
Try to be Human

Dongfang Bai had seen many monstrous beasts. But as she stared at the sinister glow in Huan Yi's seductive eyes, the former idol was convinced that for the first time in her life, she faced a monster. A true…unredeemable monster hell-bent on having his way with the world.

Perhaps an opportunity to change the Demon Child existed in the past. Or maybe he was this bad because he'd changed too much. But the person—no—the monster standing before Dongfang Bai was complete and comfortable in his madness.

No one could change him, and the Dongfang girl's heart tightened at this realization.

"See Dongfang Bai, when I said you were missing something, I wasn't taking a shot at your confidence issues. The main problem...is that you don't have a lick of heartlessness inside of you.

It's not your fault. You were born that way. Be it on the surface or deep inside, you are a good person. Being a good person has its perks, but good people can't possibly walk alongside me.