
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · Fantaisie
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137 Chs


Jasper shrugged at the players' shocked expressions and they looked at him like the foreign object he was.

"Well, goodbye." Jasper smiled "The second phase finished just in time."

"What?!" they exclaimed as they slowly disappeared

They appeared in front of Zaiden and were in awe of his new appearance. They were with Caesar this time.

"This has Jasper's gambling hands all over it." he sighed drowsily

Vance smiled, "Why don't you stay like that?"

"Because this is a form for peace." Zaiden yawned "Sadly, I can't win wars in bed."

Feathers floated everywhere and they were mesmerized by the beauty of the scene. The sharp parts of the feathers straitened and aimed at the players.

"Zaiden?" Yasmin frowned

Zaiden held a serious expression, "So...never saw this coming?"

"We were warned." Ivan smiled "But you won't kill us."


Other people rushed toward and the feathers pointed at them too.

"Grant us our wishes, Zaiden!!" a man yelled

Zaiden beamed, "But...I'm not crying anymore. You were too late, next time."

"YOU!!!" The man yelled as feathers stabbed into his body

"Next?" Zaiden asked with a smile

"Isn't that unfair?" Vance smiled "You make rules then change them."

"What were the rules?" He questioned

"To pass the test and solve a sorrow." Becca told, "We haven't solved anything yet."

"Thus is life." Zaiden smirked 

"That's why you're wicked!" A voice yelled

Zaiden's brow rose and he looked at the owner of the voice with interest.

"A hero....from Order?" Zaiden frowned after appraising the woman "To what do I owe this unfortunate visit?"

"DIE VILLAIN!!" The hero yelled and advanced

Zaiden yawned lazily as feathers flung into her body.

"Next." he motioned

The corpse exploded and quills fired everywhere. They flung into Zaiden's body and his face froze.

"It...It hurts...?" He stuttered as a red-black substance split from his mouth

"ZAIDEN!" Caesar exclaimed

The J. Family watching were shocked as well and the ceiling of the room was pulled open. Humans looked at Zaiden and some of them had beautiful wings which contrasted with their scowling faces.

Large spears plunged into Zaiden and he let out a genuine scream of agony. White tigers appeared and guarded Zaiden behind them as they snarled toward the new enemies.

The gears in Zaiden's mind moved and he glared up.

"ORDER!!!!" He roared beastly and the echo was just as frightening

The Zyder and Zander appeared as the Order warriors fired arrows everywhere. They made barriers by the order side which was at an advantage.

"We need to go to Zaiden," Zyder told

Zaiden couldn't hear his elder brothers' words nor could he think of the excruciating pain of his destroyed body. Although the bitter taste in his mouth...how could he not know what was happening? He had done it a thousand times.

How wouldn't he be aware when a knife was in his back?

"YOU-" Zaiden frowned in his dragon voice

There was an echo of different pitches for each of Zaiden's heads. The proud and rare thirteen-headed Hydra looked up at the invaders. His body had spears sticking out from all possible angles with blood dripping down profusely.

His canines ground together and the air in the room was filled with thick bloodlust. He blew out heated black flames from his mouth and took down a dozen order warriors.

"How is he alive?" an invader exclaimed "Monster."

"You...begged me....us..." Zaiden spat out "And this is how you repay us?"

Zaiden let out a pained roaring blast of laughter. His pupils were vertical as his anger furled his body. Everyone watching felt as if his emotions stuffed the room and they saw hate in his eyes.

"We will slay you, the bud of villainy," the leader announced, "As if we'd ally ourselves with you."

Zaiden's voice echoed, "You want me to be a villain?! You have it!"

A voice echoed in Zaiden's mind, "Do you...ever get tired of being the bad guy?"

His answer was the same even after all these years even with the pain of these traitors before him. Even with the uncomprehensive pain he felt, enemies on all sides and rage beyond measure pumping in his veins. It is moments like these you know whose truly on your side.

There was silence at the declaration. The Pillars were confused. Wasn't Zaiden a villain? They looked at Zaiden proudly looking at the order warriors as if unshakable with mixed emotions.

"I'll grant your wish. I'll kill the young, and the old, gnaw on the bones of the dead, and end the lives of the living." Zaiden roared painfully

"KILL HIM!!!" The order being yelled

Jasper and Maya appeared at the front. Jasper made large gold coins manifest and shielded the J. brothers.

"Think of a plan and fast!" Jasper snapped

"CONDITION!" Maya yelled

Yvette was beside the bleeding Zaiden, "CRITICAL!!"

"There's only one place to go!" Maya told and Jasper nodded 

"You better pay my gambling debt." Jasper grinned as more coins were created and sliced the enemies

Maya frowned, "QUIT GAMBLING!!"

Jasper pulled his head with his body backward and Maya swiped her hand forward. The enemies in front turned into money notes and coins.

"PROGRESS!" They both yelled

Yvette smiled, "Ready to go!"

Maya and Jasper started moving backward and revealed a portal created by Yvette. 

The Pillars saw Lucian looking at her son. She saw a person that was on the edge and tired out of their minds. Zander stood beside Zaiden and supported his heavily damaged body. His dragon scales were appearing over his body as he fought back the instinct to revert to hydra form.

"THE CEASEFIRE WITH THE ORDER REALM ENDS!!!" Zander roared in his dragon voice and the echoing of his heads

Zyder frowned with an echo as well, "You will regret this."

Lucian ran toward them with fear gripping her heart. What if the previous conversation with Zaiden was the last?

"ZAIDEN!!!" She yelled

The portal turned red-black and started to suck everything into it.

"Yvette?" Maya sighed "What's wrong with the portal?"

She blushed, "I was under a lot of pressure."

"Follow them!" The leader ordered

Zaiden grinned, "Do you have time for that?"

A report of black orbs denoting in the Order Realm earned Zaiden a nasty glare from the invaders. Fortunately, they retreated to their home realm.

The portal sucked in the J. faction, the players and some additions. They were taken to Havoc the Capital City of Chaos Realm.