

Goodluck_Deborah · Urbain
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12 Chs

I thought she was human

..... she could feel the change in the color of her eyes ...

her fangs elongated and her finger toes and hand nails grew longer than normal..

in no time she turned to a big female wolf ..

Wats happening to me ..why am I changing to a wolf she thought...

these only happen when I feel treatned in an environment ..

OH no am in danger ....that was when it dawned on her that the people she saw earlier were treats ...

looking up she couldn't find them at the spot earlier..

just then something jumped in front of her and scratched her left arm ... luckily for her it wasn't deep so no blood came out from it ...

the fight began it was a three against one ..

she jumped hitting one on the chest ..which sent him flying to the other end ...

they fought for some time ..and she was taking the lead ...

she charged towards the one coming from behind and scratched him on the left eye with her claws ..he fell to the ground and made to stand up again when she kicked him hard ..and he laid there dead ..


All the while he stayed up there and watched in awe ...

just who the hell is she to fight against three Vampires..

she is indeed a good fighter ...

but in no time she will get tired soon ..

just then one came from behind and knocked her down ...Owwww he said making a face

.....she was about hitting the one in front of her when the other came from the side and hit her so hard which sent her flying and hit her back against a big tree ..

blood started coming from the side of her mouth ...

she made to get up ...but the other kicked her in her stomach and more blood came from her mouth ....

..... I could here the sound of cracking bones as i laid on the ground , my breath hagard..

in no time every where became still ...no sound could be heard ...

I gently opened my eyes to find someone standing in front of me...

I couldn't see his face clearly , but I bet someone with such a lovely name and voice is cuite ....

My name is Declan ..you should be more careful next time ...

....Thank you for saving my life was all I could mutter be fore passing out..

... am late ...he said as he looked at the time in his phone ..

he turned to leave but stoped ..I will only take you to some where safe and then go ..

he dropped her by the river bank beside the back door that leads to her room without knowing ...

At the hide out

Declan is the youngest of all Oliver's men ..

Oliver saved him when he was just twelve in a war between vampires and wolfs ..

he lost his family in the fight ..and ever since then Oliver has only treated him like his younger brother ...like family ...

.....You are late came Oliver's voice..

Earlier after he dropped her by the river bank ,he immediately returned to the camp ..but training already started ...

quietly he tried to sneak in but unfortunately for him he didn't go unnoticed by the hawkie eyes of Oliver ..

Hearing his voice he stopped in his tracks..

Where have you been...

turning around he bowed his head slightly in guilt and said ...

Am sorry big brother ...

that doesn't answer my question he asked with an expressionless face ..

sometimes he tries to be mean , in other for Declan to take him serious..

nothing in particular I just forgot ...

But I personally placed a reminder in your phon....e.. he couldn't finish what he wanted to say as something caught his attention..

wats that on your arm ...

F**ck he said inaudibly...he had sustained an injury in the fight between him and the Vampires of agwi forest ...

let me see ..he said coming closer..

umm it's nothing serious he said hiding his hand behind his back ...

Declan let me see you hand he ordered ...ever since he picked him ..he had never allowed him go to any war be it a mare fight ...

he has always been careful and caring like a big brother ....

he even went to the extent of making Raven watch over him all the time ...

...how did this happen ...

I ..ummm.. .see am fine ..

I never asked if you were fine ...

how did this happen and who did this to you ..

and don't think of telling lies...

I fell from a three while playing...

you don't fool me Declan ...you can keep it to yourself but never miss training for anything in the world ever again..

He nodded and walked away feeling guilty for lieying to him ...

..... I woke up an hour latter with a throbbing headache.... arrrrrgh....I managed to stand on my feet ...how did I get here ..or probably he must have brought me here ..I staggard towards my door and went in ...

before going to take my bath ..I called for Audrey my hand maid and inquired if anyone looked for me ...but the reply I got from her got me confused.

Audrey are you sure of what you just said ..

Yes my princess I came twice to your room to bring you dinner because you asked for it ..after which you asked me to prepare a warm bath for you which I did and bid you goodnight..

I stood there stunned of what she said I made her do..

like I asked you in person to do all these ...

Yes my princess..

did you by chance touch me ..

yes I helped you out from your dress ..

is everything okay my princess ...

ummm yes yes everything is fine..you can go now ... saying that I gestured her to leave and I closed the door after ..

I wasn't here last night ....

who did she prepare a warm bath for ..

and who did she server dinner to ...

this is crazy I thought ...asking her to leave earlier was for her not to think I was going crazy ...

Audrey has being my maid for only six months ...she wouldn't lie ..she still fears me ...

ave tried making friends with her or at least make her feel free around me ..but she always decline .. always saying a princess and a maid can never be friends ...

I don't know who made such stupid rules but trust me if I happen to succeed my father I will change those stupid rules infact I will abolish them ...

frustratedly and confused I went to sit on my bed ..

How I miss you so much Lydia ...

Lydia had been my nanny since when I was seven .. she is the only one who could understand me ...

we were more of friends ..I could tell her my problems and how I feel ...

not until she disappeared last year ...

I tried my best in searching for her but all were fruitless ...

Dad and mom introduced different maids to me ..but I never liked any of them ...

they were either scared of me or always acting like suspect .. something was always off with them ...

Audrey was the only one I prefered in all of them ...thou she is scared of me but at least not like the others ...

she is well trained and respectful ...kind and loving..she is beautiful too with long , shinny brown hair ...

in her blue eyes hold hope and love and a new beginning...

How I miss you Lydia ...saying that I went into the bathroom to have a cold shower ...thank goodness she didn't notice the cut on my arm....

in no time I was done bathing ...I came out standing in front of the dressing mirror I watched the wound on my arm and lower abdomen heal ...

sighing I picked the comb on the dressing table and combed my hair gently ..

I had asked Lydia to teach me how to do things my self ... especially the basics...

she had refused saying it wasn't right ..but with lots of persuasion she eventually thought me something's ....

I packed it into a smooth bunny ...and went to lay down ...

everything that had happened yesterday down to today's morning came rushing into my head ....

My name is Declan , the name kept ringing in my head ..

who is he and why did he save my life ..

Just then I remembered something ..

Oh no Collette....I haven't called her ,she must be worried ...

What the ...why is my phone low ..I thought I charged it yesterday ...

sighing I tossed the phone on the table ...

i flipped over and laid on my back ..

I no time I drifted to sleep...