
Chapter 9.

Word has spread about Starks departure heading east to face two kings that banded together by marriage. Brandon looks behind him and sees the armada following behind them. Cregan sat at the back looking at the map before him. Thinking on how to handle the two kings before him. Brandon made his way towards his father to see what happening.

"Father…" cregan looks up and nods. Brandon sits next to his father a listens. "Son.. two kings are coming from the east, from what I been told both are formidable. Both can raise two to three thousand each. We gathered five thousand to face them." Brandon nods and sees his father tracing the map in deep thought. "Father my i suggest we send 50 of our men deep into enemy territory and disrupt there lands and think we are deep into their territory. Hit fast and leave without a trace. We will be able to divide there army and mayhaps hit them one by one." Cregan gave it some thought knowing they will be into there territory in a day by long boat. My father wolf came beside him and nudge him, while father pet his wolf fur. "60 men will go when we land." Brandon nodded and look at his own wolf the grown over the winters. Tall as a small pony and still growing. Father wolf fur is black with grey stripes on him with red eyes. While mine is dark grey with white strips on his side, with golden eyes.

Brandon went to the front oh the ship and looked around. Looking at the senery, the clouds and the river before him. When Brandon becomes king he will make some new laws, he thought of one right away cut on tree down plant two more. He wanted to try an save nature knowing what will happen in the future with greedy politicians and millionaires. Many things plague his mind thinking of ways of the possible future. Looking up at the sky seeing the rays of sun pricering pass the clouds seeing how beautiful everything looks, untainted man. Animals long gone extinct or new now flourishing. Swore to make sure things last for future generations to see.

-one week-

Brandon can be seen in a makeshift tent putting pressure on one of the stark men's leg. The man before was younger than him maybe 17 winters with tears in his eyes and screaming. Two people help Brandon with this a woman named dahlia and the other a man 22 winters old named Jakob. Both are good and reading and writing. They watched closely at what he does.

After some time the kid black out but still breathing, brandon finish up and made sure to apply the right ointment and patch on. The female started to clean the blood covered medical equipment up with hot water and boiled wine to make this sterile. They also cleaned the blood that's on there hands and arms when they are done. Brandon than soon left the tent and pushed the leather door open to see the sun hitting his face. After squinting his eyes a bit he made his way towards the food area. Smelling the aroma from the food. He personally thanked himself for releasing some recipes out to make food more enjoyable. Smoked fish and meat are a hit and pizza which took some time to make. He remembers how to make a makeshift pizza oven thanks to the lockdown.

After grabbing his plate and thanking the server, a nice looking young lady with an amble bozom. He sat down with the warriors knowing they all will have to get into battle again. Brandon never slept since last night only rest he had was eating and drinking water. Many didn't look at the prince because they got used to him which many were shocked at first. He smiled and just continued eating. Cregan looked at his son from across the yard seeing his son eat with the men and mess around with. He smiled knowing his son will be a fine king one day. Cregan knows he's ageing and hoping one day he will go see hela again he longs for her touch and love again. He knows in his bones that this will be his last war something he's been seeing was hela from afar her hand reaching for him.

After two days cregan and his army went againts the king of the woods in open battle. Brandon on the left flank with magnar leif fallowing his orders, Lorde on the right flank. Brandon can see his father frighting the king and looks like his two sons. Brandon moved towards his father slashing and monvering around the enemy. Holding the basterd sword on the right and a dagger in his left hand. Brandon watched his father face the other king one on one. The sons watching the kings closely. Brandon is still far and still fighting his way through leaving a bloody trail behind him. Littered with bodies. As Brandon was close he sees his father stab in the back by one of the sons. He sees his fathers face looking at him with a small smile he murmurd hela before he drove his blade into one of the kings sons. Brandon stood there in shock witnessing his father death. Raged and sorrow, rage because his father was wrong in a honour dual, and sorrow for his fathers passing. The whole army witnessed the wrong doing and stood there shock.

Brandon's roar can be heard throughout the battle field when it went silent. The wood king looked at the where the roar came from and see Brandon charging at him. Making quick work of them men before him than his sees the stark men charge and fallow the new king, rallying behind him. The son that killed the king tried to lift him the stark long sword but couldn't because of the weight. He had a shock expression knowing he can't lift it, he look at the dead king with admiration and awe. Than looked forward seeing the new king with a rageful expression.

The wind started to change from a clear summer breeze to a cold winter breeze knowing this is unnatural. As the are the middle of summer. Only around Brandon it got really cold. Brandon with his emotions he focused it towards his power and strength. Moving decapitating the people before him. Blood covered his face and armour a like. Both king and son watched as there best men held off the stark men and tried to stop the new appointed king. Both got ready and got into stance. Brandon broke throw the enemy lines like nothing and delt with them with ease. Brandon smarch up the hill with deep breath tried controlling his raged. He stood before the king and son and his fathers body off to the side and the other dead brother, Brandon look at his father with sadness on his face. He brought his sword up and pointed at the son. "You dishonour my father by stabbing him in his back." He voice devoid of emotion. "As Odin as my witness I will whip your line from this earth and deny you Valhalla. I will rape your wife and sisters and make them my sex slaves. I will skin you alive for my mother hela to see!." Brandon voice roared with furiosity and charged at them blocking the first attack and the second. Only to lose his dagger by blocking the over head attack.

Brandon ran and deflected an attack by the king and rolled to his father sword. He felt the handle and lifted off the ground with ease. He moved the long sword with precision like it was normal. The king and son had difficulty trying to deal with the new winter king. Brandon moved around with some ease but when they attack together it was getting difficult. But he held them at a stand still, Brandon was patient and waited for one of them to make an mistake. Which the son did by over reaching and away from his fathers protection. Brandon got his in personal space and punch the son in the face that knocked him out. Than move to the king. Dual wielding the bastard and the long sword.

Both sized each other up circling each other. The king taking deep breaths while Brandon calmed himself. Brandon moved first and used two sword without difficulty. With the kings age he fought Brandon well but is losing ground fast. He knew he had to do something fast or he's dead and leaves his son alone with this monster before him.

Brandon had the bastard sword in reverse grip and block the attack from below. Brandon brought the pummel of the handle on the shoulder on the king and that made him flinch in pain. Brandon didn't let up and attack more till the king misplace his footing and slip making him fall. Brandon with precision with the bastard sword he decapite the king sword hand. The king screamed in pain while holding his wrist in pain. Brandon embedded his sword on the ground and held the long sword with both hands. The king before him on his knees with no sword in his hand only a nub and bloody wrist. He brought his sword down cutting the man from his shoulder to his hip in one clean slice.

The battle field around them witness thing and some started to drop there weapons. It was like a flood everyone around started to drop their weapons and surrender. Brandon looked around and walked to his father dead on the ground. He knelt down and let a couple tears drop but his controll himself. Stopping g his tears there will be time for that later.

-one day later-

Brandon sitting in on his chair looking at the long sword before him and the crown to the side. His fathers sword or now his sword. He looked over towards the bed and sees a naked figure on his bed. The leather blanket covered some body parts but not all. He knew what he did was wrong but he can't change it now. He got up and went outside. And went towards the caged pen near his tent. He looked in and sees the man the killed his father from behind. His face is swollen on one side while the other his bruised. "You will regret for stabbing my father in his back. You will beg for death but I will not give it. Only when you see your male line die and your mother and sisters be rape by me."

He tried to spit and Brandon but failed and it landed on his own shirt. Brandon chuckled and left getting ready to move against the other king. He sent his fathers body home with a letter to Astrid of what has happened. It should have reach her yesterday but don't know yet.

Brandon made his way towards the main tent where they would plan there next strategy. Everyone around him bowed there head and say my king. Brandon ached at the word knowing his father died and he's now the new king.

-one week later-

Word has already spread of what happen that the king cregan was killed stab in the back by a coward. Astrid cried when she got the news of what happen and her children didn't know only tried to confrort there mother. The dwarves and giants mourned there lost friend and wanted to go help but restrained themselves. The got a letter from Brandon the new king asking is they can build a crypt on the top of the mountain. To the side etched in the mountain far down enough to hold many more kings which the with great importance.

Brandon moved his men forward to capture the castle of the wood kings home. Which is not far can see it in the distance. He stop the army and put the enemy son in the front on wooden beams making an X shape. While the son is in the middle his legs and arms on each end held up by rope, only leaving him in a cloth covering his groin area.

After making it not far from the castle some parts made of stone while most is made but wood. Looks half done. Brandon ignore the pleas of the people on the wall and pulled out his dagger and started to peel off the skin the fingers. He wanted them to charges out to try and saved there king. He knew that the queen will try and do something to save her baby.

After some more skin came off Brandon heard a horn and looked back and see the army charging out. Brandon smiled and grab his horn and put it to his lips and blow it in. He army moved in formation and got ready. After the first wave hit he order and chavlery to charge it sides.

The battle outside was brutal and muddy. Bodies of stark and the enemy littered the battle. The Starks pushed the back and cut them off from escape thanks to the chavlery. They won but Brandon thought a head and sent a small team to enter when they charged out. The people he sent most as died but the held the door open for us to make it it.

In the main hall there was a small amount of men standing around the queen and the daughter. The daughter looked scared while the mother tried putting on a brave face. Brandon spoke first. "Surrender now and you will save the lives of the men around. If you don't everyone will die and you two will be the only one standing."

Brandon's men surround them only leaving the back open everyone watch on, gripping their swords/spears and axes. Waiting for the queens call. She looked around with uncertainty knowing what will happen and she thought for a while before telling them to charge. The battle was quick and brutal. Bodies the enemy lay before them while the last one tried to defend the queen but got shot with arrows. Brandon made his way before looking down at them. They bowed there heads and beg for surrender but Brandon had something els in mind. He ordered them back to there chambers on house arrest. Brandon made his way out toward the skinned king. His arm is being patch up by one of his apprentices. He spoke to him to bring him to his room on the morrow night. Brandon soon left and watch as his men moved the bodies and order our own to burn the bodies and bring the bones back so there father can left them rest. After when the bodies are piled separately they lite them up, Brandon stood to the side watching his warriors burn to bone and picked up for home. Names where put in front of the fire to know which family to give it back to.

Night settled on the land, stars coming out shining bright as ever. Brandon looks up and watches the sky looking seeing something magnificent. He can see the Milky Way, the galaxy before him. He soon turned back inside making his way towards the mother quarters. Passing the men that guard the entrance. The both nod and make way for him to pass. As Brandon open the door he sees the queen mother sitting on her bedside with a worried expression. Her breathing more erratic. Brandon made his way toward her putting his sword on her bed frame. He stood in front of her staring down at her while she understood what was going to happen next. She tentatively removed her clothing. Brandon watch her every moved her tender legs, smooth pal skin. Her tits are big and hips wide. Looks no more than 30 winters with, her thighs nice a thic. With a bush on her. She had flush face, looking away from him. Brandon moved to sit down on her bed and made her face him making him all of her. The fire in her room crack in the room.

Brandon watch and she started to removed his clothes and armour. Setting it on the floor, lifting up his shirt revealed his body an athletic body. Her body trembled at what she shaw looks like he was carved out by the gods themselves. Making her wet down there her breathing becoming more heavy. Brandon sat back down on the bed and waited for her remove his leather pants. She untied the pants and slowly removed it and seen something that shocked her to her core. She never seen anything that big before but what she didn't know it was just soft, limp. She looked up and sees the king before him with fear, she tentatively removed his pants staring at the monster before her. Brandon was tired of her slowness so he decided to push her on the bed that cause her to yelp. He watch as her tits jiggled he started to get semi hard and soon got on the bed towering over the queen. She had a fear in her eyes looking down as she see the king started to rub his cock on her lips making it wetter. She whimpered and her body shook. Brandon didn't care and started to push in her making her moan and whimper more. She tried to mover her hands to stop but Brandon grabs them with one free hand and held them a over her head. She tried to shack her body away scared for what's to come but it was to late as she felt it. Breaking through her lips and pushing inside her she gasped in pain. As something big broke in stretching her wide open. She closed her eyes trying not to cry out but it was no use she screamed but Brandon used in other hand to hold her mouth closed. Brandon thrust in more making her jolt. Brandon removed both his hands and started to fuck her in missionary, watching her tits bounce up and down. Hearing her moan in pain and pleasure, she tried to bring her hands to his belly to stop him from thrusting more. Brandon just held her arm and continued. Grunting trying to push all of it inside her but only half way made it in.

-next morning-

Brandon wakes up to she the queen clingy onto him after the night before. He knew he broke her last night he didn't hold back and showed her modern love making. Her naked body resting on him making him hard but he controlled himself noting to night he will tourture the son by making him watch.

He slowly remove himself from her and looks at her see the love bits on her body, ass and back of her neck. Bruises on her ass thank to him smaking her ass. And cum coming out her covered cunt. He smiled a bit knowing the daughter is next. Brandon got ready and made his way to the main hall that is cleaned and prepared with food.

The day past checking on his men and the injured, the dead bodies are all ready pack and ship off home for a final burial home. The day past and night descended upon the land once again. Brandon made sure to bring the dead kings son in the room away in the Corning tied amd chained to the wall. He gaged him and told him to watch.

After a while the door open and both daughter and mother came In. The daughter had a frightened gaze knowing what happen last night she heard her mother and hugged her when she seen her again. She cried as what will happen to her when night comes, her mother held her in arms and prepared her for tonight. Both didn't notice the son in the corner intel later.

Brandon watch the mother first lose her clothes and see as the mother help remove the daughter gown. Dropping it to the floor making him see her naked body. A small patch of hair is forming around her nether region. She covered her body in fright as she looked at her mother has got on her knees and started to give small licks on Brandon growing cock. She sees Brandon grab the back of her head and made her to start sucking him. The queen got somewhat used to taking his cock in her mouth but not fully. Maybe taking in 3 inches before she starts choking. She look at her mother in disbelief and disgust not knowing what to do. Brandon looked at her and his eyes move down looking at her body. She tried to cover herself more but it was no use as Brandon got up and made his way to her. Him naked as the day he was born as she was to only covering herself.

Brandon pushed her on the bed Making her fall on the bed as her mother joined her but she open her legs exposing her wet snatch. But Brandon moved to the daughter and started to kiss her body and she tried to stop him only to be held down by her own mother. She tried squirming out her grasps but Brandon help held her down while forcing her legs open. As she seen his cock she tried harder but both of there strength she couldn't than she heard it clanking sounds and movements. Both daughter and mother looked to the corner and the gasps as they see there son/brother bloody and bruised. The mother tried to cover herself only to be stop by Brandon's no. She was hesitant to listen but she submitted without question. The daughter squirm more trying to get out but she felt the head of his cock on her lips moving up and down, trying to find the hole. She pleaded for him to stop and mother to help her but they didn't listen. She yelp in pain as she felt him find her hole and pushed in making her scream in pain. Pain ripples throughout her body making her plead more to stop but Brandon didn't he forced himself in deeper.

Her mother watched to the side with tears in her eyes making her daughter go through this. She looked to her son and sees him trying to escape his bindings. Hurting himself in the process than look back at the love making before her. Brandon didn't slow down giving her long and deep thrust making her moan in pain as she's not used to him yet. She going to her daughter and hugs her from behind begging for her forgiveness. Brandon watches on as both hold each other in embrace as he thrust more. Sex filled the room, sounds of clapping and cries came out the room.

-next morning-

Brandon looks up at the ceiling and moves his hands dancing around the naked bodies on him. On planted on the mothers ass while the other hugged the daughter around her waist. Both been through a lot last night. Brandon heard movement to his left and look and sees the son with a blank expression on his face. His eyes hallow with no light in them no more, his chest going up and down slowly. Brandon smirk at him thinking on what to do to him later. The male line will die out while the woman side will live through him.


Done! Sorry I didn't update soon but something personal happened so you won't get any new chapters till the 5 or 6 idk yet. Anyways sorry for the kind of the dark chapter. And if you want I'll post a pictures of the woman he got with in the comments but only if you guys want.

Talking = "hello there"

Thinking= 'hello there'

Gestures= *fist in the air*, *nods*, *ting*, *steel hitting steel*

Timeskip= - -

Yelling= "AAHHHHH"

Moans= ~ah~