
Villain in the world of Naruto

Akuma, standing under the red light of the moon that mimicked the pattern of his eyes, stared at the destruction of the world. Cries, cries of despair, pleas for mercy were heard, but he only smirked and said: "Devil, it's your time!"

_DilLen · Anime et bandes dessinées
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39 Chs

Chapter 37 Preparing to escape.

Chapter 37 Preparing to escape.

Uchiha Clan territory

-Head of the clan, my ward Obito wants to graduate early from the shinobi academy and join the ranks of the official ninja. I've come to discuss this with you. - Told the elder to the head of the clan.

-Hmm? Obito wants to graduate? Why would he do that? - Asked the head of the clan.

-He says he won't learn anything new there anyway, he knows all three basic techniques of the academy, and he's also in the process of learning clan techniques. Now Obito needs the experience that he wants to gain by becoming an official Konoha ninja. - The elder finished his explanation.

The head of the clan saw nothing wrong with letting Obito do what he wanted. War time is over and his life is in no danger. And real ninja experience never hurts. So he answered the elder's question with his consent. In the morning, the next day, Obito got the news, which he was immensely happy about, imagining the great things he would accomplish in the future.

House of Orochimaru

-Let's talk more about our plan. - Orochimaru started the discussion.

-Today you will officially become a genin, and I've already sent a message to Hiruzen about it. You've already convinced Obito to do it, and the people in his clan probably won't mind. There's no reason for them to. You do the standard D-rank missions for a few days. Then you convince your future mentor jounin that you need a serious mission, not this childish fun with catching cats and cleaning houses. While you're doing the missions, I'm making arrangements with Danzo for the operation. During it, if it works out, I'll kill him. But my initial goal is to take the first Hokage's cells with me. On the same day, you're supposed to have a mission outside the village. You and I meet a few kilometers away from the village. We pretend that I have been assigned a mission to guard you from the Hokage himself, as too many talents could be lost due to an accident. While I talk to Jonin, you take the Sharingan from Obito. I'll take the ninja. Once the extra people have been eliminated, you and I take a trip to the village of Hidden Rain, Amegakure. There shouldn't be any problems. I keep in touch with Hanzo. So there won't be any problems in revealing my secrets. I will lay a huge number of explosive seals in the laboratory and in our house. I will not put the results of my research in the hands of the konoha government. - Finished his monologue, Orochimaru.

-That's right, Sensei. If there are any unforeseen circumstances, we act on our intuition. But I don't think there should be any problems. These are necessary measures. We live in a world where only strong men can rule. In konoha, our potential is limited, as is your research. You'll never get official approval for your projects here. - Akuma poured oil on the fire.

The two of them discussed a few more things, and Akuma left for the academy. On the way, he stopped by Obito to see if yesterday's provocation had worked.

-So what do you say? Are you going to finish the academy with me, or are you going to stay? - Akuma asked, already roughly knowing his friend's answer.

-I'm definitely finishing up, Akuma! Why should I stay here when I can start my rise to the title of Hokage? - Obito began to tell his dreams again.

So over Obito's unceasing chatter, the two reached their classroom. Akuma called for the academy sensei.

-Uzuki-sensei, have you been informed of our wish to graduate early? - Asked the teacher Akuma

-Yes, they did. Well, I believe in you. your knowledge and strength exceeds what the academy is supposed to teach, so there is no point in keeping you here. Good luck in the future, my other students. The exam will take place tonight. First a written knowledge test, then you will be required to demonstrate one of the academy techniques. The choice will be made by the committee. They will also assess whether you are worthy of becoming a genin or not. - Sensei told me how the exam would go. Learning that everything was going as he had planned, Akuma grinned intensely in the back of his mind, but didn't show it with his face in any way.


Mission "Escape from Konoha" generated

Conditions: Make an escape from the Village of the Hidden Leaf. The mission will be considered successful when you are more than 50 kilometers beyond Konoha.

Mission Reward: +10 to all characteristics, "Element of Lightning: Electricity Wave" technique

Punishment: Death.

"It's been a long time since I've had a mission," Akuma thought to himself. "Finally a long-awaited attack technique. Even though it's only rank C, there's nothing in my arsenal right now besides the basic techniques of the academy and the chakra scalpel that I can use effectively in combat.

Obito went home. He wanted to be as prepared as possible for the written exam. Akuma simply strolled through the streets of Konoha, waiting for the evening to come and talking to Yuya at the same time.

The Third Hokage's Office

-What do you mean you gave them permission to finish the academy? - Danzo was indignant.

-Calm down, Danzo. We'll introduce them to the great Jonin. The White Fang of Konoha recently returned from his mission. He has a son of his own, so it would be good for him to be the jonin of the genin team. He would also be able to spend more time with his son while in Konoha. Of course along with that I will provide some ninja to protect those children. Extra security never hurts. Along with these two, Minato Namikaze is also on the team. At first I wanted to send him to the team along with Jiraiya, but I thought it would be better to put together a team of fully talented kids. This Minato has a lot of talent and a rare aptitude for spatio-temporal jutsu. That is my final decision. - Hiruzen put an end to their conversation.

Realizing that this conversation was over, Danzo grudgingly walked out of his old friend's office. "No, Hiruzen, you are not fit to be the Hokage of Konoha. You are too soft-spoken. You don't see the danger this child poses. I'll have to talk to Orochimaru again about transplanting the first Hokage's cells into me. Let him demand what he wants. If they make me stronger, then I'll have the Hokage in my hands." - Danzo made plans in his head.

-Eagle, deliver this message to Orochimaru! - Danzo said in a commanding voice to the ninja who appeared,

-Yes, Lord Danzo! - Said the root ninja, disappearing.

The evening of the same day. Shinobi Academy.

There were three children standing near the entrance to the academy. Two of them were chatting with each other, until the third one standing decided to approach them. The yellow-haired one asked:

-Hello, are you the one taking the genin exam?

Akuma, turned to the guy who had asked the question. "That's Minato," Akuma thought to himself. "What's he doing here?"

-Yes, we are! - Obito answered loudly.

-So you'll be my future teammates. Sensei came to me today and asked me to finish my training in order to be on the same team as the talents. I take it you're Obito and you're Akuma? I'd like to meet you! - Minato said with a smile.

At that moment a teacher came out from behind the doors of the academy and led all three of them into the room where the exam was taking place.

The written exam began. Akuma, like Minato, answered the given questions easily. The exam included geography, math, and history. Obito had a hard time. He answered less than half the questions in half the time. Already starting to get discouraged, he noticed that a sheet of answers written by Akuma was near his foot. He used chakra threads to quietly slip the sheet under the desks to Obito's feet. The Uchiha smiled beamingly and began to rewrite the answers as Akuma went to turn in his work.

-That's it? - The teacher who was watching looked at the time; there was still a third of the time left until the end of the exam.

-Yes, that's it- Akuma answered calmly.

-Okay. Go to the first floor. That's where the second part of the exam will take place.

Akuma made his way down to the right place alone. On the way, he reflected that the third member of their team was Minato Namikaze. "No, he mustn't ruin my plan. With Orochimaru's help, I can definitely escape. But this guy really is a monster.Even though he hasn't even begun his training with Jiraiya, his characteristics are very high," Akuma thought, remembering what he saw earlier.


Name: Minato Namikaze

Age: 10 years

Gender: Male

Strength: 79

Dexterity: 92

Intelligence: 53

Wisdom: 44

Chakra: 3320

Chakra Control: 23%




Space-Time Jutsu Talent - Reduces chakra consumption for this type of jutsu by 25%. Increases the learning speed of this type of jutsu by 20%.

"Indeed, the future yellow lightning of Konoha, damn." - Akuma began to get angry about this problem.

"Master, be calm. I'm sure you'll do fine," I wanted to cheer up Yui Akuma.

"Yes, you're right, I should calm down. Lying won't solve anything. It only clouds my mind.

When Akuma waited for the others, the three of them began to guess which technique would be on the test. When it was time to take the test, Akuma went first.

-Akuma Yakushi, soon to be 5 years old. Orochimaru's apprentice. - read the teacher's file.

-So, Akuma, show us the cloning technique. - said one of the committee members.

Akuma said nothing and only momentarily folded the seals. Four exact copies appeared next to him.

-Good control. Even better than some graduates. Passed," concluded the head examiner.

-Your sensei will give you a head protector. You're free to go.

Akuma looked at Uzuki Hirashi, who was standing near the door. He gave him a thumbs up, saying, "Well done!

When all three had completed the exam. Then Uzuki-Sensei gave a formal graduation speech and finally gave the head protector to all three students.


Title Update

The title "Academy Apprentice" has been removed.

Added Ninja Genie Title

Effects of the title: + 10 all characteristics, + 60 Chakra, +3% control.

"It finally happened. The first part of the plan went well," Akuma reasoned...

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