
Very Ordinary Fantasy Slice Of Life

Earth explodes and Gwyn gets transmigrated to another world as an apology. Nothing much Gwyn could do there, what choice did he have? Come back to earth? So in this new world Gwyn wanted to have a fun life. Introducing items and entertainment from the modern world! Adventuring and going on quests! Journeying through fantastical lands! Thievery! Blackmail! Causing wars! Inciting rebellions! Murder! Murder! Murder! Oops, got a bit too excited there. All in all, he wanted to have a fun life. A very ordinary fantasy slice of life. \\\ #Slow Paced #Comedy #Slice of Life #Fantasy #Adventure #Action (PS. Have mercy on my poor soul, this is the first time I've ever written a story. Also, english is not my first language. As well as.... Hmm, what other excuses can I make? Anyway, I hope my writing skills improve alongside your impression of this story. Please enjoy~!)

MisterWritingMan · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

15 - A lovely weapon just for me

"A staff... That is sectioned into three parts?"

"Yes. No one ever asked you to make one before?"

"Can't say anyone has, lad. How would that weapon of yours even look? How does the sectioning work?" Ganggon pondered, rubbing his chin.

"Do you have a paper and pencil?"

Ganggon nodded and turned to a cluttered workbench covered in disorganized papers and sketches. He sifted through the mess, eventually retrieving a worn parchment and a charcoal pencil.

Gwyn took it and stared at the pencil, 'Neat, they have it. I thought I'd have to make one myself, now that'd be a pain in the ass. Lucky~!'

He went to the workbench and started sketching on the paper. Looking over weapon Gwyn was drawing, Ganggon gradually realized how the weapon would function. Within a minute or two, Gwyn handed the finished drawing to Ganggon.

"Amazing artistic skills lad, could use a lesson or two from you."


Ganggon analyzed the drawing carefully, he couldn't help but smile, "Measurements?"

"Make each section about as long as my arm, excluding the hand, and then make the blade a little bit longer than my hand but narrower. The blade should be thin, but not too much."

"Wood or metal?"

"Metal, not hollowed. I want that thing a bit heavy~! Just use basic metal and don't bother designing it, I don't have that much money on me."

"I guessed as much." Ganggon stated, "I've gotta be honest lad, how do you even wield this kind of weapon?"

"Are you planning on swinging it like a whip?" Ael joined in from the side.

"I can demonstrate how to use later."

"I hack some straw dummies at the back." Ganggon informed, "Tell you what lad, if you can show me that you can really handle this weapon I'll give it to you for free."

"For real? Thanks Uncle Gang!"

"Just call me Uncle Gon."

"Thanks Uncle G!"

"Good enough."

"Should I come back a day or two to collect it?"

"A day or two?" Ganggon scoffed and started gathering materials to make the weapon, "Just wait and watch, I'll be done in more than hour."

"Really? That fast?"

"There's a reason I'm the only blacksmith in this village." Ganggon said, not even with confidence, but as if stating a fact, "It's because no one can even compete." He stated, slamming a bar of metal on the anvil, "Now keep quiet and watch."

Gwyn and Ael kept quiet and watched Ganggon work closely. The blacksmith's workshop was a marvel of organized chaos. The forge roared with life, casting a warm, flickering orange glow over everything. Tools of every shape and size were scattered about, yet each had its place, ready to be called into service by Ganggon, unfortunately he preferred to use his metal arm more it seemed.

Now that Gwyn had a closer look, he noticed that each finger on Ganggon's metal arm were equal in lenght and size with no indication of what's a pinky or thumb. Each tip of the finger also had a different appearance, and with that, serving different functions. One finger was square, one was pointed, one was like a chisel, etc. Each one shaped to help in Ganggon's smithing.

He started by heating the metals up to make it malleable and then used his jackhammer finger to precisely shape the metal into perfectly shaped rods. Moving on, he made the chains with the same type of metal. One of his finger with a hole on it started emitting concentrated flames. Using it, he connected the chains to the rods by making a hole on them and welding the chains inside.

He used the same type of metal for the blade as well, expertly shaping the metal into a thin blade which he then grindstoned, its edges honed to a razor-sharp perfection. Securing the blade on one of the rods with a solid welding, the weapon was finished. Ganggon handed Gwyn the weapon.

Gwyn took it and beheld it's form. It was a smooth darkish gray in color, the entirety of it, due to only one material being used for it's construction. The double edged blade was just slightly wider than the rod it was connected to, just as Gwyn liked.

It was simple looking to be sure, but it wasn't that bad at all. Maybe he'll even design it himself, painting over the metal. Gwyn preferred it this way for now as a temporary weapon.

"Perfect! Just exactly how imagined it!" Gwyn smiled in satisfaction, "Let's go to your backyard Uncle G, I'm going to show you how I use it."

They moved outside to an open space covered by stone walls. The backyard was an extension of the smithy, a place where weapons were tested and skills were honed. It was a stark contrast to the bustling interior of the workshop, with its serene, open-air environment. The place was populated by a bunch of straw dummies planted on the grassy ground.

Gwyn moved casually walked in front of one while lightly swinging the three-section staff, getting a feel of it's weight. Before Earth exploded, he read this manga about assassins and there was this one character who used this exact same weapon on there that immediately became his favorite. So, he tried copying the character and asked his master to teach and train him how to use a bladed three-sectioned staff.

Unfortunately for him, his master didn't half ass anything she taught him. What he was planning on learning as a casual thing turned into hellish training that made him curse his master to choke on her dentures more than a few times.

He tried to off her several times during the training playing it off as a slip of the hand, an accident if you will, but that didn't exactly work out. Instead he got beaten black and blue by his master who wielded the three-section staff like his favorite character from the manga he was reading. Fortunately it was just a wooden three-section staff and not the bladed one otherwise he would've gotten an early transmigration before Earth even exploded.

He held the middle section and used it to start spinning the bladed section around, making it generate momentum. With a flick of his wrist, the bladed section swung towards the straw dummy, making a clean horizontal cut across it.

Gwyn whistled, impressed by the cutting power, "Damn Uncle G, the blade's sharp as hell! This thing's great!"

"Is that it? A sword can do that too." Ael remarked.

" ...As well as a dagger, axe, and spear. Any bladed wepaon can do this, Ael." Gwyn retorted, "Looks like you're not particularly impressed, guess I'll kick it up a notch."

Gwyn playfully twirled the three-section staff in his hands and started making it dance and whirl across his body juggling it between his hands. The three-section staff spun around his body like a gray snake, fluid and agile.

"W-whoah!" Ael exclaimed, "Hey! Won't you hit yourself like that?"

With a swing of his right hand, the blade struck the straw dummy again, leaving another cut across its body. Not a second later, his other hand manipulated the middle section to make the bladed section strike the straw dummy again, creating another cut.

He repeated this process, the three-sectioned staff danced across his body as it struck the straw dummy repeatedly, making it a mangled mess.

Using the bottom section, he was able to deliver attacks at a longer range. With the middle section, he was able to make the blades section attack faster, sending out a flurry of slashes. Holding the bladed section itself, he can stab and pierce quickly, using it akin to a dagger.

Each section of the staff had a distinct purpose, allowing Gwyn to adapt his techniques fluidly in combat. His movements were swift and calculated, a testament to both the hellish training he endured and the weapon's balanced design.

He finally stopped when the straw dummy couldn't handle it anymore and fell to the ground.

Gwyn swung the three-section around the back of his neck and caught the other end with his other hand, hanging the three-section staff on him.

"Was that enough Uncle G?"

"It was enough. Skillfull display lad." Ganggon praised.

"Unfortunately, I was only able to show the usage of the blade. I'm not really able to demonstrate what its fully capable of without having a real opponent." Gwyn lamented.

Gwyh then looked at Ael who was still processing what just happened, "Want to try using it Ael? It's pretty easy to use once you get the hang of it."

He lied. When he started training with his master, he more often than not hit himself in the face a few times.

"Easy?! Are you kidding me?! One slip of the hand and I'll be cutting my face off using that thing!"

Gwyn smiled brightly with eyes squinted, "Then want to try sparring instead? I want to show Uncle G what this is fully capable of."

Ael sweated profusely remembering what happened to the straw dummy, "No way! After seeing what you just did to that straw dummy?!"

"That was just a stationary target, moving targets will be harder to hit."

"Now you're just treating me like a training dummy!"

"Oh come on. Don't worry, I'll only use the blunt side and wont use the blade. You can even use ether if you like?"


"Pussy ass bitch."

"WHAT?! Now you've said it! Uncle Gon, go get me a pair of greaves!"

"That's the spirit!"

Ganggon massaged his temple, feeling a headache coming. He went inside the the smithy and came back with a pair of light gray metal greaves that reaches up to the upper thighs.

Ael donned the greaves and stood in front of Gwyn.

"That suits you, it enhances your sexy long legs even more."

"Shut it." Ael spat, "Don't go using that thing you did to my nightgown earlier alright? I might actually die!"

"Of course I won't. I won't even hit your pretty face, or that sexy legs of yours, and that small chest of yours that I like... You know what, maybe this isn't a great idea after all."

"No backing out now! Don't hold back either! I'd hate you if you did!"

"I won't. I'm an advocate of gender equality you see."