
Villain Across Worlds

- Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s) A person gets reincarnated into Remnant/RWBY with only his meta knowledge and good semblance ability to manipulate aura one problem though... His already bored what this world has and wants to leave so he'll become a villain on his path to become God and escape his world to bring despair and powers beyond that of his wildest dreams. For that he'll become a villain to do what he wants to escape and travel the multiverse to see how he sees fit no matter the cost or blood left in his wake. (Also it's Dark at times you have been warned.)

Jovami6729 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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23 Chs

Chapter 7: Emerald Forest

~Third POV~


Yang Xiao Long then begins to search around the Emerald Forest as it was misty underbrush at the time where she is walking and looking around to find a partner or her sister with no worries whatsoever calling out, "Helloooooooo? Is anyone out there? Helloooo? I'm getting bored here! Is someone there? Ruby, is that you?"


Yang stops and raises her arms not seeing a shadow quickly pass by as she then hears a rustling sound in the bushes behind her and turns. The rustling continues as Yang comes over and peaks inside asking if it was Ruby.


A low, inhuman growl is heard, and Yang's head rises as she stares at the creature Yang quickly realizes that it wasn't her sister but Grimm, "Nope!"


Yang quickly rolls to the side as Ursa charges out of the green. She gets up and activates her Ember Celica, staring at the monster before another Ursa runs out behind her.

She leaps over it, and its companion runs at her again, only to get knocked back by a fiery punch. The other Ursa and Yang charge at each other, and Yang manages to get under it and deliver several punches and a kick to send the creature back.



Yang then asked the Grimm Ursa in a joking manner to it as it began to get up Yang starts cracking a joke with it, "You guys wouldn't happen to have seen a girl in a red hood, would you?"

However Ursa Grimm merely growls at her making her reply to it, "You could just say no you know?"

One of the Ursai stands on its legs and swipes at her twice, Yang barely dodges the attacks as Yang was laughing at it thinking she avoided the attack, "Geeeez, you two couldn't hit the broad side of a ba..."

Before she can complete her insult, a single strand of her golden hair falls in front of her face and lands on the forest floor. Yang closes her violet eyes, then opens them to reveal red, making the Ursai look at each other confusedly before Yang screams outgoing super Saiyan at it, "You... You monster!!!"




An inferno surrounds Yang for a moment, and she rockets forward, unleashing a devastating combo of flaming hits and blows on the offending Ursa, making it fly through several burning trees. The other monster runs over but stops short at Yang's gaze while a tree falls to the ground behind her.

Yang angrily asks the other Grimm that seemingly stopped as she yells at it still angry, "What! You want some, too?!"


The Ursa rears up and prepares to strike... right when a whirling noise is heard and the monster makes a befuddled noise, falling a second later to reveal Blake Belladonna with her Gambol Shroud in the beast's back.

Yang pants in exhaustion while Blake recalls the weapon back to her hand, sheathing it on her back and smiling to the side to Yang. Yang, now purple-eyed again, speaks to her new partner over the smoking remains of the monster, "I could've taken him."

With that, the plot of RWBY continues to go as planned and much to Jae's joy it would…

~Jae POV~

Have to admit having girls gawking at me with my strength and my overuse of my aura was certainly a first for them to process. But then again though they never have trained themselves to the bone like I have to get where I am now with my <Aura Manipulation> at least it helped earn some points with them.

Listening to their souls or their thoughts using the air space was certainly easy enough to understand since they are in range. Although I could do without Ruby fangirling out is quite annoying.

'Whoa! That was so cool how his weapon changed and then went bam looking all cool with his weapon completely made of aura! Is that his semblance to make his weapon awesome looking!!'

'Why hasn't someone like him been heard of or at least has gotten attention before?'

'Yes!! Someone more talented than me and doesn't know me has appeared as well as treating me like a normal girl! I made the right choice in coming to Beacon Academy.'

Well at least I managed to get their attention at the very least so it won't be that hard anymore plus keeping good relationships with them would be good to have. I mean their semblances are useful you know especially a Schnee.

But for now, though I'll just have to wait when an opportunity presents itself when I get the Relic of Creation and Knowledge. By then it will be too late for them to notice but I will need allies of my own.

Emerald is already a good pick. Neo as well considering she's going to be an emotional wreck after Roman dies in canon as much as I hate to admit it I want to save him. But his role is needed for what's to come.

And the virus I have been working on is going well as well as new program functions for it when I meet with Penny. Best to have an actual android around then turn human would solidify a loyal ally to me with the powers of the Winter Maiden.


Maybe I should get the other two to be maidens as well when I leave this world for good before leaving but as well as pick out good semblances to take before I leave. By then I will be prepared for what's to come in the future.

"Hey Jae what was that earlier! Can you please tell me!"

Stopping my train of thoughts I listen in to Ruby as she pleads with me to learn what I did to use <Demon Hunter> as I see the rest of the girls wanting to know as well. Ehh…

Usually, I wouldn't want to give out what my semblance does but, in this case, though with them as companions in the future I might as well answer to give them some level of trust. With that in my mind, I began to explain to them cheerfully, "Sure thing little red. What I used is <Aura Manipulation> my semblance ability to allow me to manipulate my aura in different ways than the norm."

Explaining this part was easy as it grew to confuse Ruby and Weiss but Pyrrha understood what I meant as she briefly explains it to them or more so Ruby with her kind voice, "Oh! In that case, you can do more than the normal methods of how we use our aura right? Like us, we can shield ourselves from attacks as instructed but you, on the other hand, can go another step than us when defending because of your semblance of ability to manipulate aura how you please right, Jae?"

Nodding my head at this she was correct on that much, when my parents were alive and taught me how to use aura in ways as hunters used them, I can go a step further than them. Whenever I guard using my aura instead of an invisible shield to defend that spot, I can solidify my aura to create a condensed shield instead.

So Pyrrha was not wrong on that part but that was when Weiss asked me suspiciously at me about the move I used with doubt in her voice, "Really? How could you manipulate your aura to do that change with your weapon into something purely aura-related then?"

Not taking the chance to glance at Weiss I merely began to respond to her question in a casual voice to her while naming my attack name, "Oh you talking about when I use <Demon Hunter> on the Grimm right? I simply channeled all of my aura into Berserker for that attack then returned the channeled aura to me. Your usual increase of power boost transfer kind of deal."

That was when I heard a snarky remark from Weiss to which I didn't mind too much calling me out on naming my attacks, "Didn't think you were much of a kid to name your attacks there Jae."

I shrugged off her question as I responded not truly caring for her opinion of me naming my attacks as I like to categorize them by name from time to time, "Eh not really. I prefer to name my attacks so I can categorize them to help memorize what they can do as well as fool the enemy thinking about my next attack as I can lie in return getting them anxious. But hey that's just me so you are free to criticize all you want."

Feeling Weiss's emotions of discomfort, I think I ignore the Ice Queen as Ruby asks me more about what I can do with my semblance in her childish voice I felt Pyrrha watching me or analyzing me, "Hey Jae what else can you do with your semblance! From the sounds of things, you have plenty more in your arsenal, and also do you name all of your attacks?!"

Laughing embarrassed by Ruby's sudden questioning we continued to walk forward to our destination avoiding the Death Stalker cave in the process. I don't want to fuck that up honestly as Jaune did.

Best to leave it alone as it provides no good reason to piss it off. And just following the plot like Jaune did waking it up is no good as well since it will make the teammates look at me like an idiot to them.

Last I checked I'm NOT incompetent nor am I dumb to let that happen.

Besides that, I have to make sure I have a friendly appearance with the three for as long as I can, or at least one opportunity to get rid of them is possible. But leaving Ruby alive is something that is key to success for my plan to work along with Weiss…

At least until the Fall of Beacon as I can get rid of Yang, but I don't know if it will be worse and not make Ruby leave as planned. So that is off the table for now… but Adam however is fair game once that happens.

Especially Team Coffee as well since they have plenty of handy semblances to use especially Velvet would be ideal to have but I must either get rid of them here and now or during the Fall of Beacon.

But first I would need to collect Penny's swords as I remember from volume 8 that those were connected to her systems and when I implant them into her systems they will only activate when Penny is at her most vulnerable.

When Penny's dead robot body goes it will activate the virus building up in her system to attack her personality code making her my sleeper agent then loyal ally. But that implies I still her sword first and the virus working even though I'm confident in my hacking skills I need to see if it works…


As I was thinking of a way to corrupt Penny we manage to see the open field to see that we finally saw the temple with some guests there I smirked happily at this, "Looks like we made it out of the Emerald Forest gals. Now we can finally be accepted into our Dream Academy as well thanks for the ride here would be nice everyone."

Of course, I couldn't let them get away scot-free without them realizing that they have me to thank for their ride into Beacon thanks to my recon from the sky when I was launched. Ruby thanked me of course Weiss was bitterly thanking me which I enjoyed very much.

Pyrrha just laughed at my antics as she easily agreed to thank me as well. Now with that out of the way time to collect those chest pieces and get along with the story then shall we?


A/N: This chapter is the sample from the voting time of the traveler system fic I have go read it if you want. Also thanks to the MC allowing for Ruby and Weiss to tag along with Pyrrha and him it also allowed him to miss two certain Grimm that was shown in canon. Don't worry the next chapter is coming soon enough.