
Very Bad : Redy

In a city where darkness lurks, a series of brutal murders shakes the community. Labeled as “Very Bad,” these supernatural crimes defy all logic. Inspector Lucas Moreau, known for his unorthodox methods, is called in to investigate. What he discovers is beyond belief: otherworldly creatures, bloody rituals, and a conspiracy that threatens to plunge the city into chaos. Lucas must navigate through a maze of violence and terror to stop the spreading evil. But each step brings him a little closer to his own destruction.

Charo666 · Horreur
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11 Chs

Demons in the Darkness

The engine purred gently as Lucas Moreau and the young woman drove through the night towards the police station. The cool evening air seeped through the slightly ajar windows, soothing Lucas's tense nerves. Beside him, the young woman remained silent, still shaken by recent events.

Suddenly, Lucas' phone began to vibrate on the dashboard. He glanced at the screen and saw Julien's name appear. Lucas answered immediately, activating the speakerphone so he could keep his hands on the wheel.

"Julien, do you have any news?" he asked.

Julien's voice echoed in the cabin. "Yes, Lucas. I'm with Professor Bernard. He's looked at the symbols we found. It's quite disturbing."

"Continue," Lucas replied, his tone becoming more serious.

"The symbol of the circle with the cross inside belongs to an ancient sect known as the Worshipers of the Demon of Madness. According to Professor Bernard, this sect believes in a demon named Azrael, who embodies madness and chaos . They perform bloody rituals to invoke its power and plunge their victims into a state of possession."

Lucas felt a shiver run down his spine. "Azrael... that explains the violent behavior and possessed eyes that the young woman described. These individuals are under the influence of something much more sinister than what we are used to."

"Exactly," Julien continued. "Professor Bernard believes that the recent murders are only the beginning. If these cultists succeed in summoning Azrael, Saint-Lys could be plunged into unspeakable chaos. He also gave us some ideas for identifying the places where these rituals could take place. Old, abandoned places, often linked to tragic events in the city's past."

Lucas gripped the steering wheel, feeling the gravity of the situation weighing on his shoulders. "Thank you, Julien. Stay with Professor Bernard and keep digging. We need to find these cultists before they cause more damage."

"Understood. Be careful, Lucas. These people are dangerous," Julien warned.

Lucas hung up, his thoughts swirling. The young woman next to him observed him with a worried expression.

"Who were these worshipers? Why are they doing this?" she asked, her voice shaking.

"These are people who believe in dark forces, forces that promise them power in exchange for bloody rituals," Lucas explained, trying to keep calm. "We will stop them. But you need to stay safe and cooperate with us so we can find them."

She nodded, grateful to no longer be alone in this ordeal. Lucas accelerated, determined to get to the police station quickly. Every minute counted, and he knew that the battle to save Saint-Lys was only just beginning.

The lights of the police station finally appeared on the horizon, offering a temporary respite. But in the shadows, Lucas could almost feel the gaze of the demon of madness, waiting for the right moment to strike again.

Arriving at the police station, Lucas Moreau and the young woman were greeted by the familiar agitation of the night shift. Phones were ringing, officers were coming and going, and there was a palpable atmosphere of tension in the air. Lucas guided the young woman to a small interrogation room, offering a calmer and more secure space.

"Settle down," he said softly, pulling out a chair for her. "Take your time. We need all the information we can get."

She sat up, still shaking, but determined to help. Lucas sat across from her, a notebook in hand.

"Let's start at the beginning. You said you were at a party. Can you tell us where it was and how things got out of hand?" he asked.

She took a deep breath before beginning. "It was in an abandoned house, near the old textile factory. A place where students often throw clandestine parties. Everything was going well until these men arrived. There were three of them, dressed in an ordinary way, but something in their behavior immediately made me uncomfortable."

"Can you describe them?" Lucas asked, taking notes.

"Two of them were tall and muscular, the third was smaller but with an intense look. They all had this leather bracelet with the symbol of the circle and the cross. At first they mingled with the crowd, but then... their eyes changed. It was as if they had gone crazy."

She stopped, tears in her eyes. Lucas waited patiently, giving him time to compose himself.

"Keep going, please. Every detail counts," he encouraged.

"They started attacking people for no reason. They were shouting in an incomprehensible language. My friend and I tried to run away, but they caught up with her. I ran as fast as I could and hid in the warehouse. I heard screams, horrible noises... then nothing. I waited there, terrified."

Lucas carefully wrote down each word. "You did well to hide. With your testimony, we have a chance to stop them."

At this moment, a nurse from the police medical unit entered the room, carrying a first aid kit. "We're going to take you to the hospital to get checked out," she announced softly.

The young woman nodded, grateful. Lucas stood up and held out a comforting hand. "We'll keep in touch. If you remember anything else, please let us know. We'll do everything we can to find whoever did this."

She squeezed his hand briefly before standing up. "Thank you, Mr. Moreau. Make sure they can never hurt anyone again."

"You have my word," Lucas replied with sincere determination.

He watched her walk away with the nurse, then walked out of the interrogation room, his mind already focused on the next steps. He knew the young woman had been brave in sharing her experience, and her testimony would be crucial to dismantling this macabre cult.

Back at his desk, Lucas took a few moments to organize his notes and think about the best course of action. He now had a clearer idea of what he was facing, but there was still much to be done. Finding the worshipers of the Demon of Madness and preventing their deadly rituals became a race against time.

Back in his cluttered office, Lucas Moreau closed the door behind him, seeking a quiet moment to collect his thoughts. He leaned back in his chair, staring at the board covered in cards and red threads. The investigation was becoming increasingly complex, but the information provided by the young woman offered crucial new leads.

Lucas grabbed a marker and stood up to draw an investigation diagram on the whiteboard. He drew several interconnected circles, each representing a key step in the investigation.

Step 1: Identify Suspects

**Theory:** The three men identified at the party are active members of the Worshipers of the Demon of Madness. Their physical characteristics and the symbol of the bracelet are distinctive elements.

- **Action:** Disseminate a detailed description of the suspects to all police units and inform local authorities.

- **Resources:** Use recordings from surveillance cameras around the old textile factory to spot their arrival and departure.

Step 2: Analyze the Symbols

**Theory:** The symbols engraved on the bodies and in the warehouse have a precise ritual meaning. Understanding these symbols can reveal the worshipers' intentions and their next move.

- **Action:** Collaborate closely with Professor Bernard for an in-depth analysis of the symbols and rituals associated with Azrael.

- **Resources:** Search the library archives and consult other occult experts.

Step 3: Locate the Ritual Places

**Theory:** Worshipers of the Demon of Madness use abandoned places with a tragic history for their rituals.

- **Action:** Map all abandoned buildings and historic places in Saint-Lys likely to be used by worship.

- **Resources:** Use municipal archives to identify abandoned sites and their history. Organize discreet patrols and surveillance in these areas.

Step 4: Protect Potential Victims

**Theory:** Cultists target specific victims for their rituals, likely chosen for their vulnerability or isolation.

- **Action:** Issue a public alert to make citizens aware of the threat and encourage vigilance.

- **Resources:** Work with social services and community organizations to identify people at risk and ensure their protection.

Step 5: Infiltrate and Neutralize the Cult

**Theory:** Dismantling the cult will require understanding its internal structure and key members.

- **Action:** Develop a plan to infiltrate the cult, identify the leaders and collect evidence to arrest them.

- **Resources:** Use undercover agents and collaborate with security forces specializing in sects and cults.

Lucas stood back, examining the investigation pattern with a critical eye. He had a plan. Sure, every step had risks, but there was no room for failure. The security of Saint-Lys depended on it.

He sat down at his desk, ready to share his plan with Julien and the rest of the team. The phone rang, interrupting his thoughts. It was Julien.

"Lucas, I have news. Professor Bernard found something very interesting about the history of these rituals," Julien announced with urgency in his voice.

Lucas took a deep breath, ready to listen. "I'm listening to you, Julien. Every detail counts."