
Vile in My Hero Academia

Once a Maverick hunter, Then a wanted Criminal. Now A Hero?

ChaoticHappiness · Jeux vidéo
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A test

I left my house, Saying goodbye to my mother and headed to school.

I was put in Class 1A as the other classes were already full and there was no space for me anywhere. They seemed to made space for me at the first class, so they can make their job easier

I reached the school and entered into the hallway, from there i skipping through the room till I reached the room of class 1A

Once i found it i saw a man in a sleeping bag who was laying on the ground. Then he stood up and unzipped it and he said that he is their homeroom teacher. He also introduce himself as Shota Aizawa

I stood beside him, and looked at him silently

"Look, he gets it. He does not waste time into pointless words." He said as he made way for me to enter

He pulled out a school uniform and entered the room after me. "Put this on And head outside." He said looking at everyone else except me, Then he looked at me "Except you." Then he started walking toward the exit of the building. I followed behind him toward the schoolyard.

We sat out there waiting for the others to come. And finally they did.

He said something about a quirk assessment test, and everyone was shocked.

"Viktor, You got the highest score in the entrance exam. What was your furthest distance throw of soft ball Before you came here?" Aizawa asked

"I haven't done it, as my quirk has turned me into a robot. So i wasn't put to it." I answered

"Then try doing it with your quirk." He said as he threw a ball at me, which i caught

He pointed toward a circle, and so i went to it. When i did. I threw it with the power of my punch mode...

"This is the most rational way of figuring your potential as a pro hero" he said toward the others with the screen of the distance counter toward them.

"Damn! 2 kilometers?" Someone said from the crowd "I wanna go this looks like fun!" Another said

"So this looks fun, Huh? You have three years to become a hero. You think it's all going to be games and play time? Idiots. Today you will compete in 8 physical tests, Whoever comes last has none, and will be expelled immediately" He said "Like i said i get to decide how this class runs, Understand? If That's a problem you can head home right now."

"You can't sent one of us home. I mean we just got here, even though it is not the first day." A girl said in the crowd

Aizawa started explaining about the unfairness in this world and then said what the job of the hero is. "Now then we are wasting time by just talking, Let the games begin"

First test: 50 meter dash

Once everyone were done, I went alone i detached my arm and had a good grip on it. As the machine said start i activated it's boosters and used the jet's on my back. I managed to keep it balanced and the end time was 2.58 seconds

Second test: Grip strength

They gave me a device which i had a strong grip on, The last result was a Ton

Third test: Standing long jump

I used my jet's and jumped which send me far

Fourth test: repeated side step

I was slower on this one as i had no use of my quirk for it

Fifth test: Ball throw

Already done

Sixth test: Sit ups

Had no problems doing it

Seventh test: seated toe touch

MY quirk didn't help here either

Eight test: Long-distance run

I can't fell tiredness

In the end i was the best of the class Aizawa ranked us from worse to best, and i was in first place.

"And i was lying no one is going home. That was just a rational deception to make sure you all do your best." Shota said

I started laughing as the others looked shocked of his words

"I am surprised that the rest of you didn't figure that out. I am sorry i should have probably said something." A girl said

After that i left and went home and waited for tomorrow