
Villain in the world of Naruto

Akuma, standing under the red light of the moon that mimicked the pattern of his eyes, stared at the destruction of the world. Cries, cries of despair, pleas for mercy were heard, but he only smirked and said: "Devil, it's your time!"

_DilLen · Anime et bandes dessinées
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39 Chs

Chapter 18 Sparring.

Downstairs, making tea and coffee, Orochimaru thought about the questions he wanted to ask Akume. Suddenly he heard the skip of the bed I was lying on. Placing all the dishes on the table, he waited for me to come downstairs to him.

-Sit down, Akuma.-Moving a chair over, Orochimaru said. I sat down in the chair and took a cup of bitter coffee in my hands. When I heard the question I least expected, I choked up.

-Where did you come from, Akuma?" asked Orochimaru with a serious look.

Akuma's thoughts.

How do you know?! I'm sure he knows everything about me. The dog watches me all the time. He knows my whole life. He's read my file too, that much I'm sure of. Does he know something? Or guesses something.

-What do you mean, "From where?" -Sensei? I'm from Konoha Orphanage. You already know that," I answered question after question, quickly calming down.

-That's not what I mean, Akuma. I'm asking you about your family. Do you remember it? About the village you came from. Maybe from the clan. - ...began to clarify my sensei.

-I'm sorry, Sensei, but I don't remember anything. At most, it's the approximate outlines of my father and mother. They're the reason I look the way I do. I think there was also a sister, or a relative of some sort. I don't remember exactly. I can't say anything about the rest. If I'm from a clan, I'm from a weak one. I don't have a Kekkai Genkai. That's for sure. When I was about 1.5 years old my parents took me somewhere outside of our place of residence. But on the way they met ninja from our village and killed my parents for desertion, they wanted to kill me as well, but a ninja from Konoha showed up and saved my life. That's how I ended up in the orphanage. - Making a sad face I said. "Seems plausible," I thought.

When the story has too many dates or exact names and events, spelled out in great detail, it is easy to check such lies. It is much more profitable to make a story in which there is little to verify because of the vague events. Of course, there are also fools like Naruto who believe any nonsense, but that's not what we're talking about now.


For successfully deceiving one of the smartest people in the world, the Host gets +1 to Intelligence +1 to Wisdom.

"Nice bonus."

-So it is, Akuma. Hmm... Okay. Enough with the sad stuff. Let's talk about the future. Is that what you want to achieve: To be the Hokage? Or become a powerful ninja? Or to be an Iyerin? - Orochimaru asked with interest.

-Deathless- is what I want out of life. I am not interested in anything else. - I answered briefly.

Orochimaru, eyes wide open and mouth open, could not say a word.

Orochimaru's Thoughts

Is this kid kidding? He can't be that much like me. Or have I finally found my soul mate? Why is it that people like Jiraiya are born all the time, but there are no people like me at all in Konoha! Yes. This is exactly what I've been waiting for.

-Akuma, finally I have someone who understands me. - Orochimaru said in a whisper. "Let's go to the backyard and test your skills." I didn't mind that, finished my coffee and followed Sensei

In the backyard.

-Akuma, let's spar, I'll hold back my power, as you understand. Use what you know, don't hold back. Well, attack!" Orochimaru shouted at me.


A new "Sparring" quest has been generated.

The reward will depend on how many minutes you last in combat

1 minute - +1000 Ryo, -1 to Strength and Dexterity

3 minutes + 3000 Ryo + 1 to Strength and Dexterity

5 minutes +5000Roe + 2 to Strength and Dexterity. Cloning Technique, one jutsu Orochimaru

Ignoring the system message, I went into battle. Throwing three shurikens at Orochimaru, I expected him to fight them off, but there was hope for the paralyzing senbons lurking behind them. But Orochimaru just stepped to the side, dodging them. At the same time he ran at me, shifting into close combat. He held back his power at the middle stage of the genie, but even that level is difficult for me if my opponent is sober. The first punch flew out, but I managed to see that it was a trap, and at the last moment I lowered my body from the approaching leg kick. After doing a roll, I got to my feet and threw three more senbons. I needed him to be distracted for at least a minute. Slowly I took the sand in 1 hand and was approaching him at full speed; he was getting ready for round two, but I stopped in front of him and threw the sand in his eyes. He closed his eyes and playfully dodged my attempts to attack. Suddenly I felt a strong stupor, Orochimaru's eyes were all I could see, and there was nothing I could do at that time. At the same time Orochimaru, not expecting such meanness from his student, smiled slyly and applied the "Illusion Paralysis Technique"-Genjutsu applied without seals. Approaching Akuma, and about to tell him that he had lost. Orochimaru wondered. "Come on, come to your senses."


Because of his high Wisdom, Master was able to free himself from the enemy's Jutsu.

Coming to my senses, I quickly made a leap backwards, throwing the five remaining shurikens at different angles. I hadn't reached that level yet, so only three of them flew at Orochimaru. But even that gave me time.

Orochimaru, moving into melee combat again, watched my attempts to dodge. He, seeing my mistake, quickly attacked me in the stomach, but seeing only a cloud of smoke in front of him, he was surprised. Suddenly he felt a blow to the head. At the time I was throwing shurikens, 5 minutes had already passed and I was rewarded with a cloning technique. Because of my Control, I was able to apply it the first time, and with my transformation technique, I became a nearby twig. After waiting for the right moment, I quickly canceled the transformation technique and hit Sensei in the head with a U-turn. Without giving him time to get up, I ran up and pressed the kunai against his throat. and immediately I cut him off.

-Sensei, get down from the tree!" I told him. At the same time, Orochimaru, who was watching the battle, got down from the tree.

-Good job, Akuma! You know all the techniques from the Academy? - Orochitaru asked.

-No, Sensei. I don't know the Substitution technique. - I answered honestly.

-Never mind, you'll learn, but now remember you were paralyzed? I'll teach you this technique. I'll be here in 30 minutes. Go get some rest.

Half an hour later

-Listen carefully, Akuma. This technique is called the Illusion of Paralysis. You don't need hand seals to perform it. Just enough chakra and its Control. Direct the chakra into your eyes, gently, so as not to hurt them, look into your victim's eyes. Remember, this is genjutsu. It's different from ninjutsu and taijutsu. Genjutsu is created when a ninja controls the flow of chakra in the central nervous system in the brain area, affecting all five human senses. When you catch your opponent in it, he won't be able to move, but if the person has a great tendency to yin energy, he'll be able to come to his senses quickly. So you have to act quickly. Try it. I, listening to Orochimaru's instructions, started trying to perform it. My teacher began to work with a dummy to practice the technique. But I got it right the first time. Orochimaru, not too surprised by this, told me to keep practicing it. It seems that intelligence affects not only the speed of learning, but also the strength of genjutsu.


Master learned a new skill, "Illusion of Paralysis" "Status!" I commanded.

Name:Yakushi Akuma


Age: 3 years






Chakra Control:13%

Proximity to attributes: Lightning 100%


Transformation Technique LVL2 71/100

Illusion of Paralysis LVL1 10/100

Cloning Technique LVL1 3/100

Passive skills

"Shurikenjutsu LVL3 70/100

"Taijutsu Fundamentals LVL3 27/100"


10% to mind techniques.

6% to physical damage


Gaining Assassin class

Killed 2/100

Looks like it's going to be a fun night....

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