
Villain x Villain

Keith Rovan, a crazy guy who got transmigrated inside a novel as an extra named Eric Jonas. In the novel, Eric was a child who never received any kind of love or affection from his family because of that, the struggle he had to face are numerous. However, the silent endurance of his hardship, slowly leads him to the edge of suicide as an escape from the cruel world. Who wants to live and die like that character, especially Keith who had an polar opposite character of weak Eric. So eventually, he decides to change the original plot. Not by acting as an angel, instead a devil who lives for his own desires without concerning anything. He never hesitates to dominate over others or eliminate the ones that dare to cross his path. However, his path dramatically leads him towards the future ultimate villain, Abaddon Mir. They are born enemies because of their families, rivals in name, but what crazier is… with time, the rivals are turning into toxic lovers.

Black_Queen666 · LGBT+
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76 Chs

An Angel In My Room!

"Young master, what exactly are you planning?" At midnight, standing in front of the huge wall that protect the Mir mansion, Aiden anxiously asked Eric.

Because of Eric's stubborn behavior, Aiden had no choice left rather than coming with him to their rival's house in the night. However, he couldn't understand why they are standing in front of the huge wall instead of going through the main gate in a proper manner.

"Can't you guess?" With a sly smile, Eric answered the question with another question.

"Don't tell me, we are going to climb this wall to enter… It's trespassing, more than it's our enemy's house… Are you aware of the consequence, if we get caught?" Aiden tries to change Eric's mindset while helping him to see the big picture of reality.

"Don't worry, it's not we, only me… I'm not that stone heart man, who would let kiddos do such dangerous things…" In a Proud way, Eric continued. "So, now help me to climb the wall."

"Are you out of your mind? What if someone recognizes you? Don't take this matter so lightly…"

"Aiden, Aiden cool down. Let me explain, look what I got for your worries to go away…" Taking out a masquerade mask, Eric continued. "No one will recognize me even if something goes wrong. You know, I have my own ways to handle things like this…" Wearing the golden butterfly pattern mask on his face which matches his blonde hair, Eric got ready to climb the wall while stretching his body.

Hearing all this, Aiden was sure about one thing, his young master is up to do something weird again. But what?

'Did he plan to beat Abram or Aisha in the middle of the night under their roof, or planning to kill them… No, no he isn't that idiot enough to do such things… If both options are wrong, then is he here to secretly apologize to them for what happened earlier?

Maybe it's the case…' Thinking about all aspects, Aiden ends up in a complete misunderstanding.

"Young master, do you think they will really not recognize you just by wearing a mask? Are you that stupid? Most of the people know, the black hair and bluish pupils are the direct linkage traits of white dragon descendants, blonde hair and golden pupils are black dragons… So, wear this hoodie too…" Knowing it was impossible to break Eric's spirit, Aiden agreed to his plan by giving him his hoodie to cover Eric's hair.

A few moments later.

"You can do it Aiden, a little bit more…I almost reached…" Encouraging Aiden, while standing on his shoulders to get a grip of the wall to climb, Eric spoke.

"I must put a diet on your schedule, you are quite heavy."

"If you have a death wish, then try it…"

"Haa…Young master, how long it takes you to have to come back?"

"Almost 30 minutes, maybe it can exceed to 1 hour. Why? are you going to wait here for me?"

"Of course, I'm gonna wait here. How can I leave you here with peace of mind? Who knows what you are up to now?"

"Are you worried about me or them?"

"Don't spout nonsense, just focus on jumping over the wall. My shoulder bones are breaking down…"


Sneak inside the Mir mansion, by taking all risk… All of this is to meet that guy who was the ultimate villain in the novel. Keith imagined the face many times while reading the novel, but imagination and reality can be different in many aspects. So knowing the face is really important, especially when he already meet two Mir descendants in an unforgettable way.

However, the sneaky visit has two major purposes. First is to see the face of Abaddon and second is to find out the development status of a villain by getting close to him slowly and steadily. So, Eric can judge, if Abaddon can be played as a chess piece in his game.

Living as Eric Jonas, Keith has no choice other than erase all the threats around him. Be it a predator or its cub, erasing their existence from the world is the best thing he can do for a peaceful life…

If its Abram, Aisha or Abaddon… in Eric's eyes they aren't different a bit, because the blood that runs through Abaddon's vein is also the Mir familys, his eternal enemy in this world.

Eric went on a search for a cherry blossom tree that was situated next to Abaddon's room (he read about it in the novel). Somehow, without catching up anyone's eyes, he finally found the tree and the mentioned room of the corner side.

With the help of the ladder that was placed next to the tree, Eric climbed to the second floor. The glass window wasn't locked, so he went inside without making any noise.

The small room contained a bed, study table, chair, wardrobe, and an attached bathroom. Anyway, the room's owner isn't there.

While checking the room to confirm it actually belongs to Abaddon, Eric's hoodie drops from his head. At the end of the search, he found a school ID of Abaddon from the desk which proved his guess was correct.

'Abaddon Mir, xxx high school, 12th-grade class 6… Isn't he the one whom I met today? Wait…but Aiden called him Aba that time… it means, Aba is Abaddon! Why didn't I realize it earlier?' Looking at the photo on the card, Eric remembered the boy who he met at school.

Suddenly, the silent atmosphere in the mansion turned upside down because of a car's horn. Many footsteps and voices can be heard from outside, Eric couldn't understand what exactly happening but he was sure, it's not good to continue here. Abaddon's room is near the backyard, no one will notice so easily if some noise was heard from the ground.

Eric decides to run away, so to check if the ground was clear he went towards the window and looked outside. Unexpectedly a voice from behind startled him.

"Who are you?"

A cold wind passed through the surroundings, the pink blossom leaves showered towards the room, the moon brightly shined behind Eric and his blonde hair lightly shine with it. Altogether, a different atmosphere was created in the room naturally.

"An Angel!!!"