
Villain: I don't care about the story

Transmigrated into the novel, but as the villain, With wealth and parents that are one of the strongest of the country. I chose to live my life liesurely. But the hero seemed to hate me without even me doing anything.

Daoistyglf7O · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

Chaotic birthday



The guests began to arrive by the noon,

Today is the birthday the heir of one of the four major noble families,

So, all of the guests were from noble standing,

The higher status nobles began arriving on enormous flying ships,

While the lower level nobles arrived in their luxurious carriages drawn by mystical monsters,


At about 6 p.m., the party officially commenced,

My parents greeted the guests as they all offered them gifts,

I was in my room getting dressed by the maids,

I am meant to go downstairs at 8 PM, so I have approximately two hours remaining,

The maids were all blushing and averting my gaze, while having a sneak peak of my face from time to time,

I have already observed this but chose to ignore it because even I can't take my eyes off myself in the mirror right now,

I am the most handsome looking man I have ever saw in my two lives,

Eventually, the maids finished preparing me and exited the room,

As I time of my entrance appeared, Mary entered the room,

But she was stunned at place as she saw my appearance,

She lost her wits as her eyes gazed at my face,

I waved my hand causing her to return to her senses,

She turned red with embarrassment as she regained her composure,

Mary said: "I am sorry for losing my composure there. but you are looking very handsome today "

I said: "So I don't look handsome on other days "

Mary flushed and couldn't respond,

I sighed and said: " I am just joking sis... why did you come here? "

Mary said: "Father said you could come down now "

I said: "Ok, I will be down in a minute "

Mary nodded and left reluctantly, looking back at me several times,

I sighed and thought: 'Well, this is time to safeguard my future '

I glanced at the mirror one last time before leaving the room and heading downstairs,

As I approached the staircase, everyone's eyes turned to me and the hall was enveloped in silence,

I descended the stairs leisurely, taking my time to show off,

The eyes of the girls were stuck on me like glue,

I could feel their predatory gazes,

This also caused dissatisfaction among the boys present here,

As I looked around the people, I found women of all ages were looking at me with predatory gaze, 

The girls' exited voices could be heard among the crowd,

"Kyaaaa.... Is that the young master of the Everheart family? "

"Father can you arrange my marriage with him "

"I didn't know, guys like that even exist "

"I want him to be my husband "

"Hey don't say that, he is engaged to the princess "

"I want to bear a child for him "

"Why didn't we came to precious year's birthday "


The Everheart family did celebrated grandly every year but only older generation would attend to give face to Everheart family as it just a birthday,

And the younger generation is mostly busy with studies and training so they couldn't come,

But this time is different as I am entering my adulthood so therefore no one wants to get on bad side of the Everheart family,

I descended the stairs and walked up to my parents and sister,

My mother hugged me and said,

"Congratulations Archie, you are an adult now "

My father also said,

"Congratulations son "

I nodded and then the introduction of the guests began,

I stood with my parents as they introduced me to other noble families,

The girls of the noble families were trying to get my attention but were unsuccessful as they saw the deathly gaze of Mary standing beside me,

It was 8 PM now and time to cut the cake,

Many nobles were talking among themselves,

"The princess hasn't arrived yet "

"Yeah, I guess we have to wait for her arrival "

"Well the young master is handsome so why does he like the princess that much "

"Love is blind brother "

A guard announced: "Attention!! Princess Emma Tudor is entering the hall "

Everyone's gazes turned to the door,

I saw a teenage girl with blonde haired that flung in air beautifully, big blue eyes that were no less then jewelries, rosy lips that were no less then flower petals and rosy cheeks entering the hall,

For a second, even I was mesmerized by the beauty of the girl,

But I quickly came back to my senses as I saw the gaze of the girl that was saying I am the most important person here,

I said to my parents: "Should we cut the cake "

My parents nodded and we all walked up to the large cake placed in the hall,

Mary stood a little far away as Archie didn't like her to be close to him when he cuts the cake,

I say her standing back with a sad look in her eyes,

I sighed and said: "Sister, why are you standing there... come here "

Her eyes turned teary as she happily stood beside us,

Emma was staring me with an irritated expression,

'So he is ignoring me now... Is this a new way for him to get my attention '

"Disgusting "

I cut the cake as my parents and others were singing the birthday song,

Surprisingly the birthday song was similar to my old world,

After that my father said: "We have an announcement to make "

Every noble's attention suddenly shifted to my father's words,

My father looked at me and said,

"I think it should be better if you do it yourself "

I nodded and came at front,

I looked at everyone and said in a calm tone,

"I Archie Everheart, hereby declare the annulment of the engagement between Emma Tudor and myself "

My words caused a wave of commotion among the nobles as they began to talk among themselves,

Most of the people thought it was a joke, so they didn't took it seriously at first,

Emma was also one of them,

She walked up to me and said,

"How dare you make this kind of joke in front of so many people "

"Are you trying to insult the royal family... do you know the consequences of your joke "

I said in a simple tone,

"Didn't you know the consequences when you poured the wine on my head "

"Why didn't you care about the reputation of the Everheart family then "

Emma veins bulged with anger as she raised her hand to slap me,

But to her surprise, I caught her hand and was going to slap her when my father stopped my hand,

My father said: "Don't, she is a royal "

Emma's eyes were widened with surprise as she clearly saw I was going to slap her,

My father said to the royal official that had taken his sword out to attack me,

"Take away your princess if you want her to live "

Then the coercion erupted from both my mother and father aiming at the royal officials,

Their weapons fell on the ground as they barely kept themselves from kneeling,

The coercion even affected the guests but most of them were able to withstand it because it was not aimed at them,

The royal officials quickly grabbed the princess and left the mansion,

I took a deep breath and said,

"From today onwards, there is no relation between the Everheart family and princess Emma Tudor "

"Also, whoever is supporting her, please withdraw, otherwise you will face the consequences "

"You will be considered an enemy by the Everheart family "

*Ding* "You changed your destiny " "Rewarded. "

Some nobles that were supporting the princess gulped in fright,

Now the nobles were sure that the Everheart family is standing against princess Emma,

So nearly all of them decided to withdraw from supporting her.

Some that were still reluctant, because the Bourbon family supported the princess,

Her mother was from the Bourbon family and was distant cousin of Archie's mother,

So some nobles believed that Diana Everheart will not abandon the third princess.


But to the surprise of all the nobles,

Diana Everheart came up front and announced,

"The bourbon family also have decided to withdraw from supporting the princess "

"So if any of you were thinking of hiding under the Bourbon family, don't get your hopes up "

John Everheart then said,

"Don't spoil the mood of my son's birthday, enjoy the party "

With this the discussion ended on the surface,

But the nobles were calculating their pros and cons,

Some nobles that spend a lot to support the princess were now in shambles,

Soon the nobles began to leave one by one.

All of nobles expect the head of the Bourbon family left,

He was a middle-aged man grey hair,

He walked up to me and said,

"Happy birthday nephew"

I politely bowed and said: "Thank you uncle. "

He then also left with a strange expression,

I asked my mother: "What happened to him. "

She said with a smile: "I might have beaten that little guy to make him comply to my request " 

I sighed and said: "Well let's have dinner "

We all had dinner with a harmonious atmosphere.

A smile appeared on my face as I saw the happy expression of my parents and sister.

'I think I am starting to like the feeling of the family '