
The Natural Safeguard

The bright and warm light of the sun hit Michael's eyes once again as he found himself back in the vast expanse of wheat fields, standing before the towering stalks that seemed to stretch endlessly in every direction. 

Xyel unfurled his wings and scooped up Arial. "You know where to go," he said to him before launching into the air.

 "Vespera," Michael called out.

 "Yes, how may I help you?" came the response from his eye's co-pilot.

 "Make me faster," Michael requested.

 "All energy has already been channeled to your legs," Vespera informed him. 

"Already? How?" Michael inquired.

 "I know what you're thinking about," she replied cheerfully. 

Michael understood the implication and nodded in silent acknowledgment.

Believing Vespera, he propelled himself forward at speeds he didn't even know he was capable of. In the blink of an eye, he found himself standing right at Hamlinzok's door. 

"Tell me my speed," Michael asked, surprised. 

"Your current speed was 10 Mach," Vespera reported. 

This caught Michael off-guard, his mind struggling to comprehend the magnitude of his velocity. "Are you serious?" he questioned.

"I will never provide you the false information," Vespera said enthusiastically. 

"Can I get more faster?"

"With more energy, absolutely," Vespera confirmed, her tone brimming with confidence.

Michael knocked on the door. 

Xyel landed behind him with a swish of his wings, releasing Arial from his arms. 

"How are you already here?!" he exclaimed, his disbelief evident.

"I ran," Michael replied simply, leaving Xyel momentarily dumbfounded.

The door swung open, revealing Hamlinzok with a warm smile. 

"Welcome again," he greeted them.

Texts appeared beside Hamlinzok;

"Name: Hamlinzok. 

Health and Vitals: 100%. 

Strength: Exceptional. 

Emotional Disposition: Cheerful. 

Weakness: Not Yet Analyzed. 

Remark: Ally."

Arial dashed forward with laughter, her arms outstretched. 

"Hammy!" she exclaimed, wrapping him in a tight hug.

Hamlinzok returned the embrace, his brown eyes twinkling with delightment.

 "Hello, Arial! How was Juwexi?" he inquired with childlike curiosity.

"Hmm…" Arial pondered for a moment. "Not good. Mikey beat him!"

"Oh," Hamlinzok responded with a hint of amusement. "Is that true?"

Michael shrugged nonchalantly. "I just caught him off-guard."

"That's excellent," Hamlinzok praised, beaming with pride. "Come inside." He gestured them towards the couches, where they settled comfortably, especially after walking through The Core.

As they sat, a lavish spread of food materialized on the table before them, similar to what they were presented with during their last visit.

This time, however, Xyel refrained from devouring it all, though Michael found himself somewhat hungry.

"So," Hamlinzok began, "What about the eye?"

"Juwexinof managed to unlock it," Xyel explained.

"Congratulations," Hamlinzok congratulated warmly. "I had a feeling Juwexinof might have made some progress. It seems my intuition was correct."

"Thank you," Michael acknowledged bluntly, his tone neutral as he sampled a bite of the steak.

"Energy levels will increase faster if you eat," Vespera told him.

Michael nodded silently in agreement.

"What about Juwexinof and Horizon?" Hamlinzok questioned, his tone casual.

"Well…Jolain arrived," Xyel revealed hesitantly.

Hamlinzok went pale as the color left his face, and his eyes widened. It took him a moment to respond.

"WHAT?!" The house seemed to tremble as Hamlinzok's anger and shock reverberated through the air.

Texts appeared in Michael's vision,

"Alert: Emotional Disposition Changed - Anger. 

Aura Expanding Rapidly."

"I can see that," Michael murmured to Vespera, feeling the weight of the heavy air pressing against him due to Hamlinzok's aura.

"THEN?" Hamlinzok demanded, his voice resonating with intensity.

Xyel struggled to find his words as the atmosphere continued to become unbearable while Arial was smiling peacefully on the couch.

"They are currently in battle," Michael stated matter-of-factly, unaffected by the rising tension.

"THEY CANNOT WIN," Hamlinzok declared with rage.

Michael merely shrugged in response. "Then they are probably dead by now."

Hamlinzok locked eyes with him, as if about to kill him. 

Michael stared back, unamused knowing he would probably get eliminated by Hamlinzok.

Then he took a deep breath, his aura gradually subsiding as he regained control of his emotions. 

"I apologize," he sighed heavily, sinking back into his seat and massaging his temples with a weary hand.

"This is all too much," Hamlinzok muttered, his brow furrowed with concern. "Sigrius is gone, and now we might lose Juwexinof or Horizon, or worse, both." He placed a hand on his chin, deep in thought. "We cannot afford to lose anyone else." 

"All our hopes rest on Horizon," Xyel added solemnly. 

"Unfortunately, yes. But you know how unpredictable he can be." Hamlinzok sighed a note of sadness in his voice.

 Xyel nodded in agreement. 

"Who are The Darkest Shadows?" Michael asked, shifting the conversation.

 "Did you encounter them?" Hamlinzok asked, his concern evident. 

"Yes. General Cyp. I killed him," Michael replied with a hint of detachment.

 Hamlinzok's eyes widened in surprise. "That is certainly impressive. I have to give you credit for that." Michael acknowledged with a brief nod.

 "You see, Jolain has three groups of his strongest soldiers," Hamlinzok began, "The order is: The Darkest Shadows, The Void Reapers, and The Obsidian Vanguard. Each group comprises three elite soldiers. All members of The Obsidian Vanguard are said to be on par with Horizon, although we haven't seen any of them since The Synufix Face-Off." 

"They didn't appear during The Great Defense," Xyel interjected. "We still don't understand Jolain's strategy since he didn't deploy his entire army. We'll have to wait and see."

"So, Cyp was one of The Darkest Shadows?" Michael confirmed. 

"Yes, probably the weakest among them, but still a formidable foe," Hamlinzok replied. "Defeating him is a commendable achievement. Jolain's army has many captains of various factions, but they are on a much lower level than these elite groups." 

"I encountered one of such captains on Earth," Michael said nonchalantly. "I killed him and the rest of his minions."

"Yes, Seraphiel, the angel I sent to retrieve you, informed me," Xyel said. "You saved his life too. I owe you a great debt."

"Sure, why not," Michael replied bluntly, his tone betraying no emotion.

There was a moment of silence. 

Michael rose to his feet, breaking the stillness. "What do we do now?" he asked, his voice cutting through the quietude.

 Hamlinzok examined him thoughtfully for a moment before gesturing towards the rope dart hanging by his waist. "That's in pretty bad shape now," he observed. 

Michael uncoiled the rope dart and inspected its tip closely. 

Hamlinzok's assessment was correct; it had indeed dulled significantly, likely due to its encounter with Cyp's formidable armor.

"I suggest you pay a visit to the Dwarfs," Hamlinzok advised. "Head to Lodinop. Their leader can provide you with something more durable and sharp." 

Xyel nodded in agreement, rising from his seat. "I concur. We shouldn't waste any time." 

Hamlinzok flashed a warm smile as he also stood up. "Did you enjoy your meal, Michael?" 

Michael nodded in response. 

"That's—" Hamlinzok began, but his words were cut short as the door suddenly swung open, startling everyone in the room.

Before anyone else could react, Michael had already swung his rope dart in the direction of the intruder. The figure caught the rope dart between his two fingers, halting it just inches from his face.

"GUESS WHAT?" came Horizon's voice as he released the rope dart and turned towards them, spreading his arms wide. 

"Horizon," Hamlinzok greeted, his tone betraying a hint of frustration. "What happened?" 

"Well, I have good news and bad news. Which would you like to hear first?" Horizon grinned.

 "Let's start with the good news," Xyel interjected eagerly. 

"So…Juwexinof died," Horizon announced bluntly, the words hanging heavily in the air. 

The room fell into a stunned silence. Hamlinzok stared at Horizon in disbelief, his frustration mounting with each passing moment. Taking a deep breath, he looked down, giving up on Horizon's non-seriousness. 

"HOW IS JUWEXINOF'S DEATH GOOD NEWS?" Xyel erupted in despair.

"Oh." Horizon's smile faded as he went into thought, "I said it in the wrong order, didn't I?"

 He looked at Michael. 

Michael nodded in silent acknowledgment as Horizon cheerfully corrected himself. 

"So... that was the bad news," he continued with a grin, "The good news is, his shard is safe with me." With a flourish, Horizon retrieved a brilliant blue crystal from within his cloak, its flowing and animated energy captivating to behold.

"How did you manage to escape?" Michael asked. 

"Juwexinof asked me to," Horizon explained. "He entrusted his shard to me, instructed me to deliver it to you and infuse it or something, and said it would greatly aid you." 

"But how can one infuse a shard?" Xyel interjected, his frustration evident. 

"It's possible, but highly risky," "The process carries the risk of being overwhelmed by its immense energy. There's about a 4% chance of survival. That is why no one does it. We usually just extract the energy through other sources." Hamlinzok added. "How did Juwexinof fight without his shard?" 

"I'm not entirely sure," Horizon shrugged nonchalantly. "I offered to help, but he insisted I take it and get lost. Quite rude, if you ask me." He glanced at Hamlinzok with false innocence, his eyes welling with tears.

 Hamlinzok stared at Horizon, his patience wearing thin with his antics.

"I think," he turned to Michael, his tone thoughtful, "the shard might work on you, as that energy may be compatible with the eye."

"Then what's the hold-up?" Horizon inserted, his laughter laced with mischief as he suddenly moved his arm towards Michael's chest.

"Horizon, WAIT!" Hamlinzok's voice yelled, but it was too late.

As Horizon's hand thrust forward, the shard collided with Michael's chest with a force that sent a jolt through his entire body. A surge of pulsating energy radiated from the shard, enveloping Michael in a dazzling display of light. 

The intensity of the infusion grew immediately, and with it, the atmosphere crackled with noticeable tension. The shard seemed to meld seamlessly with Michael's being, its energies intertwining with his own in a mesmerizing dance of power. 

Text popped up everywhere, the same alert repeating again and again. 

"Alert: !!!Energy levels have exceeded the body's limit!!!"

Waves of raw energy pulsed outward from the point of contact, rippling across Michael's form like a storm gathering momentum. Michael's muscles tensed involuntarily as the infusion took hold, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to contain the overwhelming sensation coursing through him. His senses were heightened to a level that was not yet known to him.

Hamlinzok and Xyel watched on, their expressions a mix of concern and disbelief. They had seen many things in their time, but the sight before them was unlike anything they had ever witnessed. Horizon, his mischievous grin replaced by a look of wide-eyed wonder was awestruck by the power unleashed by his impulsive action. 

And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the intensity of the infusion began to fade. 

The crackling energy subsided. 

Michael stood there, his chest heaving with exertion. The shard had successfully bonded with him.

"Alert: Energy levels have returned back to normal."

"What?" Michael coughed up as he spoke.

"It worked," Hamlinzok said pleasantly.

"No. It did not," said Michael dully.

"What do you mean?" asked Xyel with confusion, "Did it not fuse with you?"

"It did. But my energy levels have returned to normal." Michael replied.

Hamlinzok thought for a moment, then his eyes widened with realization. "It must be due to a natural limiter placed on you," he said, "Because you are human."

Michael looked puzzled. "A natural limiter? What do you mean?" 

Hamlinzok continued, "Every being is powered by a shard, but humans are different from us, brothers. Your physiology includes a natural limiter that prevents the full utilization of such immense power. It's a safeguard to prevent your body from being overwhelmed and destroyed by the energy." 

Xyel nodded in agreement. "Exactly. The brothers are inherently designed to handle vast amounts of power without such restrictions. Humans, on the other hand, have evolved with these limiters to ensure their survival." 

"So, how do we remove it?" Michael asked bluntly.

"That, I'm afraid, is beyond my knowledge," Hamlinzok replied with a saddened sigh.

Michael acknowledged with a nod.

"THAT," came Horizon's voice as he walked closer, "WAS PHENOMENAL." 

His entire face was covered with soot, and all his hair was blown back, making him look almost comical. His red eyes twinkled with excitement amidst the darkness around his face. 

"How did you end up like that?" questioned Michael, his tone flat. 

"I stood too close," Horizon grinned, his white teeth gleaming through the soot. 

Hamlinzok sighed, shaking his head with a small smile. 

"Before it's too late, let's go to Duace's universe," Xyel advised urgently. 

"Agreed," Hamlinzok said. "Horizon, go wash your face. Or…just use your powers. It's up to you." 

"I am not dirty like Xyel. I'll go wash it," Horizon chuckled, clearly enjoying the banter. 

"Horizon, I WIL-" Xyel began, but with a flick of his hand, Horizon threw Xyel out of the house through the door. 

"That's not nice, Horizon," Hamlinzok said matter-of-factly, his tone a mixture of exasperation and amusement. 

"Oh, let me have my fun, old man." Horizon laughed as he headed for the bathroom. 

Hamlinzok shook his head in despair, muttering under his breath.

"I will take my leave," said Michael, stepping towards the door. 

Just then, Arial came running from behind and grabbed Michael's finger with her small hand. 

Michael immediately retracted his finger in reflex, looking at Hamlinzok, puzzled and a bit irritated. 

"She can be useful," Hamlinzok shrugged. 

"You know what the situation is right now," Michael replied, his voice laced with frustration. 

"Don't stress it," Hamlinzok smiled, his brown eyes twinkling with hidden knowledge. 

Michael took a deep breath, trying to quell his rising irritation. 

Xyel came flying down, his face contorted with rage. "HORIZON, I SWEAR YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" he yelled, picking up Arial gently despite his anger. 

"Singularity again," he said to Michael, his voice calmer now as he prepared to fly towards it. 

Michael looked at Hamlinzok one last time, who just nodded at him to go. 

In a flash, Michael reached the Singularity, the air around it crackling with energy. 

"Not too shabby," said Horizon, who was sitting atop the Singularity in a lotus position, looking completely at ease. 

"How are you already here?" asked Michael, genuinely curious. 

Horizon smiled mischievously, "Magic," he said childishly, flipping off the Singularity and jumping straight into it with a fluid motion. 

Xyel came soaring in behind them. 

"Ah, of course, you've reached before me," he remarked sarcastically, rolling his eyes. 

"Horizon already went through," said Michael, his voice even. 

"WHAT?!" Xyel roared, "WHY DI-" 

"He has already saved our asses. Be grateful," Michael interrupted, stepping into the Singularity with a sense of finality, the world around them shifting once again as they moved between realms.