
Villain Above Villains

What are you looking at? You want synopsis ? Blah !! If you want to read, read it. And not then scram !! I will be little nice and give you some hints. The mc is absolutel bitch, a villain, a motherfucker who has no qualms about destroying the world for his own ambition. That's all.

Xian_Xuan · Fantaisie
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26 Chs


"Young master Hao , if you may give me the honor of exchanging Alchemy Insight than I would be grateful "

Yang Yang walks to a group of young men , with a prideful voice he asks for the young man with long purple dragon-robe to accept his Challenge .

"Oh , finally someone took the initiative to start the Gathering "

Void observes with great interest , resting on the sofa close to the stairs, he was smiling .

"That is one of the challenger who has joined Star Phoenix Family , I heard he has the greatest talent for Alchemy "

Next to him is Heng Tiankuo , with his one leg resting on another , he leisurely watches Yang Yang .

"Challenger? "

Void smiles and sips his wine , the young man was interesting in his eyes , for him he was that spark that would set fire in the forest .

"For you he is a Challenger but in my eyes , he is a very precious spark to ignite an inextinguishable flame in the forest of wonderland "

Heng Tiankuo was interested after listening to Void , with a light smile he nodded .

Like minds think alike....

"So it is young master Yang from the Ancient Yang Family "

The young man smiles , his purple hairs are tied behind , looking handsome and polite , he accepts the challenge. 

"I hope that the young master Hao would go easy on me "

The Daoist around them turned to watch them , everyone was interested. 

"So the Gathering has started "

Lord Bu with his wife , standing on the top floor , observes those young men below .

" Young master Yang must be teasing me , with my meager skill , how can I dare to defeat a prodigy like you "

Young master Hao waves his sleeve and shakes his head , his eyes were humble but confident. 

He is the fourth son of Ancient Ma Family's leader , born in the family of Alchemist , he is well versed with Alchemy Dao .

"I am fighting for the honor of Star Phoenix Family , whiles keeping the name of Ancient Yang at stake "

The young man was aggressive , not shying away from the fight .

"I am fighting for the honor of Mountain Phoenix Family , whiles keeping the name of Ancient Ma at stake "

The challenger was not afraid to challenge him so why should he , audacious , need to be afraid ?

"This —"

A young man with long silver hairs , with his silver eyes glares at Heng Xing not far away from him .

"Since it has come to this , let's see it to the end "

His beautiful face no less than Heng Xing reveals a soft smile but there was a hidden dagger behind , how dare that bitch !!

"Brother Yang has already made his move , who do you think will win ?"

The beautiful lady giving company to Heng Xing looks at the hyped up atmosphere, her beautiful smile can't be hidden from the world .

"While young master Hao comes from prestigious Ancient Hao Family known for their Alchemy Dao , in term of reputation and skill , Ancient Yang is said to be second to none "

Heng Xing shares his opinion with Song Yue , of course he also wants Yang Yang to come triumphantly .

"More than anything , it is said that , amongst all the Alchemy Childs from the Northern Heaven , Brother Yang can Rank in top hundred "

He was proud to swear brotherhood with Yang Yang , after all he is both loyal and talented .

" Young master Hao , since I am the challenger , I shall be taking the initiative tell you the challenge we are competing on "

Young master Hao nods and agrees to Yang Yang , he does not mind at all whether he makes the challenge or the other party as long as he gets to crush his opponent.

"The Challenge is simple , we will both be concocting a Divine-Grade Pill — Divinity Nourishing Pill "

Divinity Nourishing Pill is a type of Alchemy Pill that needs to be refined very carefully while using extracted Divinity , Qi Essence Pearl , Divine Bone .....

There are many ingredients used to concoct the pill but that isn't important, the most important thing about Divinity Nourishing Pill concoction is the mastery over Divinity Control .

How much you can infuse Divinity in the pill during concoction defines how proficient you are in concoction. 

"Of course , we will be using Heart Cauldron instead of regular Cauldron during our concoction "

The smile on Yang Yang widens , surprising everyone with his bold words .

Everyone was surprised to hear his challenge , normally an Alchemist would use a Cauldron to do Alchemy .

But those above the Transcendent Realm would use their Heart Cauldron to execute beautiful and high-level Alchemy .

Heart Cauldron means to use your Dao Heart to construct an Alchemy Cauldron , so to execute high-level Alchemy .

But if something goes wrong during Alchemy , Dao Heart will gravely fall in danger .

And if two Alchemy was to activate their Heart Cauldron at the same time , it means that their Dao Heart would clash with each other , hence it will be the battle of Dao Heart during Alchemy .

"Of course, if young master Yang wants to compete with Heart Furnace I have no qualms about it "

Accepting the challenge very calmly , the young man displays his confidence and unyielding attitude .

He was literally saying that he will accept all the challenges that are thrown on him , if you have guts then come to him .

"Then shall we ?"

Yang Yang walks a little far away from his opponents, finally he stands firm , slowly unleashing his Divinity via his Dao Heart .


Both parties activate their Dao Heart , causing a clash between two different Dao Hearts, an explosive gale of wind sweeps everything with them .


A divine chant hummed in the air , while powerful Dao Law started to hymn the void .

Activation of Dao Heart was not something to scoff since Dao Heart only depends on Cultivators sheer mentality and willpower .

Soon , Divinity and the Dao Law intertwined with each other , materializing into a gigantic divine furnace where Dao Law was imprinted on their body. 

"Ha "

Young master Hao roars and summons the ingredients for the Divinity Nourishing Pill from his Soul Vault , the whole world stops and the universal order seems reversed .

His Alchemy Skill was divine and transcendent , each of his moves from refining those ingredients to squeezing their essence were otherworldly .

Looking at him was equivalent to witnessing the art of a real master , he did not use those luxurious and rare ingredients nor those that have been cultivated for billions of Eras .

He only used those that are needed , using more than what is required would only cause the pill to have negative effects or failure rate increased .

"Refine !!"

Soon both parties had finished extracting the essence required for Divinity Nourishing Pill , hence they moved forward in order to refine those extracted ingredients. 


Dao Flame surged out of their body , capable of burning eons into nothingness .

Standing before those Dao Flame felt as if the world was submerging in the sea of flame , never returning from the ashes .

They burn the impurities , refining the ingredients with perfect temperature .

Soon , Heavenly phenomenon starts to project around them , everyone can feel as if their soul were the one getting refined while their body was a divine ingredient that would be used for finishing touch .

"Concoct "

Subsequently they utilize their family technique to concoct the pill , soon a divine light falls from Heaven, landing on their pill .

From here , their Dao Heart starts to attack each other , wanting to injure their opponents. 


Like a Dragon devouring Heaven , the Dao Heart from Young master Hao wants to devour Yang Yang's Dao Heart .

But Yang Yang was smiling with a fighting momentum all around his body , when he made his move , a thunderous roar caused the world to shake. 

With an overwhelming power , Yang Yang continues to crush his opponent , finally a ruthless explosion explodes from young master Hao , sending him flying away while coughing blood .

His Heart Cauldron explodes and the pill inside was reduced to dust , causing him to receive backlash , resulting in his loss. 


Followed by the emergency of Divine-Grade Alchemy Pill that was surrounded by Heavenly Phenomenon and divine lights around the divine pill emitting endless Divinity .

The pill was divine and holy , just the fragrance alone was enough to nourish the Qi and Body of the Cultivators. 

"This is my win "

The young man coughing blood looked at the smiling victor, he didn't say anything and stood up from the ground , accepting his defeat he returned to his group .




A loud round of applause showers on Yang Yang, congratulating him for his victory .

With this he has earned himself fame and prestige for his Family , hence he can be said to be the star of the show .

"Brother Yang , that was a wonderful art exhibited by a great talent like you , I bow my head for your greatness "

Soon Void walks to him while sincerely admiring Yang Yang , he is full of praise for him .

Looking at this young man , Yang Yang smiles and acts friendly , he can't slap a smiling face after all. 

"I am sure , brother Yang will achieve an invincible achievement that can't be touched by anyone and will be eternal forever someday "

Void slowly swirls his wine-glass in his right hand , he was smiling amiably .

"This brother here , you are praising me too much . I am not worthy of such praises "

Yang Yang may have said such humble words to Void but anyone can see his unrestrained smile on his face .

"Sigh , unlike you , I lack both skill and confidence "

Void sighed and shakes his head , but secretly he slightly opens his one eye to look at Yang Yang .

"No brother , don't be like that . I am sure you are talented and have blessing from Heaven "

Yang Yang is a kind person so seeing someone who praised him so much became depressed , he felt sad for him .

Void shakes his head and continues .

"You don't understand brother Yang , you see there , they are my opponent to whom I need to challenge "

When Yang Yang turned to look in the pointed direction , he saw Heng Xing , Song Yue and Heng Tiankuo conversing with each other , laughing and smiling .

"But still , even though they are my opponents, I admire them so much "

Void was full of admiration, his eyes were dazzling like thunder .

"How so ?"

Yang Yang was confused about what this man was talking about ?

"Can't you see brother ? Those two, brother Xing and sister Song Yue , they are so compatible with each other , resembling that divine couple from legend "

Void was envious , he was sad and regretful . But more than that , he was full of admiration .

"What? "

Yang Yang was stiff , his nose twisted and his mood suddenly became sour .

With disbelief and doubtful eyes, he looks at Void , asking if he was for real ?

Void seemed to have not seen his reaction , with great jealousy he sighed deeply. 

"See that, brother Xing looks divine , with beauty of celestial "

"His grace transcends this filthy world as for the sister in law , she is on par with the Queen of Fairies "

"Only someone of his status and beauty can truly be worthy of sister Song Yue "

Yang Yang felt an aching pain in his chest when he heard something like that , although he felt that this man was just randomly assuming things on his own , he still felt his heart tighten .

"Now way brother , after all , brother Xing only sees Sister Song as a sister and nothing else "

He quickly denies Void's assumption , of course Void's smile was extremely disgusting but fortunately Yang Yang didn't see that .

"What are you saying ?"

"Sees only as a sister ?"

"Fucking hell !!"

"What kind of logic is that ?"

Void turns to meet his nightmarish eyes , full of scorn and disdain as if mocking some insignificant ant that is more disgusting than a shit .

"Even if it was a blood-related biological sister , what would it make a difference ? "

Yang Yang blinks his eyes, he was scared when he saw Void's creepy expression as if looking down on stupid ignorant fool .

"In some family , the son has the privilege of marrying his own biological mother , as for a powerful and dignified family that has been preserving their oh-so-great-divine-bloodline since the founding of their Progenitors , do you really think such powerhouse would care for this so called she-is-only-his-sister ?"

He was ruthless and direct , causing Yang Yang to hesitate and think not twice but a thousand times .

His whole nervous system became tense. Come to think of it , Sister Song has always been giving her attention to brother Xing more than him .

It is as if she loves Brother Xing and not him .

"Or do you think a beautiful fairy like her will like you and fall in love ?"

Suddenly his heart stopped when he heard Void's sinister scorn .

"Fool , you are but a mere descendent of a lowly Ancient Family , why do you really expect someone with the same status as you to fall in love with you ?"

"At most , she will compromise with her life if she ever was to marry you but there would be no love between the two of you "

Void slowly reaches for Yang Yang , causing him to feel as if a venomous snake was strangling him to death .

"Why do you think that a beautiful fairy who can get anything both with her beauty and status whatever she desires or wants for herself to fall in love with an insignificant character like you ?"

"Look at that motherfucker Heng Xing , he is filthy rich and fucking successful "

"He can buy the likes of you and your family , even your fucking Progenitors with his wealth alone "

"Girls , woman or whatnot all falls in love when there is money "

"They falls in love when there is success "

"A dick like you can only fuck pussies but not a woman , to fuck a woman you need the qualification as a man "

Yang Yang can see those demonic smiles and a devilish expression that can even shred the soul of Immortal. 

He was reconsidering about himself , asking himself many things. 

"Hey brother "

He raised his head when he heard the call from Void .

"I won't tell you to reflect yourself on the mirror or whatever "

"The only thing I shall tell you are few things "

Void rests his right arm on the shoulder of his brother , with an unrestrained smile he chuckles while swirling his wine-glass. 

"Even if you win the heart of that beauty , so what ? In the end she will just warm the bed of the man who is more manlier than you , spreading her legs behind your back for someone else "

His voice was like a whisper of a devil from the deepest part of the abyss .

The blood inside Yang Yang was boiling and his eyes were already red like a volcano .

"Just thinking about this , I also seem to want to be the one to fuck her "

He chuckles close to Yang Yang's ears before leaving with his last word .

"I am sure , she would be happy to spread her legs for me since I am more manlier than you , a fucking dick who only can fuck a pussy and not a woman "

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha "

Yang Yang was left alone while his eyes were red and burning with anger , a rage that can't be explained or extinguished erupts . Gritting his teeth hardly , he glares at a faraway, those laughing and smiling bitches .