
Villain Across Worlds

- Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s) A person gets reincarnated into Remnant/RWBY with only his meta knowledge and good semblance ability to manipulate aura one problem though... His already bored what this world has and wants to leave so he'll become a villain on his path to become God and escape his world to bring despair and powers beyond that of his wildest dreams. For that he'll become a villain to do what he wants to escape and travel the multiverse to see how he sees fit no matter the cost or blood left in his wake. (Also it's Dark at times you have been warned.)

Jovami6729 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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23 Chs

Chapter 16: Crown Bunker

~Third POV~

The Crown Bunker is an underground bunker located in the middle of the Wastelands in Vacuo, near a CCT relay tower. It served as a secret hideaway and throne room for The Crown, and where its army hid.

The Crown's Bunker is an underground facility deep beneath the Wastelands, a large desert in Vacuo. The entrance of the bunker was hidden deep underground, buried beneath the desert sands near a CCT relay tower.

Inside, four paths go towards the cardinal directions. Over time, the south cave had collapsed, but there were still three choices, northwest and east. These hallways were dark and dimly lit.

The easternmost room led to a stone-carved throne room which Gillian Asturias used as her base of operations. Beside this was a large, disturbing hidden room that housed various beds which host bodies that were used by Gillian Asturias as Aura batteries.

The bunker was destroyed by a natural fire Dust crystal explosion, except for one entrance according to the novel.

Sometime before the novel, The Crown acquired this bunker and carved a stone throne room into it. They prepared a room to store Aura vessels so that they could ready their army.

At the entrance of the gate, a few members of the crown goons looked at Jae and Penny with their disguise was covered by the Gas Mask and their armbands with the crown symbol.

The guards looked at them and responded to them as they did in return.

"Fight for your Kingdom and Crown!"

"Fight for your Kingdom and Crown!"

With that, they were allowed inside without much worrying as Jae merely scoffs at the tools that were guarding the place with his thoughts, 'Tch. Do they use fucking wooden spears in this day and age? And their retard of a leader wants to go back to the dark ages? Fuck I think I'm doing the world a massive favor killing the future Queen.'

As they proceeded through the cardinal directions, they both try to look for the person who was second in charge of the crown since their leader is dead. The effects of brainwashing should wear off on their own.

The person they are searching for is Gillian Asturias.

Gillian Asturias is a character from RWBY: Before the Dawn. She was a former Huntress hailing from Shade Academy who deserted to restore the Vacuan monarchy, ruling as a queen and leader of The Crown.

Gillian is an extremely cunning individual, said to have been highly ambitious in her goals, being at the top of her class in Shade Academy. Gillian had an extreme obsession with the history of Vacuo, and delusions of grandeur, believing herself to be the descendent of royalty despite it being an untraceable lineage, and thus having the right to rule.

Coco noted that the crown-shaped mark on her wrist was said to be a birthmark proving royal lineage to her father, who showed Coco his own prior and claimed both his children inherited it appeared to be a brand rather than a birthmark.

Even while Coco questions whether it was Finn or Gillian herself who branded her, Finn's insistence that both Gillian and Jax have it and Gillian's reaction to Coco asking implies that it was her father and she was unaware.

Gillian is shown to have a very royal attitude, being very demanding and somewhat short-tempered, but still keeping a cool head. She is shown to despise Atlas and its technology like her father, to the point of being unable to stand the sight of a Scroll. She also refused to use Dust in combat and fought without it.

Despite this, Gillian's main loyalty is to her brother, truly loving him above all else to the point of helping him form The Crown and abandoning her ambitions for it. Still, she had a greater fear of death than love for her brother and was willing to betray him if it meant saving herself.

As implied by Theodore, Gillian was said to have been "corrupted" by her brother Jax's influence, meaning that Gillian might not have always been the way she was. Also, her attempts to stop The Crown and her brother upon learning of the severe threat it was becoming to their lives, show that Gillian was nowhere near as fanatic or obsessed with their crusade as Jax was.

Jae could only shake his head at the mention of that pathetic woman as he thinks to himself coldly at this, 'Good god that woman is pathetic. She was blindly following her retarded brother Jax all these years and not once did she think any different. But her semblance though would be good to have <Aura Siphon>.'

Gillian's Semblance, <Aura Siphon>, allows her to transfer Aura between different people, much like Jaune Arc. However, she is also able to drain Aura from others to recover her own, as well as store it for herself.

This adds to her Aura, forming a rainbow of color. Gillian is also capable of forming a chain of Aura by draining it from one person and using herself as a link to transfer it into another. Aura passed on others will eventually fade, and she needs physical contact to transfer it.

This Semblance grants Gillian numerous advantages in a battle, due to her being able to siphon Aura and store it in herself. This granted her the ability to continuously siphon Aura from her opponents to simultaneously reinforce her Aura reserves and protection while at the same time draining her opponents, allowing her to weaken their defenses and possibly disable the use of their Semblances.

That was another main reason why Jae came to the crown bunker since he knew that ability to have <Aura Siphon> will be great to handle during the fall of Beacon. When all the madness of the fighting begins, he'll use <Aura Siphon> and <Aura Amp> to collect from the students to finally be able to get stronger by others.

Moving towards the base of the crown bunker they easily bypass most of the guards here without many problems because they were still under the effects of being brainwashed.

As they moved around Jae and Penny purposely went towards the Easternmost room of the bunker already fully aware of where they were heading towards.

Once they reach the easternmost area of the crown bunker, they finally found their target, Gillian Asturias.

Gillian is a fair-skinned woman with black hair braided into two loops on either side. She wears a long dress with many sheer layers of blue, white, green, and purple that resemble running water, and a silver chain was wrapped around her waist matching the slim silver diadem that gleams on her head. She has a crown-shaped brand mark on her wrist.

When they enter the room they see Gillian looking at Jae and Penny with no concern in her eyes as she blindly believed them to be under the influence of her brother <Mind Control> semblance as she spoke, "You two! By the orders of your queen, you shall help me deliver this traitor to the secret chambers to be an Aura Vessel for our army! Move it fools!"

At the mention of that Jae sees a person down on the floor being is Carmine Esclados on the ground with Gillian having her foot on her head clearly showing signs of being knocked down for the count with another person next to her.

Carmine is a young woman with long back-length wavy auburn hair with a single silver streak. She also has golden eyes, freckles, and a black stylish tattoo on the right side of her torso running down to her upper leg. She wears a dark navy cropped long-sleeved shirt with a metal chain-like top attached, a silver shoulder cape with crimson trimmed and her emblem on it, crimson torn off booty shorts that match her tatter scarf, and thigh-high black leather boots with folded over tops and small lace-up detailing.

Betertilak Celadon. Bertilak is a tall, broad, and muscular man standing at six feet and six inches tall. He is described as having a green mohawk and matching goatee. He wears a brown, hooded cloak and a green chest plate over a black tunic. Bertilak has a long scar along his right forearm.

Seeing the opportunity before Jae he couldn't help how lucky he is as he took a glance at Penny and thought to himself curiously, 'Wait for a second this kind of luck bullshit doesn't usually happen to me. I know I'm not that lucky but… is Penny's protagonist powers suddenly activated on my side perhaps?'

Shaking his head at this Jae began to get close to Gillian and she managed to see him on eye contact as Jae smirked under the gas mask as he gave Penny the go-ahead to attack Beterilak with his fingers.



"What the hell -Ack!"


Before the two could react Jae already activated <Stone Glance>, <Lag>, and <Aura Amp> on Gillian as she was caught defenseless from the sudden attack as Beterilak defended against Penny's swords using his Mace to defend himself from the clash.

As the fight with Beterilak and Penny began Jae was casually keeping Gillian down at his eye distance as he made sure to get close to Carmine as Gillain spoke out venomously, "YOU! HOW DARE YOU FIGHT THE CROWN – MHH!"

Placing a foot on her mouth eating shit he steps on getting here as she tastes it having an expression of disgust as Jae began to tie her up with anti-aura and anti-semblance cuffs to ensure she is no longer a threat.

As that happens, he removes his gas mask to show his Happy Man mask as he smiles at the down Queen as the doors to the chamber were locked no sound escapes as he spoke, "Yo! I'm the Happy Man the bringer of cheers and joys to the world! And you and your dead brother have been very naughty~ Oh no how would a bat shit crazy cult around how can people be happy!"

Listening to his words Gillian's eyes widen at this Jae smirked sadistically at this as he began to get near Carmine defenseless and aura less body as he spoke to her kindly acting concern, "Oh my madam you happen to have the case of depression! Don't worry for I doctor Happy Man know the cure for this!! but be warned… it's going to hurt…"

Motioning towards Carmine's bone joints to the leg and arms Gillian watched in horror at the person she is facing as the Happy Man does what he does best…



Brings Joy to the world…



All the bones that connected the joints all broke down as Carmine was fully awake to feel the pain she screamed out in pain as her eyes shot out wide, "AHHHH!!! MOTHERFUCKER MY ARMS AND LEGS!!! I CAN'T FEEL THEM!!!"

Before Carmine suffering could continue the Happy Man began to get close behind her as he began to absorb Carmine Aura and Semblance he spoke to Gillian coldly, "You know Gillian… your Semblance <Aura Siphon> is a pretty powerful ability to absorb people aura and store them… but my <Aura Manipulation> is the superior version of yours as I not only take aura and add to my reserves but…"


Carmine began to scream with all her might as Gillian saw Jae begin to absorb everything from the Veteran Huntsman of her semblance <Telekinesis> but this is not to be confused with Glynda's semblance as they are the same but completely different from each other.

Carmine's Semblance is also <Telekinesis>, the ability to control and move objects with her mind. She has a great deal of control over her Semblance, allowing her to create localized weather patterns or manipulate her weapons in the air, as well as create underground tunnels. When using her Semblance, a golden wisp appears to emit from Carmine's hands.

Her Semblance is compared to that of Glynda Goodwitch; however, it is stated by Carmine herself that she lacks the same mastery over it as Glynda, as Carmine is limited to small objects whereas Glynda is capable of lifting large chunks from buildings.

When Carmine's eyes finally faded as the aura was sucked out of her from Jae absorbing it, he began to use <Telekinesis> to lift Gillian to his side like a force as she gulps in fear as Jae finishes his sentences with her, "… I steal the whole deal. I get their aura reserves added to my own and their semblances along with their memories of how to use them. Like I said before Gillian my <Aura Manipulation> is the greatest and superior to yours. Now then…"


A/N: Ah times like these help me enjoy writing a villain fic to show how dangerous a bad guy is when he puts his mind on something.