
Villain: Femboy maker

A man turn the male character of anime/manga into the sissy/femboy. using system to make them for his own entertainment. if you are not into this so please don't read it and give review because you don't like it before you even read it. mc is straight but have a weird fetish. my English is not good but I am trying to improve it. if story has mistakes please comment than I will correct them. Story is inspired by femboy maker. it's not a copy I make the changes in it. update schedule: 1 chapter in 3 days. thanks you please support.

TrueTruth6t · Anime et bandes dessinées
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24 Chs


Mc pov:

After meeting the god of mischief. I wake up in a big room with view of stars and planets from the windows and i was on a soft. I am wearing a white hoodie and white pants.

I got up to see myself in the mirror but i was stunned by what I saw a women with teal color long hair and a flat chest it took me 15 sec to realizing it was me. I put my hand in my pants to check if it's still there.

I sighed in relief, "It's still there." I heard a sound in my head.

[Ding.....Femboy Maker System is activated]

Femboy?.... it's not going to make me one right?

[No host]

So you are a interactive system so what's the function of the system.

[System function are connected to your ability "Advance Arc of Embodiment"]

What? Do you mean connected to my skill?

[Anything you want to create will be create by system but as God loki said your skill "Advance Arc of Embodiment" has a limitation that you will only get non-supernatural things but you get your first thing free but that after that you have to pay with credit points that you will earn.]

Atleast my first creation will be free so what should I create I have think carefully about I got it,"system I want beerus template 100%"

[First template has been created]

[Host please select a name for yourself]

Yes, new life new name.

I said,"Adam Carter"

[Status :-

Host: Adam Carter.

Template: Beerus (God of Destruction) <100% >

Powers And Stats: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Existence Erasure, Martial Arts, God-Ki, Flight, Ki Manipulation, Can Create Clones of Himself, has an Enchanced Hearing, Flight, Possibly Resistance to Toon Force.

Inventory: <none >

Credit points: 0. ]

That's some overpowered stats.

So system how can I earn credit points?

[By turning male characters of anime/manga into a femboy/sissy and after that you will be given the points]

So does the character are selected by me.

[No the character are randomly selected one

At a time]

But I wanna ask why is it's famboy Maker System not any other system?

[System was generated from the deep deserve of the Host so you're to be blamed]

Ah..ok ok it's selected our first target.

Please support by power stones and telling the mistakes I make during writing so I can correct them.

Please support by power stones and telling the mistakes I make during writing so I can correct them.

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