
Villain's personalities

As Ye Muchen stirred from his slumber, he found himself inexplicably transported to a fabled parallel world, where he assumed the role of Prince Ye, scion of the illustrious Ye family. But as he acclimated to his new reality, disbelief washed over him. Branded as a mere "waste" without a hint of martial prowess, he struggled to reconcile this portrayal with his previous low-key existence. To add insult to injury, his own fiancée looked down upon him with disdain. Determined to reclaim his dignity, he vowed to sever their engagement and cast aside the scorn of those who underestimated him. Yet, when thrust into the role of a savior tasked with vanquishing alien invaders, Ye Muchen balked. He had no desire to play the part of a hero; his heart resonated with the allure of villainy. And then, the fateful chime echoed in his mind: "Congratulations on the host binding, the most powerful villain personality system!" In that moment, everything changed. With the ability to switch between dual personalities at will, Ye Muchen held the power to shape his own destiny. Hero or villain, the choice was his to make, and anyone who dared to cross him would soon learn the consequences of their folly.

yassine_saadoune · Urbain
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1 Chs

Ch1: personlity system

In the soft glow of early morning, a young man's consciousness stirs from the depths of sleep, slowly awakening to find himself enveloped in an ambiance of unparalleled luxury. His surroundings are a symphony of opulence, from the intricately woven tapestries adorning the walls to the delicate fragrance of exotic blooms that fills the air.

As he rises from the embrace of sumptuous silk sheets, a sense of disorientation momentarily clouds his thoughts. This room, with its grandeur and refinement, seems plucked from the pages of a fairy tale—a far cry from the familiar confines of his own existence.

With a mixture of wonder and apprehension, he takes in the majesty of his surroundings, each exquisite detail a testament to the extravagance that surrounds him. It's as though he's stepped into a realm where ordinary rules no longer apply, where every whim is catered to with unparalleled grace and elegance.

Turning towards the ornate mirror that graces one corner of the room, he catches sight of his reflection, only to be met with a startling revelation. The face that stares back at him is not his own—it belongs to another, a stranger whose features exude a captivating allure and confidence.

Intrigued yet unsettled by this unfamiliar visage, he reaches out tentatively, tracing the lines of this new identity with a mixture of fascination and trepidation. It's a surreal experience, like stepping into the shoes of another and discovering a world of untapped potential lying just beneath the surface.

And as he stands there, gazing into the depths of those enigmatic eyes, a spark of excitement ignites within him. For in this moment, he realizes that he is not just a passive observer in this lavish tableau—he is a participant, a protagonist in a story of his own making.

As the majestic memory flooded his mind, As Ye Muchen processed the flood of information from the mysterious system, a sense of both excitement and apprehension coursed through him. The concept of a "golden finger system" wasn't entirely foreign to him, thanks to his extensive readings of online articles. However, the notion of being bound to the "strongest villain personality system" gave him pause.

He couldn't help but wonder: Did this mean he was destined to become a villain? The very idea seemed counterintuitive, even self-destructive. After all, villains rarely fared well in the stories he'd encountered. Yet, despite the inherent risks, there was an undeniable thrill to the prospect of wielding such power.

But Ye Muchen wasn't one to shy away from a challenge. While he recognized the potential pitfalls of embracing a villainous persona, he couldn't deny the allure of the opportunities that lay before him.

"Can you explain to me what functions or features your system has?" he queried inwardly, his curiosity piqued.

In response, the system opened up a personality panel in his mind, revealing two distinct personas: Human Body Ye Muchen and Demonic Body Ye Muchen. The disparities between the two were staggering, with the demonic side boasting unparalleled strength and abilities far beyond human comprehension.

As he perused the detailed breakdown of his dual personalities, Ye Muchen couldn't help but marvel at the potential that lay within him. The ability to freely switch between his human and demonic selves offered a tantalizing glimpse into the possibilities that awaited him.

And while the notion of a "common mission" waiting for development raised more questions than answers, Ye Muchen couldn't deny the sense of excitement that surged within him. In this world of martial prowess and supernatural beings, he realized that strength remained the ultimate currency—a fact that filled him with a renewed sense of determination.

With the knowledge that he held the power to shape his own destiny, Ye Muchen set forth into this new world, ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead. For in a world where strength reigned supreme, he knew that only by mastering the forces at his disposal could he hope to carve out his own path to greatness. couldn't help but feel a sense of disorientation wash over him. "Did I even time travel?" he mused aloud, his voice echoing in the expanse of the luxurious room. The notion seemed absurd, yet the vividness of the experience left him questioning the fabric of reality itself.

"And it's still a world in a novel?" he continued, his thoughts racing to make sense of the surreal situation. The idea that he had somehow stepped into the pages of a fictional narrative seemed preposterous, and yet the evidence before him spoke otherwise.

With each passing moment, Su Jingshen found himself grappling with the implications of his newfound awareness. It was as if he had been thrust into the role of a character in a story—a story with a plot so outrageous it bordered on the absurd.

The realization struck him with a sudden clarity: the world he now inhabited was none other than the setting of a book titled "Super Soldier King Plays with Flowers." And to his astonishment, he discovered that the worst villain in this narrative shared his very name and surname.

A sense of unease settled over Su Jingshen as he recalled the fate that befell his fictional counterpart. The thought of becoming nothing more than a pawn in the grand scheme of the novel's plot filled him with a profound sense of injustice.

And then there was Ye Fan, the male protagonist whose exploits seemed too fantastical to be believed. As Su Jingshen contemplated the sheer improbability of Ye Fan's adventures, a surge of indignation rose within him.

"Go f**k me!" he exclaimed, the words dripping with frustration and resentment. The prospect of being relegated to the role of a mere backdrop for Ye Fan's extraordinary journey was more than he could bear. And as he stood there, grappling with the weight of his newfound knowledge, Su Jingshen vowed to defy the constraints of fate and forge his own path, no matter the cost.

"Ding dong, congratulations on the host being forcibly bound to the most powerful villain personality system!" a voice chimed, interrupting the quiet of the room.

Startled, Ye Muchen turned to see a figure materialize before him, its presence both ethereal and commanding. "My name is Ying, and I will always accompany the host to dominate this era!" the figure declared with a sense of unwavering determination.

Ye Muchen could scarcely believe his ears. Happiness surged through him in waves, mingled with disbelief at the unexpected turn of events. This sudden twist in fate left him reeling, struggling to comprehend the implications of this newfound partnership.

"What?" he stammered, his mind racing to catch up with the whirlwind of emotions coursing through him. The idea of being bound to such a formidable force both thrilled and unnerved him in equal measure.

As the reality of the situation began to sink in, Ye Muchen found himself filled with a sense of anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead. With Ying by his side, he knew that together they would defy all odds and carve out their own destiny, no matter the challenges they may face.

As Ye Muchen processed the flood of information from the mysterious system, a sense of both excitement and apprehension coursed through him. The concept of a "golden finger system" wasn't entirely foreign to him, thanks to his extensive readings of online articles. However, the notion of being bound to the "strongest villain personality system" gave him pause.

He couldn't help but wonder: Did this mean he was destined to become a villain? The very idea seemed counterintuitive, even self-destructive. After all, villains rarely fared well in the stories he'd encountered. Yet, despite the inherent risks, there was an undeniable thrill to the prospect of wielding such power.

But Ye Muchen wasn't one to shy away from a challenge. While he recognized the potential pitfalls of embracing a villainous persona, he couldn't deny the allure of the opportunities that lay before him.

"Can you explain to me what functions or features your system has?" he queried inwardly, his curiosity piqued.

In response, the system opened up a personality panel in his mind, revealing two distinct personas: Human Body Ye Muchen and Demonic Body Ye Muchen. The disparities between the two were staggering, with the demonic side boasting unparalleled strength and abilities far beyond human comprehension.

As he perused the detailed breakdown of his dual personalities, Ye Muchen couldn't help but marvel at the potential that lay within him. The ability to freely switch between his human and demonic selves offered a tantalizing glimpse into the possibilities that awaited him.

And while the notion of a "common mission" waiting for development raised more questions than answers, Ye Muchen couldn't deny the sense of excitement that surged within him. In this world of martial prowess and supernatural beings, he realized that strength remained the ultimate currency—a fact that filled him with a renewed sense of determination.

With the knowledge that he held the power to shape his own destiny, Ye Muchen set forth into this new world, ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead. For in a world where strength reigned supreme, he knew that only by mastering the forces at his disposal could he hope to carve out his own path to greatness.