
Villain Exterminator

in the world of superpower where 90% of the population has the superpower and some people use it in a bad way and some people use it in a good way and Sparda(our main character) neither a hero nor a villain.

SeeMeNovel · Fantaisie
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"Hehe this much money is good I can simply live my life without work " a villain saying after robbing a bank. "Looks like heroes are not coming' lucky me," thinks in his mind. "huh, no this cannot be" after looking at someone.


the villain's neck got cut down and a person standing with a sword and say "you will create problems for people here .so just die". The person has killed the thief.

the person tosses the bag to the citizen asked him "take this and give the money back to the bank".Everyone was scared by this person." I need to find other criminals fast and kill them" the person thinks in his mind.

"This is the world of beings with power almost 90% of people have powers and some people has not any power." the narrator interrupted by Sparda." oh cut the crap, basically it's just a world with power beings those who save people are knowns as heroes and those who steal and kill people are villains and I am neither Hero and nor a


"SPARDA!!!" a man is shouting from above that person and ready for a punch.

The citizens have a relief sigh and shout "LOOK OVER THERE, THE HERO 'TOMB'". The hero 'Tomb' punches on the ground and makes a hole and Sparda evade from there and

thinks "DAMN, they come fast. I will be late. There are many criminal around here and the strongest hero come after me".

"'Rehan' hero name 'TOMB', His power is Shockwave Creation. He can create shockwave from his punches and kicks and go to the maximum level which can even destroy a

whole city in just two or three powerful punches but he cannot use the full extent of his power simultaneously, this gives me an advantage but his punches are

deadly even 'Force' cannot lower the shockwave. These shockwaves paralyze the person's body and crack bones easily. He is the strongest hero. 'BUT' there is one thing he cannot defeat me even at his full power". Sparda says this to himself in his mind

Tomb starts punching continuously but Sparda is dodging it and suddenly a sword come after nowhere and it in front of Sparda's eye. It is like 4 inches away from him. Sparda pulls out his sword and block that sword and evade at some distance.

He looks at another hero and says "'White' Hero name 'Master' he can create swords and throws at someone he is the weakest hero in the 'Offensive heroes' he can

only create 20 swords at one time and need some time to create others so that's why he only throws one or two at a time.

Sparda got a feeling that someone is behind him and sees a woman who has claws leaping at him to cut him ."Shit, that's the hero 'Prototype'. Prototype, power

'Bioweapon' is a mold-like creature that can stay in human form but can create her hands into a Blade, Claws, Hammerfist, Whipfist, Trendils, Sheild and

Needle. She is the third most powerful hero".

Sparda jumped to save himself and jump towards the top of the house ." Shit, where are others ..... wait I am at the higher ground which means the gunner can shoot

me anytime, this will be bad I need to keep moving. He can control the bullet but if I move at high speed then the bullet cannot hit me.

Gunner at other building pointing his pistol at Sparda and say at his earpiece "hey Vajra he is at my sight where are you".Vajra replied "I am here where is Sparda

.Gunner replied, "look use your axe he is at the house with yellow color". Vajra turned the metal in his hand into axe and attacked him. Sparda is surprised by his attack and thinks "Vajra power 'Molding' he can turn a metal into any weapon the bigger the metal, the bigger the weapon . He is the 5th most powerful hero".

Gunner was shooting his pistol at him and Vajra also attacking at him molding his axe into various weapons and Vajra takes this fight back to the ground and all

heroes keep attacking him. Sparda has a hard time fighting them alone and at a sudden Tomb punches Sparda, throws him at the wall, and the whole building

fell onto him. Master worriedly says "You killed him Tomb"."Yes, but it's our job to get rid of the villain, isn't it." tomb worriedly replied."NO!!!!, OUR JOB




The tomb looks at the fallen building and says "N....NO WAY!! HE JUST CANNO. HOW IS HE STILL ALIVE".

From the fallen building a person is coming and say"I AM NOT A VILLAIN YOU GET THAT".

"I AM.....A VILLAIN EXTERMINATOR."Sparda saying this with anger on his face."Maybe I just use my power." translucent blue dragon energy-like form

is formed behind the Sparda."Eternal Dragon.........Eight Forge...Dragon Rush."

Sparda use the rush move and the dragon starts following his sword and all other heroes start attacking him but Sparda is too fast for them to hit and then

The Resistor has come and shielded himself in front of heroes and neutralize all the Sparda power. Sparda says"Resistor power 'Neutralize' he can neutralize any power

in front of him. he is from the defensive team."

Sparda's earpiece has sent him news that there is a person who is killing all the semi-pro heroes in front of him to enter a building. He thinks"If I just go

away then they stop attacking me so, I have to run away." Sparda leaps and tries to escape and then Force has arrived and punches him.

"Force power Force manipulation, She can control the force of anything she increases the force of her punch and even lowers the force of opponents attack. she is

the second most powerful hero."

Force punch throws Sparda in the heights and He takes the opportunity and ran away. The heroes start following him at full speed but till then he is blended into

the crowd. The villain is creating many disasters so they go after him.

After one hour,

Sparda was still blended into the crowd and look at the big screen showing the discussion of the hero organization. where they discussing the power of Sparda

.The Head of the organization says "so, what you think about Sparda and his Powers".The first person stands and says "There are some rules and regulations of this organization

that a hero must not kill a villain but he just doing that and we need to catch him. there are a 2% of people saying that what is he doing is good and the other

98% of people want him dead. I think his power is to summon a dragon".

"WRONG" Sparda says silently.

"Sir, I think it's Sword Mastery".


"Sir, I think it's healing because he heals too quickly that even a building can't hurt him".


"Sir, I think it's 'STEALING'".

Sparda stops walking and stares at the screen.

"You see that he got so many powers so his power is Stealing".

Sparda stops starring at the screen and says "WRONG. My power is not that I don't steal powers of anyone. My only objective is to kill all villains so other people

do not go through the same which has happened to me".

Suspense starts now

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