
Villain: The Last Dawn

"Reborn in shadows, a villain’s guise, Alex seeks to break his fate’s cruel ties. With knowledge past and power’s call, He’ll rise, defying the gods’ own thrall." In the world of Gaia, where heroes and villains clash, Alex Reinheart, a young noble, finds himself thrust into a second chance at life. Once destined to play the role of the ultimate antagonist in a tale of war and magic, Alex now possesses the knowledge of his past mistakes. Determined to change his fate, he navigates the elite Gaia Academy, a school where the most gifted warriors and mages are trained. "Villain: The Last Dawn" is a gripping journey of redemption, power, and the relentless pursuit of a different destiny.

Roxim · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

Chapter 14: The Rusty Sword

The clinking of weights echoed through Alex's training room as he completed another set of deadlifts. His muscles burned with exertion, but he relished the sensation, pushing himself harder with each lift. The night air was cool, filtering in through the slightly open window, but sweat dripped down his brow, soaking his shirt. He finished the set, breathing heavily, and finally set the weights down with a satisfied grunt.

After cooling down, Alex made his way to the adjoining bathroom. The sound of running water filled the room as he stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash away the sweat and fatigue from his intense workout. His mind wandered to the events of the day, the various plans he had set in motion, and the steps he needed to take next. But one thought kept resurfacing—the box.

Finishing his shower, Alex dried himself off and stepped into his bedroom. The moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room. His eyes immediately locked onto the small wooden box sitting on his bedside table. He approached it slowly, almost reverently, as memories of the past few hours flooded his mind.


After seeing off Leon and Lila earlier in the day, Alex had returned to his dorm. His routine check of his bank account revealed a surprise—10 million units had been deposited. The amount wasn't staggering for someone like him, but it was still unexpected. Curious, he had immediately called his mother.

"Hey, Mom," Alex greeted her warmly as her face appeared on the holographic screen.

"Alex, darling! How are you doing? Are you eating well? Taking care of yourself?" Her voice was full of warmth and concern, as always.

"I'm doing fine, Mom. The academy is… interesting." He smiled, though his tone was as reserved as ever.

"I'm glad to hear that. I know how much you wanted to attend Gaia Academy," she said, her eyes filled with pride.

Alex paused for a moment before getting to the point. "Mom, I saw the deposit. Thanks for the 10 million units, but… could you transfer another 100 million to my account?"

There was a brief silence, and then she chuckled softly. "Alex, what are you up to this time?"

He didn't answer immediately, simply giving her a knowing look. His mother sighed, but there was no hesitation in her voice as she responded. "Of course, sweetheart. I'll transfer it right away. Just… promise me you'll be careful."

"I always am, Mom," Alex replied, his voice softening. "Thank you."

"Anything for you, my dear. Take care, and don't hesitate to call if you need anything."

"Love you, Mom."

"Love you too, Alex."

With that, the call ended, and Alex saw the updated balance in his account. 110 million units. It was more than enough for what he had planned.


Later that evening, Alex attended an auction held by the Rayah City Guild. The grand hall was filled with the city's elite—nobles, merchants, and powerful hunters. He had spotted Ethan, Liana, and Mira seated together, chatting and laughing, unaware of his presence as he took a seat at the back of the auditorium, blending into the shadows.

The auction began with a series of valuable items being introduced one by one—rare artifacts, high-grade weapons, and magical items. The crowd buzzed with excitement, and bidding wars ensued, but Alex remained uninterested. He had his eyes set on one particular item, and he was content to wait.

He watched as Liana and Mira bid on a few items, clearly interested in expanding their collections or acquiring something that caught their fancy. Then, a high-grade spear was introduced. The weapon was a masterpiece, crafted by a renowned dwarven blacksmith, and the moment it appeared, Alex noticed the shift in Ethan's demeanor.

From his vantage point, Alex could see the intensity in Ethan's eyes as he stared at the spear. Something about it resonated with him, and Alex knew exactly why—there was a hidden quality to that spear, something that called out to those who were meant to wield it.

As the bidding began, Alex could see Ethan's determination. He started bidding aggressively, and the price quickly soared. Alex smirked, deciding to have a little fun. He raised his hand and placed a bid.

The room went silent for a moment as people turned to see who had just upped the ante. Ethan looked around, trying to spot his competitor, but Alex remained hidden in the shadows. The bidding war escalated, with Ethan and Alex going back and forth, each raising the stakes. The tension in the room was palpable as the price climbed higher and higher.

The other attendees whispered among themselves, eyes darting between the bidders. Some were surprised at the amount of money being thrown around, while others were intrigued by the fierce competition. Finally, Ethan won the bid, securing the spear but at a steep cost. Alex could see the frustration in Ethan's eyes, the annoyance at having to spend almost all of his money on the weapon. It was a small victory for Alex, one that he enjoyed more for the psychological impact than the actual loss of money.

As the auction continued, a rusty sword was brought out. The auctioneer tried to sell it, but the enthusiasm in the room had waned. A few half-hearted bids were made, but most people lost interest. To them, it was just an old, useless piece of metal. But Alex knew better. He placed a bid, and without much competition, the sword was his for a modest 20 million units.


Alex snapped back to the present as he opened the box, revealing the rusty sword inside. It looked ancient, with a worn-out hilt and a blade that had seen better days. But Alex could feel the dormant power within it, hidden beneath the rust and grime.

Without hesitation, he picked up a small knife from his bedside table and made a small cut on his finger. A single drop of blood fell onto the blade of the sword. As soon as the blood touched the metal, the air around Alex seemed to thicken. The sword began to hum softly, an ominous energy radiating from it.

The rust on the blade started to peel away, revealing the true form of the weapon underneath. The hilt transformed, becoming sleek and black, while the blade itself grew sharper, longer, and darker. The sword had become a double-edged black blade, exuding a menacing aura that sent shivers down Alex's spine.

He held the weapon in his hand, feeling the weight of it, the power coursing through it. It was more than just a sword; it was an ancient artifact that held unimaginable strength. And it had chosen him.

As he marveled at the sword's transformation, a screen appeared before his eyes—his status screen.


Name: Alex Reinheart 

Age: 14 

Level: 21

Hunter Level : D 

Strength: C 

Defense: C 

Agility: C 

Stamina: C 

Mana: B- 


- Swordsmanship: D+ 

- Weapon Mastery: D+ 

- Dash: D 

- Moonlight Sword Dance: B 

- Blessing of Gaia: (???) 

- Stealth: D+


- Divine Essence: The power of Gaia's blessing continues to course through your veins, further elevating your abilities and granting you access to divine energy. 

- Mana Resonance: Your body naturally attracts and stores mana at an even higher rate, further increasing your magical potential. 

- Enhanced Physique: Your strength, speed, and durability have been further enhanced. 

- Weapon Proficiency: Due to the bond with the Celestial Shifter, your proficiency with both swords and bows has been significantly boosted.


- Celestial Shifter (Shape-shifting Sword) 

 - Abilities: 

 - Gluttony: Absorbs mana and life force from defeated enemies to enhance the weapon and the wielder's abilities. 

 - Shape-shift: Switches between a different weapons at the user's command. 

 - Mana Absorption: The Celestial Shifter absorbs ambient mana, increasing the user's mana capacity. 

 - Adaptive Evolution: The weapon evolves based on the wielder's growth and battles, unlocking new abilities.

Alex smirked as he looked at the stats. The weapon had not only enhanced his abilities but had also granted him a new skill. The Gluttony skill would be particularly useful, allowing him to grow even stronger with each battle.

He sheathed the sword, the ominous energy receding as the weapon returned to its dormant state. 

The night was quiet as he lay down to rest, the sword resting by his side. The events of the day played out in his mind, but his thoughts kept returning to one thing—revenge. 

“In order to write about life first you must live it.”– Ernest Hemingway

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