
Vial Secrets

“Secrets are power, and mine is worth more than a little trouble to maintain…” —— It took a long time for me to truly understand what happened that day. That was the day that I began to learn how the world really worked. My father was right, the most important things couldn't be bought with money… things like innocence, friendship, security, justice... precious things that could be snatched away so easily. You couldn't buy them with money… ...but perhaps you could buy them with another currency. Perhaps you could buy them with power… …and with secrets. —— A Mistborn story. Completed for now!

slowestcook · Livres et littérature
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25 Chs

First Meeting IV

As he fell, he started burning copper, and as he landed, he tapped his steel reserves, lighting up his vision with bright blue lines connecting to every piece of metal in the area. Nothing metal appeared to be moving or anywhere unexpected. He still glanced to each side, checking corners, exits, threats.

Only one of the women looked startled by his entrance; he caught the other glancing at the clock to confirm the time.

"Good evening," she said. "I assume you are The Grim Mistborn."

He didn't answer yet, turning and burning tin as he stepped up to the edge of the window. Under the effects of tin the obscuring mists faded away and every detail became pin sharp. There was nothing to indicate any kind of trap was about to close on him.

He leaned his back against the wall next the the window and examined the two women. They both looked about how he expected. The younger one was the same woman he'd seen looking out the window earlier. Long dark hair, carefully styled. A good amount of makeup, but artfully applied. Big eyes, though that might just be a reaction to the mask. Half scared, half excited, half curious. It had that effect on people. Hard to see much else of her in all the furs.

The other woman either expected the mask or was just taking in her stride. Fair complexion, natural looking. Either no makeup or the kind intended to look like she wasn't wearing any. Maybe she grew up somewhere a ways north of Luthadel. Blonde, hair up in a loose bun. Practical looking, the kind of thing for someone looking to keep their hair out of her eyes without wasting a lot of time. She made it work. Had a confident air, like she was well used to being in charge. Probably used to turning heads, too. Lots of noblewomen would have to spend hours trying to look as good as she apparently did naturally.

Not an airhead, though. Calculating eyes, she was giving him a look he knew was sizing him up just the way he was scrutinizing them. Sharply dressed, not ball attire. More businesslike. With any luck, business is exactly what this meeting would be about.

He didn't recognize either one. While he didn't exactly spend a lot of time in noble social circles these days, he knew of a lot of the big players in the city. That meant these either weren't big players, or perhaps they were new to the city from the last time he'd attended a ball at ground level.

He certainly had never met either of these women before. They both had faces he would have remembered.

It felt redundant to confirm his identity. He had been hired to be here in this room at this hour. Who else was going to come swooping in wearing a mask and mistcloak? The Grim just waited to see what they said next.

The woman took a moment to tidy the papers on her desk to one side and pulled a single sheet to lay in front of her.

"I should introduce ourselves. I am Lady Lyvia Donnelle, and this is my protegee—"

"Partner!" interrupted the other woman.

The two locked their gaze for a moment. The Grim had the feeling that this was not the first time these two had this particular disagreement.

"...this is Deserea Entrone," Lyvia continued smoothly, "and you have no doubt guessed that you were invited here tonight to discuss an employment opportunity. May I first congratulate you on your arrival undetected. While your reputation precedes you, your ability to evade the guards on your way into our keep is a great demonstration of the skills that we require."

The Grim had suspected that this had been an audition. A lot of nobles liked to do that, make you jump through hoops to prove your worth before they hired you. The skaa who he had contracted with seemed much more willing to go off of reputation. Either nobles were less trusting, or the Skaa more desperate. Or perhaps Nobles just had more opportunity to play these kinds of games.

"I'm sure you are used to working under conditions of discretion regarding your employers, and we will ask that you do the same when working for us. The immediate situation that we require–"

"What's with the mask?" Deserea blurted out.

The Grim could tell Deserea had been peering at his face, trying to discern the nature of his mask. A lot of people were uncomfortable at the sight, and tried not to look at him. Deserea appeared fascinated. She wasn't the first to be curious.

The Grim responded the way he always did. He said nothing.