
Vesryn Pulse Remastered

In a time long past, the human race emerged triumphant over the dragons, sealing their majestic beings into mortal bodies known as dragonoids. Unfortunately, this victory led to the subjugation of the dragonoids by their human counterparts, who harnessed their powers as military weapons through the ominous Vesryn Pulse. Amidst this bleak reality, a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of Arcadia, a daring guerilla group led by the charismatic Estoff Wraith, striving to liberate the dragonoids and put an end to humanity's cruel exploitation. Within this tumultuous backdrop, the intertwining destinies of two individuals would shape the course of events. Amphere Harrison, accompanied by his loyal dragonoid partner, Airelina Frembell, found himself thrust into the Dragon Knight Academy. Unwillingly thrust into the resistance against the oppressive government, Amphere must harness his newfound dragonoid abilities and emerge victorious in the treacherous Dragon Knights Tournament, all in hopes of earning the favor of the princess. This, they believe, will serve as a crucial first step towards granting the dragonoids the freedom they so desperately deserve. Vesryn Pulse weaves a gripping tale of action and intrigue, centering around a young man unwittingly caught in the clutches of a brutal war. Possessing incredible skills and abilities, he becomes a catalyst for uncovering the dark secrets shrouding the government, Arcadia, and the enigmatic Vesryn Pulse. However, in his relentless pursuit of truth, he will soon discover that the price of enlightenment is far greater than he ever could have fathomed.

ArchlordZero · Fantaisie
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109 Chs

Chapter 51: Vengeance and Existence

Richard Astherson

Our senses were assaulted by the sight before us, leaving us all traumatized. Strewn across the floor, three figures lay motionless, their bodies drenched in a pool of their own blood. Among them, the diminutive dragonoid, Kyrie, bore the telltale signs of a vicious attack. A slender, wickedly sharp sword protruded from her back, silently testifying to the treachery that had befallen her. Uncertain of her fate, I instinctively reached for her wrist, searching for a pulse, and to my relief, detected a faint but steady beat. However, the situation was far from hopeful for the other two victims.

Rudolf Azregon, his body wracked by unfathomable pain, had suffered a gruesome fate. The right side of his form had been cruelly amputated, leaving no trace of his once-intact limbs. It was as though the sheer force of the assault had vaporized them into nothingness. Desperate attempts to stem the profuse bleeding proved futile in the face of such a wide-ranging injury. Meanwhile, Amphere's life hung precariously in the balance, his chest bearing the brunt of a critical wound. By some cruel twist of fate, a bullet had found its mark, coming dangerously close to piercing his heart. Instead, it had settled perilously close to a major artery, turning the immediate surroundings into a macabre sea of crimson.

The moment Airelina's gaze fell upon her beloved sprawled on the ground, an overwhelming shift in the atmosphere became palpable. Her once-vibrant crimson eyes now mirrored profound distress and overwhelming sadness, as if she had lost her entire world in an instant. Though their hearts continued to beat, the gravity of their wounds presented an almost insurmountable challenge.

Reina, compelled by a blend of urgency and compassion, took swift action and approached Kyrie. Employing a healing spell, she tended to the dragonoid's injuries, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the grim tableau. Meanwhile, Gaz scoured the area, frantically searching for anything that could be used to stanch Rudolf's bleeding. Airelina, her determination unwavering, transformed her hand into an electromagnet, the sole purpose to delicately extract the bullet lodged near Amphere's vital artery.

Time seemed to stretch, the minutes ticking by with agonizing slowness. Heart-wrenchingly, the pulse of life waned within Amphere and Rudolf, plunging us into a state of panicked desperation. Yet, no one was more shattered than Airelina herself. As tears cascaded down her face, she pressed her anguished visage against her beloved's wounded chest, beseeching him with raw emotion. The words, "Amphy, don't die!" echoed through the air, each utterance mingling with her tears and the knight's blood, forming a poignant symphony of anguish.

Overwhelmed by the dire situation, I found myself at a loss, desperately grasping for a solution. Seeking aid, I hastily reached for the radio and attempted to contact Estoff, hoping to convey the gravity of the circumstances. Alas, the situation had taken a turn for the worse, as news of Gilliard's demise reached our ears. With his loyal dragonoid companion lost to us, Estoff's prowess as a knight seemed diminished, leaving us all disheartened and vulnerable.

Yet, amidst the despair, Estoff proved to be a beacon of resourcefulness. He possessed knowledge of the precise radio channel through which to communicate with Twilight City's skilled medic team. In a display of remarkable efficiency, he even provided me with the coordinates necessary to summon a portal, enabling a swift response from the medical professionals. Acting swiftly, I established the magical gateway, a conduit for the doctors to traverse.

Without delay, the medic team entered through the portal, assuming responsibility for the care of our injured companions. Fortuitously, one of the doctors possessed a defibrillator, a crucial asset in such dire circumstances. Rudolf's tenuous hold on life necessitated two sessions of a thousand joules each, administered with utmost urgency. Concurrently, after three harrowing attempts, Amphere was successfully revived, much to our collective relief.

With the wounded now under the expert care of the medical team, they were carefully placed on stretchers, ready for transportation to the intensive care unit of Twilight City Hospital. Despite our desire to remain by their sides, we recognized the need to prioritize other pressing matters. Our immediate focus shifted to locating Yuri Dragunov, a vital task that demanded our undivided attention.

Airelina, however, posed a unique case. Though it would have been prudent for her to stay beside Amphy's bedside, she steadfastly insisted on accompanying us. When questioned about her decision, her response held a poignant vulnerability. "I don't want to witness Amphy in such a state," she explained, her voice tinged with pain and apprehension.

Airelina's sudden melancholy manifested through three distinct symptoms, each indicating a deep-seated change within her. Firstly, her speech pattern underwent a noticeable alteration, as she abruptly dropped the habitual use of "totally" from her repertoire. Secondly, a profound lack of inspiration and a draining of energy seemed to afflict her. Her pallid complexion and distracted mind mirrored her diminished state as we diligently patrolled the area, scouring for any signs of the elusive duke.

However, the third symptom was by far the most troubling. Normally, Airelina's vibrant intellect shone brightly, even if tempered by occasional bouts of foolishness. Yet now, she seemed transformed into a pure fool, spouting nonsensical words that threatened to exacerbate an already tense situation. In a sudden escalation, she incited a confrontation with Reina, an adversary she considered her greatest enemy within our team.

"I've grown weary of this facade of teamwork, Reina," Airelina derisively declared, her eyes wild with a hint of madness. "If you seek vengeance, then come and face me, but only if you can keep a clear head."

The incendiary words caused a surge of boiling anger within Reina, the student council president. With a swift motion, she unsheathed her gleaming white short sword, the embodiment of her resolve. "Ah, I've been anticipating this moment," she hissed in response, her voice tinged with a mixture of fury and determination.

In a mirror image of the brewing conflict, Airelina countered by summoning a photon blade, assuming a centered kendo stance, her weapon pointed squarely at Reina. "Let this battle determine whether I still deserve Amphy's love or not!" she proclaimed, her words a desperate challenge laden with emotional weight.

The frustration and concern within me reached a boiling point as Airelina's reckless behavior threatened to plunge us further into chaos. The words I longed to shout at her reverberated in my mind, a plea to remind her of Amphere's ongoing battle for survival. However, before I could utter a single word, both girls surged forward, their blades crossing in a clash of wills. They had made up their minds, dismissing the hard-won temporary ceasefire I had painstakingly negotiated.

Neither participant showed any inclination to back down. With a measured distance of two meters between them, they initiated a rapid exchange of blows, their swords hacking, slashing, and thrusting with a frenetic intensity. This was a confrontation born out of emotional breakdown, a swordfight that embodied the madness consuming their hearts. No trace of hesitation lingered within either combatant; both were skilled swordswomen, their movements honed through countless hours of training.

Amidst the chaos, Gaz's reminder pierced through the tumultuous atmosphere. "Commander Estoff is here," he announced, his voice a timely interruption.

Estoff joined me at my side, his gaze fixed on the spectacle unfolding before us. He scratched his chin, his expression reflecting a mix of curiosity and bewilderment. "I thought there wasn't enough trouble here, but it seems I was mistaken," he mused, his voice laced with a hint of wry humor.

Sighing, I lamented the fact that our focus had been diverted from our mission to apprehend Dragunov. "At this rate, we'll never catch the duke," I admitted, my tone tinged with resignation.

In a decisive moment, Estoff formulated a plan of action. "Gaz, stay by my side. We'll continue our pursuit of the duke," he commanded, his voice firm and resolute. Turning to face me, he added, "Richard, I trust you to resolve this trivial matter." Before I could respond, Estoff and Gaz swiftly departed from the scene, leaving me with the weighty responsibility of resolving the discord between Airelina and Reina.

Having served as Estoff's loyal assistant before Amphere's involvement in Arcadia, I had experienced the role of his trusted aide firsthand. When circumstances led to my presumed demise for three long years, Amphere had stepped in as my replacement. And now, with Amphere unable to intervene in these futile conflicts, the responsibility fell back to me. I couldn't help but resent Estoff in moments like these.

My girlfriend and best friend were locked in a deadly struggle, their weapons clashing in a symphony of discord. Frustration welled up within me, driving me to step forward and assume the role of a peacemaker.

"STOP!!!" I cried out, my voice filled with urgency.

To my relief, the two girls momentarily ceased their attacks, their swords still raised, their guards unyielding. It was as if they anticipated the possibility of launching another assault the moment any disruption occurred.

Taking a deep breath, I continued, my voice laden with a mixture of concern and frustration. "Airelina, stop this! Amphere never wished for you to become like this! He defended you in court, granting you a chance to live and seek redemption for your past sins! Don't you dare throw your life away simply because you weren't by his side when he faced danger! You're being a complete idiot, totally!"

The words I spoke may have sounded absurd, ridiculous, even comical, but they struck a chord deep within Airelina's heart. Tears welled up in her eyes, streaming down her cheeks, seemingly without her even realizing it. She dropped her sword and clutched her chest, her voice trembling as she whispered, "Amphy..."

Now, it was time to deliver a stern admonition to Reina, my best friend.

"You too, Reina! Your path of vengeance is not befitting of who you truly are! If your mother were still alive, would she approve of this pursuit of revenge? Is killing Airelina truly worth it? Will it heal your wounds and fill the void in your heart? Even if you had Airelina's life, your mother would not return! Moreover, Airelina herself is also a victim in all of this! What happened to your rationality? Has your anger overwhelmed your fair judgment?"

Reina's head bowed, the weight of my words settling upon her. Powerless, she released her grip on the sword, sinking to her knees on the rain-soaked ground. As if in response to the turmoil in our hearts, rain began to pour from the darkened skies. Reina's vacant expression gazed upward, her lips moving in a barely audible whisper, "Mother... forgive me..."

I allowed them both a few moments to reflect upon their actions, the raindrops merging with the atmosphere of peace that settled between us. We stood there, our clothing becoming drenched as we savored the tranquility in the midst of the downpour, the raindrops in perfect harmony with the rhythm of our hearts.

In a theatrical gesture, I extended my hands, reaching dramatically toward the heavens. These were the words I had longed to speak to Reina during our childhood. Finally, having voiced them, I felt a sense of enlightenment, as if attaining nirvana.

Suddenly, the radio communicator buzzed, breaking the serene ambiance. It was Estoff's voice, the signal partially disrupted by interference.

"Richard, we... need you and... one here! Immediately! The Black Phantom... Alder's... Duke Dragunov and Kyle Leviticus... be careful!"

Then, the transmission dissolved into an expanse of endless static, leaving us with a sense of urgency and a looming threat on the horizon.