
Villain Across Worlds

- Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s) A person gets reincarnated into Remnant/RWBY with only his meta knowledge and good semblance ability to manipulate aura one problem though... His already bored what this world has and wants to leave so he'll become a villain on his path to become God and escape his world to bring despair and powers beyond that of his wildest dreams. For that he'll become a villain to do what he wants to escape and travel the multiverse to see how he sees fit no matter the cost or blood left in his wake. (Also it's Dark at times you have been warned.)

Jovami6729 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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23 Chs

Chapter 11: Punishment

~Third POV~

Currently, Jae was standing inside the headmaster's office as Glynda was staring daggers at him Ozpin takes in a sip of his hot chocolate and placed his mug down. Staring at his eyes of Jae he began to do his job as Headmaster as he speaks, "Now then… mister Green can you explain to me why you started to attack Team CRDL would you?"

Not missing a beat Jae responds to Ozpin honestly about what he felt at the time as well as describes his reasoning to the old wizard, "I simply felt what I did was needed to teach the idiots. How else would people like him learn not to harm the innocent like that if you can't teach them the meaning without some consequence to install in them."

Ozpin nods at this as Glynda began to lecture Jae in front of him about his actions being in the wrong him, "Well then mister you do know you are getting punished for attacking a student correct? Despite your claims of helping another student that –"

That was when Jae interrupted her with his own words dismissing her words to him as he spoke out in a bored tone to her, "Ahh~ Sorry professor but can you get your job even right? I mean it's your job to help students from bullying but here you are whining about it like I did something wrong. It's your fucking job to do it not my own to help her out."

At this Glynda glares at Jae as Ozpin looks intrigued by his words to stand against Goodwitch finding it amusing. So, with curiosity in his mind, he began to ask Jae an odd question to him in a serious tone, "Now then Green it's very rude to treat your elders like that. Hmm… ok mister Green how can you say what miss Goodwitch here is wrong? You seem to no longer care what she thinks so do enlighten me, young man?"

Jae nods his head to the headmaster as he explains to him what he thinks about the good old goodbitch in front of her and him, "I just find it that professor here is doing badly at her job. As a professor at this school, I at least expected her to stop this kind of blatant racist bullying of Faunus or bullying in general but as I can see she and a few of the professors don't keep their duties as instructors seriously."

At this Glynda narrows her eyes at Jae as Ozpin is listening in to more of Jae's words as he asked another one of his questions to him, "I see… in that case why did you bother to attack Cardin, unlike the rest. From what I have seen from the cameras of the Cafeteria I can see that you mocked every one of the bases of being a Huntsman and Huntresses for this care to explain why?"

Listening to this question Jae couldn't help but laugh at such a stupid question, to begin with getting the Headmaster and Professor's attention as he began to speak honestly, "Simple. We as huntsman and huntress's basic duty is to protect people no matter who they are in need. If those dumbasses in that cafeteria can't even do something as basic as helping others out in need in front of them, I can't help but deserve to die as a race."

Narrowing his eyes at his radical idea going Ozpin then sighs at this as he began to talk to Jae again but in a more sympatric tone to the young person in front of him, "I see… Well, then Mister Green I can quite understand why you feel like this. But do remember that everyone that you call a dumbass is still kids, so they are still learning how to become our next guardians in the future."

Jae nods at this at least he can agree with that as he sighs out loud at this as he responds to Ozpin in a defeated tone, "Sigh… I understand sir that they are still kids. I just expect them to have a more serious understanding of what's it like to be a huntsman or huntress considering the dangers they face in the future. Grimm after all isn't the only enemy, they face in the future but others like rogue huntsman and humanoid elements that come to play."

Ozpin nods his head at this while Glynda doesn't exactly fully believe his words but can't understand where Jae is coming from at least. After all, being a Huntsman and Huntresses doesn't only mean fighting monsters but also people and Faunus as well.

But then Ozpin looks at Jae with a serious expression on his face as he began to announce his punishment to him in a serious tone, "Now then Jae despite your initial place to help miss Velvet you still did break the rules harming another student. While I would've liked this incident to be put away but as Headmaster, I have to set an example to those who break the rules young man."

Jae nods in understanding as he expected this much as he thinks to himself honestly about the whole idea of getting punished, 'Yeah, I expected this much. Not all those fanfic of saving Velvet would just get you a slap of the wrist. This was also planned as well if I were to get punished after all this is the reality of the situation and as Headmaster, he has to keep the peace.'

Ozpin nods his head at this as he began to speak about Jae's punishment to himself alone as he began to speak seriously him, "Now then for your punishment young man you will be suspended for the whole month to reflect on your actions today. All assignments of your will be sent to your scroll and videos will be given once the class is over after all I don't want my students to be missing out."

Jae nods his head in understanding while Glynda looked shocked a bit but understood as Jae thanked the Headmaster as he left his office.

When he was gone Glynda was trying to speak up on why such a light punishment on Jae as she spoke to Ozpin seriously, "Headmaster! You can't be serious why would you let him get off with such light punishments like suspension! When someone does this much damage to attack a student usually expulsion of that student is requested."

Ozpin nods in agreement as his methods were too light on the subject of punishments of young Jae he met. When in the case of a Huntsman-in-training doing an attack that is too many places a danger to the students the Headmaster must place such actions and consequences in place for them.

What Jae did could result in him getting expelled for blatantly attacking team CRDL and even going so far as to cripple Cardin's reproductive organs to no longer function again. After all, they are all superhumans in strength.

With the teachings that early at the beginning of their school lives and the dangers of harming others the guardians are placed under higher and stricter rules to follow. And Jae deliberately messed with it by breaking that rule.

Under such conditions, he should be expelled from Beacon Academy because of this. But fortunately for him though his acting on getting the students to get their shit together as well as making them doubt their own words and ideals managed to sway Ozpin's opinion.

Swaying the masses alone with charisma and idealism is something that needs to be watched after all.

Especially on his trump card Ruby Rose to make her grow up a bit as Ozpin intended making her a leader was good to make her mature faster as well as have a group to stand by with her. But with Jae there influencing and shaping her to become someone strong and mature faster in the future it will be worth it.

That and maturing the rest of the students in the process will do some good for them and hopefully have the younger generation understand the importance of what's it like being a hunter in the dangerous world they live in.

But more so he sees a bit of himself in Jae being bold and going through to his ideals of what's it like to protect people who are in need making him somewhat remember his past life as Ozma and many others who had the same mentality as him.

Shaking his head he begins to bring up the writing exam to Glynda on the hard light screen as he asked Glynda a reason why he didn't expel Jae outright, "Glynda there was a reason why I didn't expel him was because of his ideas he inspires to the students. As well as not being fearful for what he believes is right but also another reason. Tell me Glynda what are the most common questions when being asked to become a Huntsman and Huntresses in the writing exam portion?"

At this Glynda could guess only a few as she spoke out what she said to Ozpin raising an eyebrow at him, "Mostly the usual like for fame, strength, wealth, power, vengeance, protecting, or something else? Why does Jae's answer differ so much from the norm sir?"

Ozpin merely nodded his head as he brings up the profile data of Jae as he began to explain to Glynda why he didn't expel him as he speaks with sympathy in his voice, "Jae Green age 17 years old. No other living relatives as his parents died around 13 years of age lived in Vale for most of his life. With him living here for most of his life those ideas of becoming a Huntsman becomes something more of a goal to the young man and also Glynda… do you want to know what his answer was…?"

Glynda hearing this makes her want to gulp her spit as she sees her answer on the screen as Ozpin voices out his reply for Jae to become a Huntsman with a conflicted tone, "The simple answer is that being a Huntsman is all that he has left. And if I don't nurture such a student then I fail as a teacher and headmaster to fulfill my task if I let him fall on a dark path. It will be my fault I let it so without giving him and others a chance."

Glynda now considers Jae's words more carefully knowing what he meant by doing a terrible job as an instructor as Ozpin made sure to make it clear to Glynda. Her heartache in an understanding of lots of kids in Jae's position to lose their families at the hands of Grimm as well understand his 'true' character of how serious he is to his role of being a guardian to the people.

And if they expelled such a student with that kind of mentality it would reflect badly on them for letting a student become rouge of their careless actions… of her carelessness of letting have a chance to go for a better future…

That was what the two thought at the least…

Elsewhere though when Jae finally left the outside elevator door to the outside hallway, he began to keep the news to himself of what he heard from the two.

He only expressed it in one emotion them misunderstanding his true character…


Once he heard their thoughts he wished to laugh at their ignorance at this misunderstanding what he meant by being a huntsman is all he has left… when he leaves for good it might as well be the only thing he left behind for them at least.

Jae only wished he could laugh loudly outside his mouth at what's going on between Ozpin and Glynda fully buying into his acting crap of being a huntsman.

Jae then thinks to himself happily as he walks down the hallway to inform his friends of the news as he thinks, 'Hahaha! Man, I can't believe they bought that good acting. I have to say writing that part was worth it if I can milk their sympathy in the process! Maybe I should get into an acting career if being a villain or leaving this world isn't an option.'


Speaking about the next part that was when his scroll began to ring out showing the name Emerald on the name tag of the number as he smiles at this as he talks to himself happily, "Oh. Now, this day gets even better with this happening just when I get suspended. Can't wait for The Stary episode to start soon. That is when I make my biggest change yet."

With that Jae begins to get his belongings but not before explaining to his team what he did he packed his things and they only nodded understanding about Jae's punishment.


A/N: What…? Did you think Ozpin would let the MC off the hook like the others saying he did it to defend a girl and get off scot-free? Hell no! Actions do have consequences as the MC already knows the rules of RWBY for doing the course of action as well as learning to accept the outcome in his favor or not.

A/N Extra: Also another thing to know about the MC is that he has well kept his act up further expressing to be an ideal someone to others for his own benefit but… while also forging his own backstory for them to find in the process sympathizing with him in the process learning his normal like the rest... and not question him in the slightest of his background or character with the other characters he interacts with leaving a good impression on them.