
Vicious Flames

#SteamyAdventure #EvilLove #SoulMates# There was a long-forgotten time when all the superior beasts roamed the Earth, humans hid underground and evil reigned supreme. Until the heartless monsters were all cursed -- with soulmates and love. May all of you find your heart soon enough, May you learn of warmth and joy, Until then, hold your evilness and your breath. ******* Odette is ready for the Run, expecting to fulfil her duty and returning to her father and brother. After all, nothing happened if one stayed on the assigned path, right? Little did she know, her presence would awaken a malevolent power that had been asleep for centuries. ******* Huge, regal, equipped with wings and horns that pierce the dark skys, Zerberus is the Lord of all winged and un-winged cold-blooded beasts. He had been asleep for too long, waiting for his heart, now that he has been awakened he is ravenous.... ******* Brace yourself for a wickedly fun tale filled with steam, banter, and a heroine navigating her newfound position alongside her Dragon Lord. If you're ready for a fast-paced fantasy romance that defies expectations, dive into this story of love, danger, and pure villainy! Long live the villains!

LadyTrex · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
11 Chs

Chapter 11

A jolt of sensation shot through my body, interrupting anything I had been thinking or feeling before. His rough tongue flicked across certain spots, and everything inside me broke.

"Oh," I moaned, my vision blurry. "Oh... my... God..."

I writhed, spasmed and made noises that I had never thought I could produce as every part of her body constricted.

My eyelids fluttered shut and the dragon paused, watching me from down there as I shattered into a million pieces, before going limp in his warm embrace.

He let out a low growl of appreciation, cradling me to his chest. "Your taste is enough to madden me."

"What..." I mumbled, my eyes closed in a bliss as his big hand caressed my head.


"What was that?"

He stilled, then let out a low chuckle. There was something about it that suggested complacency.

"That, my princess, was just the beginning," he murmured into my ear, lips brushed my earlobe and placed a firm kiss right below. "I'm going to mate you now. Fuck you, until you forget you have a dead boyfriend."

I forgot as soon as he dipped his head towards my chest and circled my right breast with his hot tongue, sucking my nipple into that fire-breathing mouth.

This creature was touching me in places that had never been touched before, giving me feeling I had never felt. And I had never wanted anything more... 'But he's a dragon! He is not human!' I told myself. All my life I had wanted a partner, and I thought I found the perfect one. Never have I ever expected to find one like this.

'I must feel this way for some lizard power he has... because this cannot be real.'

He rose his head from my chest and glared.

"I can read your thoughts now," he said with irritation, "and oh, trust me, this-", He lifted my bottom up and inserted the head of his penis inside my entrance, "-is very real. Isn't it?"

"It's too big," I yelped, eyes wide, panicking.

"Shhhh," he said, kissing my mouth harshly, "You were born to be mine."

'Don't submit! He is going to treat you like a slave.'

'He has protected you before.'

'He is raping you!'

'But I want him! Need him.'

"My heart will always belong to my boyfriend." I snapped, hoping to anger him.

Instead he let out a laugh that almost made me cum. "That pimple of a boy may have taken what's mine," he barked, blue flames swirling in his eyes, "but your first orgasm belongs to me."

A shaky breath left my parted lips. "But not the last!"

"Oh my sweet innocent human," He pushed me toward him, his length sliding smoothly over my sex and up to my belly. He bit my bottom lip before he said in a low snarl, "There will never be a last. I'll fuck you until the end of time and beyond."


Conciousness came back with scaly sparks.

I had fainted! I passed out after he... even in my dizzy state I blushed.

I could feel that I was on my back, or I would be if it weren't for the thick tail around me propping me up off it. Drops of what I hoped was water dripped all over my exposed skin.

A massive, blurry figure loomed over me.

Blinking, my mouth parted as the fog siltered away from my head. A turquoise eye with a very thin pupil surrounded by a red ring stared back at me. Dragon.

Dragon! On the verge of a panic attack, I squeezed my eyes shut and choked on shallow breaths. A wave of hot air flooded me from above as a deep grumble followed.

Something changed.

When sparks grazed my cheek, I peered one eye open. The scaly tail was still around my waist, still supporting me. This time, the handsome man was there, as naked as he had been created who knows how many centuries ago. The dragon was not where to be seen; the lump of anxiety was swallowed and I exhaled with difficulty.

His hungry gaze, coupled with his long tongue licking his lip, made me light-headed.

¨Welcome back, mouse."

I staggered back when his tail released me, still hoovering. He watched me, arms crossed over his chest.

How dare he treat me like that? Use me like that? Who did he think he was to tell me how I feel about my boyfriend, about myself and, and....

A fire I didn't know I had in me rose to my chest. Magna. It was magna that turned into lava.

I didn't know what he saw, but it seemed to me his silver eyebrows lifted ever so slightly. Was that a spark of surprise crossing those inhuman eyes? That gave me courage.

"I will always love my boyfriend, you lizard captor," I said between gritted teeth.

I threw my shoe at him and began to run. With a glance behind, the look in his eyes told me I was in trouble.

I ran faster, away from what - my childhood's biggest fear, a monster, a soulmate, I didn't know exactly. All I knew was...he could be all that, but mostly my biggest fear.

My legs were becoming very sore from the previous runs and climbs. But run was my safety. I ran all my life. I prepared during all my free time.

This time however was for nothing.

He didn't chase me.

And that was... unsettling to say the least.

Was he giving me a head start? Was he frozen with fury or shock and was he going to pounce on me at any moment? He looked like someone short-tempered... but maybe all lizards were.

He was from a different species compared to mine. Just because he could talk and understand me, that didn't mean we were the same.

To my right, I spot a dark gaping mouth. Bingo!

With relief, I skidded on the wet grass and threw myself into it, expecting at any moment to be snatched from behind or, worse, from above.

Ducking down, I barely made it in with my size.

A smile curled my lips. His enormous size would never fit in. I was safe!

I crawled a little then slowly stood up, but I had to turn my shoulders sideways.

The walls were narrowed, ivory-coloured and streaked with iron-red; my fingers brushed one. Damp, as if I stood in the throat of a giant crocodile about to swallow me alive. I glanced toward the darkness to my right – it seemed to be breathing.

I decided I could stop right there, where I could still peek at the outside world, scaly and toothy and a faint light still reached me. There was enough room to sit with my back on one wall and my knees on the other, there.

Time passed. The air there was damp and heavy, so even though I had calmed down, I kept panting as if I were still in the middle of a run.

I began fiddling with my fingers and biting my cuticles; my bloody nails were tiny, ugly lines, chewed to the bone. The rush still did not leave my blood, snoozing was out of the question.

With boredom also came hunger but I would not leave the cave for anything. I could have, since the lizard beast never came looking for me.

I scoffed, glaring at some gemstones above my head. A soul mate he said. "What a great one you are," I muttered to myself, my finger capturing a drop of water slowly running down the crocodile's throat.

I glanced up, exhaling from my mouth. Stalactites hang up there like knives about to drop. Closing my eyes, head on the wall, I counted my breaths. Maybe, if I waited long enough, I could make it back to the carriges....

A shiver, invisible fingers, stroked the nape of my neck.

My eyes snapped open, my head turned toward the gaping mouth of my shelter.

A silhouette was coming closer.

It thickened out and got taller, taller than an average man by at least a head. With a small whimper I tried to scramble further into the cave but a voice stopped me.

"A lizard," I heard, "can you believe that?" he grumbled to himself. "The indicency!"

My knees rubbed as warmth pulsed in the apex of my legs; a reaction to his previous assault surely. Yes, he did force me into an orgasm, gave me no choice.

'No, he didn't.' My conscience told me.

'Shut up!'

'No, you shut it'

Yes, I had been talking to myself all my life. Growing up with a dad and a brother, barely any friend, it was necessity. Her name was Alice.

When that huge man that had assaulted me with indecent kisses walked closer, I could see him a little, but there was no way he could see me there, in the darkness of the cave.

"I can see you and smell you perfectly." The familiar voice said in a husky drawl.

Although I could not see his face properly, I knew he was angry. With a swallow, I bit my lower lip.

"If you come out now, I will not hunt your human vermin you call boyfriend and eat him up later." He said with all the calm in the word.

Annoyance filled me up. "I knew lizards like to eat vermins!" I snapped then my mouth flew to my mouth when blue smoke rose from his nostrils. Uh-oh.

He strolled closer and knelt down, one hand holding the cave entrance, the other casually on his bent knee. Our eyes connected.

When I saw him there, I had to blink a few times. Not because he was inhumanly beautiful, not even because you needed time to get use to that feral beauty. Not even because he was naked.


He was covered in blood. From his horned head to his clawed toe...


There he was. The dragon man, in all his blinding, bloody beauty. Something so unpredictable and inhuman. He looked both composed and wild, breathing heavily and ready to pounce.

"W-what...what d-did you do?" I stuttered, wide-eyed.

He shrugged. "I was starving."

Okay. His silver mane spluttered in red stains.

The scent was pungent, nauseating. My hand covered the lower half of my face. He may have as well walked under a waterfall, or bloodfall.

"As you are now."

"How do you-" I shook my head, "What did you eat?"

A cold smile curled his lips, his tongue ran over the lower one, collecting blood there. "Not your vermin."

"Because he is too small for you?"

"Because I'm not a lizard," he snapped, smoked rising again from his vibrating nostrils. I watched, hypnotised.

"That doesn't mean I can use him as an appetizer. Like a lonely chicken wing."

I didn't know if it were because 'chicken wing' was uttered by those bloody lips or because I was beginning to lose it, I laughed.

"Nobody, mouse, had ever laughed at me," he said mildly after her patiently waited for my crazed laughter to die out.

"Gianni is my friend." I lied, at which he narrowed his eyes.

The intensity was too much for me.

I couldn't tell this ferocious dragon-man that Gianni had been my sweetheart.

"You know-" A growled made me shiver, his hand pushing into the cave wall, "I can read your thoughts as I told you. But-" small flames left his nostrils and almost reached me, "I can smell your lies too...mate. And they stink."

I gulped as his knowing eyes bored into mine.

"Come out. Now." He said, again as if bored.

"Please," I said, "I need to make sure Gianni is okay."

He didn't answer. Blood dripped from his chin and fingers.

"If you promise we will look for him and return him home, I leave the cave."

His stare was tenebrous, the beginning of a thunderstorm.


Check ou my P a t r e o n for more chapters and my other books!

pat reon.com/ladytrex

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