraya said as she smiled sweetly but I don't like the way she said it.

It was like she was telling me that everyone here in the kingdom knows who I am because of my father, and the way she brought my father up is like she was saying that my father is even more powerful than the royal family.

"I don't like the way you talk about my father, lady Noraya." I said to her as I don't want to beat around the bush.

"Oh? Is there something wrong with what I said, Lady Acantha. "She said as she smiled sweetly and innocently like the heroine she was.

This is why I don't like her in the novel. Readers might love her as she was the perfect damsel in distress but for me she was like the one who was doing it to herself. Acting so innocent in front of her knight in shinning armor who was always there to saved her from me.

I mean from the real Acantha who was also weak to fall for Noraya's trick. Why the heck did those readers still love her? like what? they were even commenting that she was the perfect heroine for being able to manipulate the villainess. 

The story was suck, how can she gets a happy ending when she made the kingdom turned to the most loyal family that they have, the one who's protecting them from the monster attacks?


I was about retaliate her words, when suddenly Mildred stopped me from speaking. I looked at her and she shook her head and point my surrounding when I looked up, I saw so many people watching us and when I looked at Noraya she was now looking so pitiful.

"How can lady Acantha do this to lady Noraya?" I heard one of the woman said as she looks at the other woman beside her.

"Yes, lady Noraya is so pitiful. I'm sure the duke will do something about this," The woman who was wearing a green dress said as she looks worriedly at Noraya who was now showing them she was afraid.

"I'm so sorry, lady Acantha if I offended you, I was just merely saying the things I've heard from the capital since I just got back here after recuperating at my mother's home land," She said as she approached me and held my hands.

This again, she was doing the same thing as she did in that lousy novel, but the difference is we're not in count Bellos home.

I looked at her and I looked around, I saw Mildred looked at me with worries on her eyes. I removed her hands from holding mine and I heard a lot of gasps from people around us.

"Lady Acantha is really cruel, I thought she changed when she had an accident, " One man said as he looked around and everyone agrees on him.

"Let's get out of here my lady," Mildred said as she pulls me away from the crowd, and when we were out I saw the carriage carrying the sun symbol which represent our family.

I was in the carriage as I was really mad. I really have a short temper. I was trying to avoid those main characters and here one of them just ruined my plan.

Why can't they just leave me alone??

Lame update I know...

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