
Vera - The King

Vera, an illegitimate child of a King born with the special traits of the royal family goes into hiding after her parent's murder. Later she encounters her half-sister and joins hands to take revenge on the one who betrayed them and get back the throne. Vera's life as a royal prince, her secret love, tragic life and duties... this story navigates through those...

vasuki_king · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

What will Logan do?

"What is the meaning of this? Vera, how did you find this?" Kaisar abruptly entered a late-night emergency meeting that Vera had requested. Catherine, Helga, Roman, Mazzi, Ceasr, and Erwin were already in attendance, along with Vera.

"Please take a seat first Kaisar," said Catherine, "Now that everyone is here, Vera, please explain the situation," she added.

"Let's all take a moment to calm down. Earlier, Marcus Trova got in touch with me and shared some important news. Apparently, Logan is currently planning to take over Vagmur. Initially, we thought he would come after me, but Marcus was able to delay his attack until after he successfully conquered Vagmur. Jaser and Pompie have already been sent to Vagmur with a letter. It's crucial that we don't let Logan defeat Vagmur as it poses a significant threat to Egur and Utshani." Vera explained the situation, and everyone skimmed concerned.

"I have already sent a message to my father and my uncle the king of Utshani," Catherine added

"So when will they attack? Did Marcus mention any time period?"

"During the five-nation festival, an attack is imminent, and it will be carried out using shadow mages and soldiers from Loistava and Ostrova. Marcus has disclosed that the attack will be launched by land and will be divided into three troops. However, we still lack specifics regarding the locations and tactics of the attack. Logan is understandably wary of Marcus." Erwin and Ceasar have presented a map of the five nations on the table, and Vera has suggested that Ostrova will most likely enter through Pilu as it presents the easiest route for them. It is crucial to remain vigilant and prepare accordingly.

Agreed. Lucus is nothing more than a puppet king who will bow down to Logan's orders. The optimal land borders for Loistava to launch an attack on Vagmur are the Hashi pass in the north and Favyul village in the southeast. However, any attempt to utilize the sea to attack Vagmur would be detrimental due to Loistava's weaker navy. It is imperative that we focus on three key points: Pilu, Hashi, and Favyul. Hashi, a mountain pass, would give Loistava soldiers an upper hand with their guerilla warfare expertise. Favyul village is an ideal entry point to Vagmur with a high population, making it easier to weaken Vagmur's army by attacking its civilians." Helga's military strategic knowledge stands impressive and leaves her audience speechless.

"That is quite impressive young lady," commented Roman.

"Yes, Helga your calculation are pretty good," Kaiser also accepted her skills

"Helga you are really knowledgeable, I am sure this is exactly what Logan would have thought, " Catherine said, glancing at Roman.

"I agree, Helga's tactics may serve as a foundation for Logan's plan, but we're not discussing Logan's strategy at the moment. The decision on how to conquer lies with three individuals: shadow head Dolgi Tez, Count Requis Tel Arbano, and Commander Francis Deuz. The Count and the Commander betrayed Willard and joined Logan, so their loyalty lies with him and they will do whatever it takes to please him. Their plans will undoubtedly be more complex than Helga's," explained Roman, as the others pondered the situation.

"So what do you think they will plan, Sir Roman?" asked Vera

"According to our analysis, Pilu, Hashi, and Favyul are the most vulnerable points in Vagmur's defence. As a result, they will be defended with utmost care and effort. Unfortunately, we have no intelligence on their military capabilities since Vagmur has sealed its borders. Without reliable information, Commander Francis is hesitant to engage in combat. Additionally, Requis has the largest army among the nobles. It's possible that they are planning a mock battle."

"What is a mock battle?" asked Ceasar and others were curious.

"Willard devised a tactic for dealing with hidden or unknown enemies. The plan involves sneaking into the enemy base or country and creating chaos internally. Then, attacking two or three checkpoints of borders to alert the country of the enemy's presence. It is crucial to concentrate on one location and send in a mock army that is neither weak nor strong. The enemy will be distracted by the mock army while the actual army prepares for an ambush in familiar terrain. Once the signal is given, the weak army will slowly retreat, leading the enemy troops into a death trap set by a powerful army of mages. This strategy must be executed swiftly, leaving the enemies with no time to think calmly." Roman explained this in detail.

"Wow! What sneaky tactics," commented Kaisar

"Are you sure, that they will choose this strategy?" inquired Vera

"Yes, Loistava's weakness in water makes this the optimal plan, as the princess herself pointed out. While Pilu, Hashi, and Favyul can provide excellent diversions, they lack the capability to launch an attack from the water. Were I the commander, I would designate Arula as our base of operations. Not only does it share a border with Vagmur, but it also straddles the Arulia River, which serves as the dividing line between Loistava and Vagmur. The river will provide Loistava with a significant tactical advantage, while Vagmur is a highly sensitive area due to their extensive silk cultivation in Homur." Roman's words were precise and spoken with utmost sincerity.

"This is without a doubt the best tactic. Vagmur stands little chance against it. With only twenty-five days until the foundation day, we must act fast. Jaser and Pompie will arrive in Vagmur tomorrow evening, and we must use this opportunity to have a discussion with the king." Catherine declared.

"I do have one question. Even if we decide to aid Vagmur, how do we plan to do so?" Erwin inquired.

"It's true that we can't pass through Loistava. If we travel through Utshani and enter Vagmur from the south, it'll take more than ten days. The quickest way is to travel by water, but crossing Loistava's water border is quite risky. How can we reach Vagmur faster without getting caught?" Caesar asked.

"Are we overthinking this? Why should we help Vagmur? We can simply attack Logan and Loistava with an army. Since Loistava's shadows and army won't be there, isn't this our best chance to kill Logan?" Mazzi proposed.

"Excellent suggestion," Helga affirmed.

"Attacking Loistava could prove advantageous," Kaisar concurred, acknowledging the soundness of Mazzi's proposal.

"I don't think we can win against Logan, even if he's alone," Vera spoke up, capturing everyone's attention. "Marcus shared some information about him. Apparently, he was blessed by the queen of Inci and can kill a group of men in mere seconds without a weapon. When Marcus returned to Shoma, he witnessed Logan committing a mass murder, and he was covered in blood when he heard my news from his shadows. It is imperative to note that there exist the palace servants anoint him secretly "the beast." Marcus observed a distinct mark on his hand, which he diligently researched in the royal library and determined to be a mark of air. As a result, he wields similar powers to both myself and Sir Roman. It is worth mentioning that the leader of the shadow team, Logan, currently boasts a prana level of Kyrios. Moreover, Queen Kaira possesses a prana level of Mesis and commands her own group of shadow soldiers. Given my current condition, launching an attack on Loistava, even if Logan is alone, would be a reckless decision." Vera provided clarification on these matters.

"So it was true, that night when your father died. Logan was unarmed and that's why Willard went to meet him alone. He butchered him with his bare hands, what monster is he?" tears rolled from Catherine's eyes.

"Then what are we going to do? How are we going to help Vagmur?" asked Mazzi

"We have sent a message as help, there is nothing we can do more. Since it's impossible to reach there with our troop, or it could be a mere trap for us," Sir Roman stated

"Instead of providing them with an army, why don't we offer a strategy to fight?" Vera suggested with a grin. The others looked bewildered.


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