
Villainess: Doomsday Favorability System

[Warning: Contains explicit mature content, R18+ / Not a slow burn romance and the male leads are unstable. You have been warned.] #Reverseharem #Yandere #Infrastructure #Kingdombuilding #dotingmaleleads In the midst of her revenge, she got entangled with five men and their deadly obsession. “If you don't want me being rough on you on the nuptial night, don't stray your eyes from my figure and ingrain every touch of mine into your memory. Otherwise…” The tip of his fingers looming on the line of her pants along with the sinister tone lurking in his voice made her submit. “I'll give you a month. A month to dissolve your engagement, or I'll settle the matter myself.” She couldn't discern his expression when the forthright confession was made. Only his imposing voice that held no room for rejection lingered in her ears. Her back fell down on the passenger seat. She watched the blonde who was usually tamed like a little milk dog became an aggressive wolf, with both of his hands slamming down on the sides of her head. “Stop saying another man's name!”  “I really wish I could split that pretty head of yours to see if you're thinking of another man every time you're writhing underneath me.” The sharp edges of the scalpel in his hand glimmered under the light illuminating the operation table. A pair of hazelnut eyes drilled holes in her head, echoing its blatant intentions. The scalpel plunged ruthlessly, dissecting the corpse as if he were showing her the consequences once he finds out the truth. “You're so fragrant.” These words were whispered as the tip of his cold nose brushed over her neck. His teeth grazed the surface of her skin, struggling between cherishing and devouring her. She shivered as his lifeless eyes regained some pallor and suddenly imbued with ravenous desire. ---- Arianne never thought that she was just a character in a novel, created by a few strokes of words. As a villain, she was merely a tool to pave the way for the heroine. Her jade bracelet, which was supposed to be a storage space, was cheated from her. Her childhood sweetheart, who once proposed marriage, ended up being together with the heroine, and even her family saw her as an eyesore and drove her out of their lives. To worsen it, asteroids rained down on Blue Star and brought a potent virus that infected humans, animals, and plants. Some were lucky to awaken powers, but others never woke up again and joined the Undead legion.   Arianne tried her best to survive for 2 years in the doomsday, but she still fell under the heroine's scheme and died miserably. But for unknown reasons, she woke again a week before doomsday came, and the jade bracelet was actually a system product of a higher civilization that got lost in time and space. Arianne was bound to a Doomsday Favorability System and had the task of collecting favorabilities from specific targets called Sons of Destiny.  These Favorability points can be converted into AP, able to purchase items in the system mall. All kinds of items can be exchanged, from daily necessities, food, medicine, weapons, construction materials, and even those cultivation manuals, making her filled with hope. In the end, she glanced at the base she built full of life, the people expressing their gratitude and the five men behind her. Unknowingly, she became their beacon of hope.                                                

Realm_Spirit · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
211 Chs

The Villainess is back

(A/N: If you didn't read the previous chapter, go back and read it. It's important before you proceed. Don't ignore it particularly number 1.)

Two years and four months passed since the doomsday cataclysm, and the entire world has undergone tremendous changes. The government system collapsed.

The cities that were once filled with bustling activity became abandoned ghost towns. The streets were desolate, and traces of mottled blood could be seen in every corner. Unmanned vehicles are messily scattered everywhere, blocking the way.

The rotten smell of decayed bodies, so disgusting and vomit-inducing, permeated the air, drilling into every gap. The glasses in some establishments were shattered, and vestiges of looting and chaos remain.

Swaggering figures in shoddy clothes filled with red patches with some body parts missing growled and hissed with hunger while hunting for a meal. At the slightest sound, these figures would gather and swarm towards the source. This was basically the scene in every part of the world.

In an abandoned food factory, two women confronted each other.

Arianne kneeled on the floor, clutching her aching right wrist, which was beginning to turn purple. Veins protruding in a blackish hue were visible and quickly spread to her arm, shoulder, neck, and face. The pain was so extreme that it was as if thousands of mutated red ants were biting and nipping her flesh. However, Arriane didn't scream or cry because the agony in her heart was more overwhelming than the physical torment. She never thought her best friend, whom she treated as a sister, would betray her.

"Annette, did I do you wrong? I never treated you badly. I always listen to your request. Why would you do this?" Arianne gazed at the bite wound caused by a Level 2 Undead in a dazed manner. With her experience in the past two years, she shouldn't be bitten by a mere Level 2, but the scene from seconds ago kept rerunning in her head like a broken cassette player, mocking her for being so stupid.

Annette kicked the headless corpse of the Level 2 Undead away. It flew in an arc and crashed into the wall, leaving a bloody mark. Such a display of strength shocked Arianne. Annette had awakened healing and space abilities, and with her meager strength, she wouldn't be able to achieve such a result unless…

"Are you surprised?" Annette looked at Arianne's stunned expression and sneered. The latter's thoughts were clearly written all over her face. Annette reluctantly spared her some kindness and answered. Anyway, this fool would be dead today. She could not cause any more trouble.

"Yes, besides acquiring a healing ability and space, I also have a variety of skills. I've never disclosed them to you because you're just an insignificant NPC." Annette said such words so casually, like she was referring to some pebble on the roadside. She shed her sweet personality and changed into a different person, looking at poor Arianne with undisguised malice.

"What do you mean by NPC?" Arianne's anger turned to confusion with the development of Annette's words. She was never interested in the gaming industry and chose the finance course to be of great help for her future spouse, but doomsday came and everyone was busy running for their lives. The undead were evolving fast, and the matter of the marriage was put on hold. Arianne didn't bother Laurence because she was aware of the situation. She planned to wait for stability before bringing up the topic again.

Basked in great satisfaction for eliminating an unstable factor, she added, "Considering you're unaware of your role, I'll explain it to you. You're a villainess designed by a gaming company to hinder the heroine's way in collecting the male lead's favorability.

"What does it have to do with betraying me?" Arianne clenched her fist, enduring the discomfort and negative emotions brewing inside her. She wanted to yell out loud, but her throat was itching, and her voice was slightly hoarse, a symptom of a virus infection. Her time was running out, and Annette knew it too.

"You still didn't catch on to my hint? You are stupid. The gaming company should adjust your IQ a little." Annette smiled in contempt. For the past two years, she has been constantly grinding the male leads' affections while squeezing the villainess' value. Rising favorability value was very hard, but scheming against the villain was easy and breezy. She only needed to do little tricks, and the villain would lose miserably. That's why Annette said mocking words. Arriane was really played like a fool by her.

"Since your end is near, I'll also tell you a secret. I'm the heroine." Annette laughed with sinister intentions. She caressed the jade bangle, emitting warmth on her dainty wrist. The dress she wore was brand new. Despite the shortage of water, she was also very clean. Not a spot of her skin had dirt and grime, and even her long hair was smooth and silky. It was very evident that she had taken care of her body well and did not seem to be among the people of the end times, contrary to Arianne, whose clothes were faded from continuous washing. Arianne didn't have the luxury of enjoying such privileges. She could only afford to scrub her body with a rug and a small amount of water to get rid of the dirt from killing undead.

Annette brought the jade closer to her face and touched the smooth surface with pride. "Arianne, your jade bracelet was a storage space, and I used it to collect materials before the doomsday, and I was the one who sowed the discord between you and your brother." It was all thanks to the jade bracelet she stole from Arianne that she could have ample preparations and capital to gain more favorability. The game company arranged the prop for her, and this was one of her golden fingers. In addition, the villain's brother was one of the male leads she needed to conquer, so it was inevitable to use some tricks.

Arianne was shocked. She had given that bracelet because she wanted to repay Annette's kindness for saving her from a group of thugs, but it turns out to be a space? Aside from that, was Annette also the one behind their sibling estrangement? Recalling the accident that resulted in her brother's legs being crippled, Arianne's tears streamed down. Her voice, almost resembling the undead, echoed in the room, attracting the men outside.

Annette hooked her lips in a victorious smile. She really liked seeing Arianne in a mess. It completely satisfied her vanity.

Arianne cried in great anguish. Creepy moans escaped her mouth in the middle. The virus finally reached her brain. On the verge of losing consciousness, Arianne launched herself at Annette.

Annette wanted to dodge, but the game notification popped up, warning her of the male leads' presence nearby. Annette quickly acted scared and sobbed.

Laurence saw Arianne's horrid appearance and prevented her from touching Annette.


Laurence's kick, filled with great force, sent Arianne several meters away.

"Brother Laurence, I'm sorry; Sister Arianne was bitten because of me." Annette buried her face in Laurence's arms. Her hot tears stained the man's shirt, scalding him in the process. His heart ached, and he wished he could dispel her sadness.

The latter comforted her, saying, "Accidents happen frequently. You are not to blame." His eyes laced with affection brushed over her trembling form distressed.

The men looked at Laurence in dissatisfaction but didn't intervene; instead, they approached Arianne and bombarded her with their abilities.

Arianne didn't resist. Her eyes were only looking at the two, displaying their intimacy. Laurence didn't even look at her in this final moment, as if she were nothing but a stranger.

Arianne realized that she was really a fool. Annette was right. She was really a fool!

The last thoughts brought her dread and despair as she took the last breath of her miserable life. Arianne wished she could start over again and let Annette and all those people who hurt her pay with their lives.

In an angle Laurence didn't see, Annette smiled from ear to ear while listening to the system notification rewarding her for eliminating the villain.


Year 3023, July 13

In a grand villa, a woman possessing a charming face, entrancing men and envied by women stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her hand gripped the handle of the mirror tightly, the spirit of vengeance flowing in her veins.

She recalled the scene she witnessed before her death and laughed sarcastically. The reflection in the mirror followed her actions. Arianne stopped laughing and caressed her youthful visage while glossing over the information Annette had revealed before she was killed.

Then Arianne smiled, and in a voice no one could hear, she whispered, "Annette, the Villainess is back."

I always like villainess stories.

Are you same as well? (ㆁωㆁ)

Your every subscription, vote, ticket, comment, gift and review will mean a lot to me! It keeps me motivated to continue the story. (◕ᴗ◕✿)

I will not be able to earn income until October. ಥ‿ಥ, but I'll try to update consistently. Hopefully, you'll continue to support me.

Anyhow, enjoy! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Realm_Spiritcreators' thoughts