
Villain Across Worlds

- Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s) A person gets reincarnated into Remnant/RWBY with only his meta knowledge and good semblance ability to manipulate aura one problem though... His already bored what this world has and wants to leave so he'll become a villain on his path to become God and escape his world to bring despair and powers beyond that of his wildest dreams. For that he'll become a villain to do what he wants to escape and travel the multiverse to see how he sees fit no matter the cost or blood left in his wake. (Also it's Dark at times you have been warned.)

Jovami6729 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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23 Chs

Chapter 15: The Mirage

~Third POV~

Two people are disguised outside of a specific place as Jae was disguised as some random stranger hooded as Penny and Jae as Happy Man having his Skyspliter shrink down at the ready as one of his soul-bound weapons as he sees one of the crown places.

Smirking underneath his mask-wearing his hoodie after getting a ride to Vacuo that cost him half the day trip next to Penny disguised as he spoke out, "My, my this place seems to be quite lively despite being an underground arena. I must have the chance to get ready to visit this happy place right?"

Penny nodded her head and bowed in respect to him doing as told is her happiness to her master, "Yes master if this place as to how you say it is then it must be the case, sir."

The Mirage is a secret fight club located outside of the city of Vacuo. By daytime, it takes the cover of an abandoned Mistral Trading Company refinery.

By night, it serves as a secret headquarters and fighting pit for The Crown. The club's motto is "For Crown and Kingdom". Its emblem was that of a bar of the silver, three-pointed crown.

Originally a Dust refinery, the Mirage is a study warehouse built of steel, which would provide cover from sandstorms with ease. It had been built with shiny, reflective walls to keep the interior cooled in the heat. The building had large steel doors which were strong enough to be able to block a swing from Fulcrum without sustaining damage.

Inside, a narrow, dark hallway led to a larger room with a golden cage surrounded by tables and chairs. The Mirage had an elevated platform that allowed for an announcer to watch the fight without any danger, and comment on the cage matches.

The room pounded with techno music through speakers, and Aura boards were mounted up for audiences. The Mirage's walls were filled with a large assortment of weapons that served as decor for the club. Amongst these was one of Carmine Esclados' sai, which had been turned into pure gold by Xanthe Rumpole.

The Mirage had strict rules, in which photos and weapons were explicitly banned. It was heavily guarded by the Crown's thugs, who are identified by silver armbands.

Standing in front of the gates of The Mirage were two enforcers of the crown.

One of them is a woman with spiky pink hair, who wore a loose black robe over a white tunic. She wore a silver band around her right arm and a gas mask over her face.

That person is Rosa Schwein a character from RWBY: Before the Dawn. She was a former Huntress hailing from Shade Academy who deserted to restore the Vacuan monarchy, serving as an enforcer for The Crown.

The other one is a lanky man who wore a brown jumpsuit and combat boots, with a brown patterned bandana covering his hair and eyes, as well as a silver armband on his right arm and a gas mask. He is a pig Faunus, having ears as a trait.

That person is Argento Pocoron a character from RWBY: Before the Dawn. He was a former Huntsman hailing from Shade Academy who deserted to restore the Vacuan monarchy, serving as an enforcer for The Crown.

As Jae goes at the entrance Rosa goes to her boxer stance and Argento takes a martial arts stance as Rosa was the first to speak to them, "Stop right their stranger! What's the purpose of your visit here?"

~Jae POV~

I see so those two are guarding the place as enforcers I guess I need to gather information but from what they are up to already have a fighting stance. I guess they are cautious about me being here.

Changing the mood of the situation of the two seeing their silver crown scarfs on their arms I began to talk to them, "Ai! I was told here this was a good underground fighting club! How can I mister Happy Man be not invited to this shindig not expressing them to be happy!"

After speaking in an over-the-top manner to them the little piggy took notice of me as they stopped their stance Argento took notice of me, "Oi Rosa it's the guy that caused problems back at Vale. The crazy one named Happy Man the info broker of getting rich people accounts and robbing banks with the thief Roman Torchwick."

Rosa still takes her eyes on me as I have my mask on only getting on her nerves as she speaks to me carefully at the two of us, "Wait as in the guy that has ways of getting information in impossible ways? That Happy Man? Hmm… the king would surely need someone like him… tell me Happy –"

These two are too noisy and need to die.


That was when I took my chance to rush them using <Aura Amp> to increase the speed of my body as I managed to grab them by the neck as I managed to do the next step of chocking their necks with my hands touching them as I harden my hands to bypass their aura passive defenses as I got hold of them.

Both their eyes widen from the surprising speed and the sudden attack as I began to drain them of their auras and semblances as I remember what they can do. In the novel I know they are very tricky with their experiences, so the best way is to attack them when they least expect them to react.

You know breaking the troupe of attacking them when they least expect it honestly.

Like Happy Man trying to join them as they try to get off my grip as I held them tightly as Penny had her swords at the ready to pierce Rosa because of her busted semblance as is spoke to them as I began to drain them dry as they struggle, "Sorry you two but you guys have some very powerful semblances. I need them for my own goals to survive. Rosa don't even think escaping me would be helpful with my assistance here ready to kill. It's pointless to struggle now deary."

"COugH! You bastard!"

"MOTher! COUGH!"

They could only bark back at me as they struggle to claw at me using <Aura Amp> to easily power through their powers and strength. Thank god Jaune is so easy to kill off getting this or else it wouldn't be possible to ramp up my <Aura Manipulation>.

Rosa's Semblance is <Intangibility>, which allows her to briefly phase through enemies' attacks. When Rosa uses her Semblance, she briefly becomes a blur.

Argento's Semblance is <Lag>, in which he can make the target slightly slower than they can initially perceive, causing Argento to be able to dodge attacks he'd otherwise be unable to and deal damage he'd be unable to do. Sun compares it to playing a video game with a busted controller.

But their experiences and memories of them using them are useful for me to use especially finding out where to find the secret base of The Crown through them. Now that is handy, they trained in that area.

As I was done getting them what I needed they simply died off like that as I view the mirage place Penny asked me in a curious tone, "Master Green what is the next objective after collecting the power and auras from them?"

While it would be good to collect the amount of aura from The Mirage of this place it would drag too much attention to myself in the process. I already have a very high and abnormal amount of aura people will get suspicious of how I got this powerful in this short amount of time.

I was already very lucky to get the semblances of <Lag> and <Intangibility> by these two guarding the place. But now I need a perfect distraction to find out where to locate the members of The Crown are and take that <Mind Control> semblance for myself.

But the issue with that might bring me some unwanted attention alerting them already of what happened. Fortunately for me though these guys are completely harmless without highly advanced tech and no Dust crystals for them to use.


But it would be a waste to not at least visit this place but then again though I'm breaking daylight with this if I go inside they might be alerted by the dead bodies and no guards.


I'm just overthinking things again as the Grimm would pretty much deal with them as I need time to collect the foolish twins. Taking their identity of the silver band scarf and gas masks away from them I concentrated condensed energy of aura as I use it on the dead bodies of Rosa and Argento.


Quickly getting rid of the dead bodies vaporizing them with the intense power of my aura I began to tell Penny what our next move is on a serious note, "Alright Penny now we need to do some final things before I call Roman to tell us to come picks us up. The final thing is to infiltrate the crown and then blow it up to hell. But first I need to get my hands on <Mind Control> semblance from the fucking retard king inside The Mirage."

Penny nodded her head at me as well as saluted in my direction as we both began to wear the gas mask and silver bands with the crown emblem on them as we began to leave the area thanks to my information provided from the semblances of Rosa and Argento as I recall them to where to go next.

Packing my bag next to me I hold on to my bomb charges filled with Fire Dust Crystals and dusted versions of them at the ready in case things get ugly. By that, I would mean that it's about to get a whole lot uglier for the wanna-be king.

But hey he can only blame himself for being great pickings for me to collect getting a powerful semblance making me more powerful in the process. Most power-hungry guys have to be crazy and I'm no exception to that rule either.

Now taking his sister Semblance though will make me pretty much difficult to beat but not that I'm complaining. Now time to destroy a fucking cult down a peg and kill off the crown for good assholes!

Time for a real villain to steal the show and fuck with that King retard once and for all!

And recalling from my memories of their semblances I don't need much info to know where that Jax fucker is at as he is currently inside The Mirage. Remembering one key fact Jax situates himself in The Mirage to look for powerful Semblances for his cause.

Grinning at this I brought out my Skyspliter as I get ready to crash this party for good…

Going inside the building and seeing the actual cage fights preparing a fight I try to look for the guy I need to put down like a good old yeller.

Glancing around the crowd I managed to find a guy that has black hair which is tied into a top knot, with a silver diadem over his head. He wears a blue linen duster embroidered with spirals on him as well…

Using my aura I began to hear more of what that guy is saying wanting to confirm it's Jax I'm looking… and never mind it is his thanks to his enforcer around his person.

Umber Gorgoneion is another character from RWBY: Before the Dawn. She was a student hailing from Shade Academy who was assigned to Team FNDU after Professor Theodore shuffled teams and is a secret agent of The Crown.

Umber is described as being a young woman, fashioning her hair into dreads and wearing dark mirrored glasses to prevent her Semblance from going haywire as well as her weapon of choice is a series of whips.

Umber's Semblance, <Stone Glance>, allows her to put people into a temporary rigor mortis-like state through a paralysis stare. She is unable to control it and has to wear thick, mirrored glasses to prevent herself from paralyzing everyone around her.

It also requires her to maintain eye contact with her target, meaning that she cannot use it on multiple targets. Forcing her to change targets will release her previous victim, and she cannot use her Semblance on someone who is blind.

But I guess I found my targets as I began to use my new semblance <Lag> with <Aura Amp> on everyone on my path as I ready Skyspilter as I began to rush into the crowd instantly killing them without giving them a chance to fight back as they were slowed down.



I began to talk to the frightened Umber as I grab her by the neck beginning to drain her aura and semblance Jax looked pretty much scared as I decapitated the whole crowd of people without batting an eye on them as Umber struggle to get away from my grasp.

Jax the arrogant piece of shit then began to touch me yelling out idiotic shit to me, "You damn commoner! How dare you disrespect your king!"


Ah… a really good thing I have the <Intangibility> semblance to completely bullshit my way out of his <Mind Control> as he looked at me in shock as Penny was busy clearing up the people killing them off. No witnesses remember.

Jax looked at me as he tried to touch me again but only this time I finally drained Umber of her aura and semblance <Stone Glance> as I chose to use it on Jax as he stopped thanks to its effects as I grab his head.



Cracking sounds of his head filled the air as he tries to fight back I grabbed him draining his already weak aura as I mocked him, "Oh lookie here a poor little puppy that doesn't know its place? Don't worry I'm a professional sending you home as I did to old yeller movie ya know?"



Cracking his skull like fruit and draining his aura and semblance <Mind Control> for good Penny came to me as she asked curiously me, "Sir what is our next goal after this? Should we call Roman for the ride?"

Shaking my head at this I was feeling pretty good right about now as I replied to Penny patting her head much to her joy, "Nope I kill one more sibling today I'm about to go for the complete set. Now off to the Crown other base it is my Penny!"


A/N: Finally about time the MC needs to get some powerup soon. Absorbing some defenseless people with power semblances will be easy for him to take them all that he needs.