
First X mark confirmed

"Are you stupid?!"

"Yeah, I am."

Reigner had properly teamed up with all his roommates, then both of them set forth to the forest. The forest became the closed up area where the rules are pretty much nonexistent. One has to survive here for the whole two weeks!

Then, the bitch instructor's people will slowly scour the area in search of the rookies.

But before Reigner could scrutinize his surroundings, his ears nonstop had to listen to Selia's nagging! The older 'sister' couldn't believe what he has done and the fact that she also was in her lingerie didn't disturb her at all.

Constantly pointing her finger at Reigner was exactly what Selia had within her mind to point out all the slashes that made his body bleed. He was already losing some blood and she couldn't comprehend why.

Then, Hasar whispered what exactly happened.

"For real! Why? Just with one glance, you could see that this forest is way colder than the normal ones! You will die just from the lack of clothes and... bleeding!"

"At least I will die with a nice memory in my mind then."


Selia just shook her head disgruntledly, then stopped speaking as to not waste any strength. Naturally, the cold forest had a lot of cold breezes that were carrying the metallic stench. Furthermore, it was way colder than one could imagine.

The forest was crowded with the dark green scenery, so one also had to be careful to not fall or the way. Being all nude, stepping on sharp pebble would be enough to exacerbate their situation. The four rookies had their eyes around!

"Selia, let me hold your hand... I feel a little dizzy."


An older sister didn't waste any second to help her roommate! She copped Reigner's hand, then took the lead. Their goal was to find at least a supply or weapon first. And being led by Selia, Reigner had nice sights and didn't really need to focus on the environment.

Instead, his eyes were going from around to search for other rookies, then sometimes resting his 'dizzy' eyes on her bottom.

"It's so fucking cold! Let's go for supplies... There also should be some clothes!"

"I vaguely remember the map... It was similar to the one the senior sister provided! At least the caverns were the same, but as for supplies..."

It was time to step in.

Reigner took out one of his shattered glass, yanked Selia's arm, then with her attention all on him...

"Find an open area and soak this glass in the sunshine."


The tree's rustling leaves were like the perfect ceiling. It was yet another challenge to find an open area, but it's not like they have to step out from their 'vague directions' to do so, thus, the party continued to follow their instincts while peeking at the glass.

"Reigner... You had this in your... shorts?"



Even the ever silent Felio added his own share. The party didn't question the origins of this glass nor the effects as Reigner shouldn't be the one to play some tricks here! He had been always fighting bravely in the training sessions!

Soon, the luck descended upon them.

"It's not the supply... but at least it's warmer here."

The sun was also descended. It was time to recuperate, even if a little, then test the strange glass from Reigner. When Selia's little hand went up, her eyes glittered a little as the sunshine was being carried to the glass!

It was so magical and far more beautiful than the metal horses and lances that she, as a lady, couldn't help but look at it more. Soon, the shattered glass reflected the map on the ground! The map was the one Selia got from her senior sister.

The three roommates went 'Bruh' and looked at the glass with some profound expressions. This is the treasure and the fact that Reigner hid it from the bitch instructor was just the best!

"She had no way of predicting that! Hah, one for us, bitch!"

*Nod* *Nod*

"This is where our group had started... I also did my best to remember the map that bitch had shown, so if someone started here... and went straight into the forest..."

"I am not sure, but we should be around... here."

"Yeah, we were going more or loss in the northern-east direction."

Reigner nodded to Selia's words, then confirmed with everyone that the blue X was at least in the same vicinity in both maps. The group decided to enjoy the warm sun for a little, then their forms disappeared under the vast and dark leaves' ceiling.

The possibility of a lucky group already possessing some supplies couldn't be excluded. The party had to go forth and get an advantage! Once the Blue X will be confirmed by them, their exact location will be also confirmed.

The four caverns are confirmed and one should be at least conquered!

"The nights in such a forest... will be deadly."



"Shit! Why aren't we so lucky? Is it because of Reigner's glass?"

"Oh, I am so sorry."

"You don't sound sorry at all."

"You too~~"

Hasar and Reigner exchanged glances, then shifted their attention to the Blue X mark. The mark has been confirmed now, but there were already four men surrounding the supplies. Looking at the packed boxes, the party couldn't stop their jealousy from shaking their firsts.

And as the four men laughed and opened up the box.


"Guys, are you ready to fight?"

"Yes, yes, older sister. But we should utilize our advantage."

Reigner calmly spoke, his eyes skimming through Selia's body with a lecherous glance that made her a little uncomfortable. Though Reigner had never shown any signs, he was still the man! She couldn't help, but hug herself then!

"W-what kind of advantage?"

"Older sister, let me smear my blood on you. I will make you look like the pitiful survivor and these guys surely will welcome you into their ranks. That's how beautiful our older sister is."


Using his wounds from the bitch instructor for his advantage! Reigner was not only planning to use the men's desires but also satisfy his own 'fantasy' new life by massaging the older sister who had been a very nice ever since the beginning.

Remembering their first talk and curses at the bitch instructor, Reigner smiled. This smile indicated that he is going to be a very nice and gentle with his massage for all the nice support he has received.

"So, Selia?"

"It's for success! We have to minimalize our losses..."

Under eyes of slack-jawed Hasar and shocked Felio, Reigner closed up a distance, gathered some blood that was still dripping from his chest, then reached out for his older sister!


"Selia, you can not let out any sounds... What if they find out about us?"

"Don't speak as if we were doing something bad!"

"Ah, this older sister has gone mad. I wonder if the kiss will be enough to solve our little troubles."

"K-kiss?! Mmm!"

In the end, she was too loud, so Reigner went for his a little experienced move.

"I should take notes, no?"
