
Villain Retirement

16 years old-- most boys would be falling in love, as their hormones all rise to unprecedented levels. Riley, however, at age 16... killed the world's number 1 superhero. Discord Link : discord.gg/MBbJ3jJN7Q Warning: MC is in the spectrum. Very Edgy.

Romeru · Urbain
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1145 Chs

Chapter 886: The Themarian God

"Aerith… Ross?"

The other parts of Riley's face that he hasn't used for a long time finally moved as he looked Seed in the eyes. The look of surprise in his eyes, visible for even Esme to see. There has only been a number of times that Riley has ever been surprised…

…and this was probably the most shock he had ever been in his entire life, even more so than when his favorite character died in Italian Mafia Reborn.

Several million thoughts quickly started to surface in his mind, and yet none of them could really give him any explanation as to what he just heard. And so, the only thing he could really do was take a deep breath and gulp the mug of milk in front of him.

"Aerith," Esme also grabbed a snack as she looked at Seed, "I only know of one that has that name, the Princess of Hel — she died in my world when she tried to save the children of Theran, only to be eaten by them in the end. And although my memory is a little hazy the time I was an undead…