
Villain in Shepherd's cloth

AU. (Sorry for any cringe) A world of superpowers named Quinx or Quinxez (pl) has the casual hero, villain, and everything in between. With some crooked Heroes and misunderstood Villains someone has to "Have the moral high ground"

Mystice · Romance
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16 Chs

Yearning for an Oath of Unctuousness and Revenge

Zylax pants as he keels over in front of stairs that lead to a brightly lit up building that's almost entire lower front half is glass with strips of storm gray concrete and a silver metal, allowing him to see the people who are still dining in their formal suits and/or dresses. "Aren't you a predator class demi human? Shouldn't running be one of the easy things in life?" A gentle voice with a distant tone says. Zylax picks up on the voice instantly as he remembers the exhaustion and fear he felt running from it.

"If she wanted to kill me she would've already done it." whispering his thoughts out loud. "Well I realized that you are far too difficult and lucky for me to kill. So I've come to realize I could simply work you to death, and if you think this is a choice, It Isn't." Ms.Vertige lifts her hat and pulls out a black box and some papers, the black box starts playing a video of Zylax moving Duaze's body along with a clip of the exact moment they switched. There were also pictures but among them one of them stood out, it was one of Dauze sitting in a alley near the plaza where the speech was held still bleeding at the heart.

"It would be a shame if the people's suspicion about last night were confirmed, you letting someone die in your place. Let alone not saying anything about it. Lest we not forget what your parents did now officially being tied to you. Kinda paints you in a worse picture" She finishes in a sweet tone with her and Zylax's faces being close with her squatting down to his level.

Zylax's breathing goes shallow *The question isn't how badly or quickly will my family name affect it, but what will be left? I wouldn't just go back to square one. I'll have-!* Zylax's shallow breathing turns into gasps "This'll all be- It'll mean - THEIR DEATHS WERE FOR-!" Ms.Vertige interrupts his panic attack by gently raising his head so their eyes could meet "You could take my offer and not worry about failing the Equinox, You could take my offer and not worry about a thing." She says in her most gentle and caring voice.

Zylax leans in closer, now with a desperate and depressed look on his face "I'm so tired , if it gets you to stop I don't care. I don't care what you do to me, just leave my close ones out of it. "he says before dropping his head.

Ms.Vertige pauses for a minute. I think I can still use a bit of guilt to top it. she thinks before continuing in the same gentle tone "But I've never involved anyone. Every time I tried to kill you, you continuously bring people into danger. It wasn't me who invited the student council members to coffee after being poisoned that very morning, no, it was you. Just like it was you who made Dauze Creaker go onto that podium and take that bullet." her voice remained gentle but it became more and more distant as she spoke with her face now in forehead hairs distance to Zylax.

"B-but it was scheduled." he replies weakly.

"You killing them? Or was it you playing the victim? Face it you follow in your parents footsteps of murdering people, accident or not. Your existence's purpose is to murder no matter who, how, why or what. You'll kill anything in your path friend or enemy it doesn't matter. Because you're nothing but a backstabbing Fox. It's in your nature."

She's right, first my parents, now Dauze how many more? I could kill thousands if I continue down this road. When I told Dauze what did he see? What did Dauze see when we started? He saw me and thought I was a good candidate? When we started I- I didn't even know who I was, but after starting all of this I felt like I had a clue, a Piece of my individuality, and now after all of THIS! I have no clue, back to square one. When Dauze asked me to "Start the work he's planned" What did I say exactly? Did I agree or was I Interrupted before I could decline Straight. Up. I'm starting think I hate you, because right now I feel like you could've answer all of these in a simple answer. Zylax's thoughts are comforted with the world around him seemingly fades out of existence

The sky's yellow and orange hue illuminates a third floor classroom where students prepare to leave, with others staying to chat with friends .Among the mass is a white haired wolf boy looking down on a tired looking fox "Mate are you always so stressed out?" Dauze asks while looking down on a sitting Zylax. "Hmm?" Zy responds, picking his head up from a stack of stamped papers.

"I mean you watch how you breathe , step and you apologize for simple shit. You keep actin' like you owe the world something, while, in reality, it owes you. If you gonna hang around me and Shade you'll need to grow a pair. All the pain you may have felt or the mis comfort you've felt in life isn't because you're not trying hard enough, it's because the world has, and will continue to, judge you as long as you are deemed a threat by the media, and long after that." Dauze's stare on Zy intensifies.

"Doesn't change that the stare of the prey class demi-humans, or anyone that's not US ,will make you feel dirty, guilty, Uncomfortable? I don't like it, I want to make them feel. . . Like us? Feel safe, I don't really know what I really want them to feel but I know that I just want them to feel differently." Zylax states while staring hard into the stack of papers.

"I mean it's alright to change it but this approach will only change how they treat you, not all of us. What I'm trying to say is that someone can easily undo all of this because it's a weak approach to the problem." Dauze pauses for a bit, looking up at the lights before squatting down to Zylax's level "If you really want to change the world then come fuck with me after school, if not then at least tell me why you are who you are. We don't have limitless time for living and that goes triple for existing. " Dauze requests as he springing to his feet and simply exiting.

The once yellow and orange sky is now a dark blue and purple canvas where the moon is to soon appear, with city lights growing brighter upon it. But in the city lights hide the alleys, in the alley's darkness hides a path to the activities of the red light district. Where Dauze and a now timid fox boy walk through the streets. "What are we doing here?" Zylax ask shrinking in on himself a bit more. "I said you needed to relax. The red light district is perfect: Expensive drinking, Whores of all types, and last but my least favorite, Druugs." Dauze finishes the list in a joking tone.

"I thought you said a place to calm down not stress me the Fuck. Out!" Zylax hunches lower as he looks at all the people eyeing the two of them like starving lions to injured zebras. "Damn we here already? This was faster than when I came here with Shade." Dauze says waving at two females, one of the females is tall with black hair and red eyes with dragon horns, the other is short having blonde hair and maroon eyes with sapphire blue mixed with pastel purple butterfly wings. They giggle and wave back. "You say What!?" Zylax exclaims looking at Dauze, who's now looking up and rubbing his chin thinking. Damn the twins lookin busy, I was hopin' for a foursome he thinks before looking at the sky "Yeah she's a real dommy mommy when you get some booze in her almost made me want to fuck her, then I realized sex tends to ruin good things." The two stay in silence for a few seconds before the two women call out to Dauze. "Hey Zadey!", "Hey Dauzey!" the two call out giggling

Dauze stops in his tracts with a face that speaks "Oh shit I forgot something important", and turns towards Zylax "You like sex right?" he asks doing finger pistols. Zylax coughs on his held breathe "If this you askin' if I'm a virgin, then no, I haven't had sex before." Dauze does a short hum while looking up at the sky then back down "Wanna change that?" he asks doing the finger thing again while looking over at the two girls, who are sensually rubbing their bodies making their clothes tighter around the hips and chest are The tall girl squats down and spreads her slender legs with the short one keeping her hands around her huge breast.

Zylax stares at him blankly in a slightly hunched over position "I'm good-" right as he finishes, Dauze see's the tall woman finish sucking the short one's index and middle finger as she continues to rub her pussy under her pants. "I'm Tryin To FUCK!" Dauze exclaims with gritted teeth, shaking Zylax by the shoulder. "Then Fuck then. I can go and get a drink and see you tomorrow!" he retorts before dropping his head and shaking it "I honestly thought you saw or had something to help our race and those like us." Zylax continues with a depressed chuckle. A wise man once said the worst type of cock-block or blue balls- sigh -Are the ones you make yourself, Fuckin- Fine! he thinks before audibly sighing "I wanted us to both be mellowed out beforehand, but since you love your virginity so much-" he drops his head as he sighs before continuing "-I guess we could talk about this at a local bar." hearing these words Zylax's ears twitch.