
Vera - The King

Vera, an illegitimate child of a King born with the special traits of the royal family goes into hiding after her parent's murder. Later she encounters her half-sister and joins hands to take revenge on the one who betrayed them and get back the throne. Vera's life as a royal prince, her secret love, tragic life and duties... this story navigates through those...

vasuki_king · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

What happened in Vagmur?

"Catherine, did you get any reply from Vagmur?" asked Sir Roman.

"No, nothing, judging from all those they went through, it's only natural for this to ignore us. However, even after mentioning Vera's existence, they choose silence is questionable. What kind of life did they choose for the past five years? They cut out all relations with the other four nations. They lost to Ostrova while trying to protect Pilu. Since then king Harrelson wanted to avenge his daughter and grandson's death. Concubine Rusiya and Asher both were dear to me. Willard never showed any discrimination to us, never favoured me, and always treated us equally. He even selected me as his queen after discussing it with his all wives. Asher was a sweet big brother, the eldest son, he saved our lives, my sweet boy," Catherin's words trembled as tears rolled down. "As I said, Sir Roman, I don't know who helps Vagmur and how is the kingdom now. We must need their presence in Nui-Penta to proclaim a war at Logan," she added.

"I understand, rest yourself, Catherine. I am sure Vagmur will never abandon us. Harrelson is not that heartless man." replied Roman.

"Vagmur? What happened to you?" Catherine asked herself, staring at the vast sky filled with big dark clouds. It is about to rain.


Vagmur is the land lying beyond the borders of Loistava in the East. It was under the rule of the Vagmur clan who stood with Leighanns in the great war a the beginning. Harrelson Wenus Vagmur, an old age man who was close to the late king Willard's father Fermi is the current king of Vagmur. He is the father of four children, his eldest daughter Rusiya married Willard and died along with him on that night ten years ago. Vagmur was famous for its silk and amazing crafts. Their products are famed across the Amazzi Ocean, they had trade relations with many foreign countries since half of its border is the Mer and Hav Sea. They had a strong navy army just like Ostrova.

Ten years ago, two months after the coronation of Logan as the King of Loistava, Vagmur attacked Shoma but they were defeated by the shadow mages of Inci and Logan's soldiers. It was a shame for Vagmur, at king Harrelson blamed Egur and Utshani for not fighting. Then the next two years were very hard for Vagmur, they lost land Pilu to Ostrova and their borders were under constant attacks.

Two years later, Logan called for a Nui-Penta gathering. All the five kings met in Meridian, a floating small nation in the Mer Sea. It is a magical nation with multiple stores and it floats, travels and changes its location every two months. It is owned by one of the most influential mage houses in all five nations Meridians of Nowhere. They are not part of any nation. Their history is something no one can acquire. However, the Nui-Penta that Logan called ended in the death of the Crown Prince of Vagmur. He tried to sneak assassinate Logan to avenge his sister's death but shadows found out. In dread, Vagmur backed off from public and closed his doors ever since. It's been five years since we last heard a word from Vagmur, they really closed ties with the other four nations. How is Vagmur? What happened to Vagmur? They are a mystery.

Inside the Vagmur royal palace...

"Father? What do you mean? Lady Catherine found the son of the late king. There was one? With golden eyes?" curiously a young man asked a very old man, resting on a comfortable cushion chair. He was the king of Vagmur, Harrelson Winus Vagmur.

"Son, we are not going to join with any, so let's ignore it," he answered as he burned the letter Catherine has send.

"But father, this may be a chance, this may be the right one. I lost my two siblings and we lost our pride, land, and happiness because of Logan. If the golden-eyed child of Willard is back, this is a chance. We must reply to them," the young man spoke enthusiastically, showing his emotions intensely on his face.

"You are the only son I have now, James. That man is a monster, no one can win against him. You didn't see, him that day. I was the only witness. I saw him, becoming something inhuman, with fangs, horns and black scales like an evil snake. He merely swung his hand in the air, with the easiness of brushing dust. In the next second, I saw my son, two halves, drenched in blood, lifeless. That is an aberration from the past James, we are not going to associate with it again," Harrelson's words infuriated James.

"Father, I can't accept it. We have been hiding from them for more than five years now. We closed all connections with other nations. Our allies are only a few island nations in the Mer and Hav Sea. We are like cowards running away from reality. My brother died an honourable death and he chose it. Monster or God, my hatred towards Logan will not go away until the day I fight him and kill him with my own hands. I wish to attend the Nui-Penta lady Catherine requested, Father, allow me," he knelt and implored.

"No, I will not allow you but as the future of Vagmur, if you think your decision is the right path, you may do it. Only after getting permission from your mother and the council," he replied.

"Thank you, Father, I am sure this time, it will be different. I will take revenge for everyone we lost and for the unjust we received from Logan," James declared.

Crown Prince James Winus Vagmur the second, the only son alive of king Harrelson. He is in his late twenties and married to a princess from a foreign island nation. He is an ambitious man, a wise and skilled warrior. Unlike his father, he doesn't desire to hide from Logan anymore. He wants to take revenge and eliminate Logan for good. He wants to fight for the honour of his land and his people. Harrelson, once a brave man, a hero, turned into a coward and wished his last son to live.


A storm was coming from the vast desert aimed at Shoma, the capital of Loistava. It reached the bed chamber of Queen Kaira.

"Mephasos? You are here," she smiled at the storm and appeared as the notorious mage commander of Inci, Mephasos Ulay, the one who wounded the water demon of the sun.

"Yes, my lady, the queen has commanded me to help you in every way possible," he kneeled before Kaira and answered.

"I have found the perfect gift to adorn my mother's crown and I want you to get them for me. They are a pair of eyes... golden that resemble the sun and brightly shinier than gems," she smirked as her eyes deepened darker in rage.

"As you wish my lady, I will bring them for you soon," he answered

"Beware, its owner is the eternal flame," she warned

"Yes, my lady," politely and calmly answered Mephasos and disappeared just like he appeared.

"My husband will adore me because I did something he couldn't acquire... Hahahaha... that bastard, ignoring my orders... I will teach him a lesson. He is forgetting how he became the king of Loistava, I will remind him, foolish Logan! I can't wait to see them," she laughed, raged.

"Mother, I have completed my magic training," a boy of age eight entered the chamber. It was the crown prince of Loistava, Willian Logan Leighann, son of Logan and Kaira.

"Willian, did you unlock the Mesis level?' asked Kaira without any emotion or care towards her child.

"I am close, Mother," gulping in fear, Willian answered. He stood by the door, trembling like a wet duckling, troubled to meet his mother's eyes. Hearing his answer Kaira glared at him viciously; "Did you or did you not?" she shouted.

"No Mother, I apologise, I will train more and--"


Willian fell down to the floor receiving a cold slap from Kaira on his cheek. Tears fall down, and he bowed down to the floor, beneath her feet. "Mother, please have mercy on me. I will learn quickly and train more. Please don't hate me, I will do it again," he implored, crying loudly.

"Insolent brat! you are the crown prince of this nation and you have been blessed with marvellous magic. You can't even unlock a mere Mesis level. You only bring me shame, I can't even think that I gave birth to such a useless thing. How can I say this thing is my son to my mother? She will spit on my face, and my sisters will laugh at me. Do you know how much length I went to get that power for you? You, disrespectful bastard, don't learn from your father." Kaira took a leather belt that began to beat the kid. Servants and maids watched the horrific action, heads down, ignorant until it was over. Willian implored for mercy but nobody listened to anything.

"I heard from the servants that queen beat Willian again, I feel bad for him, Mother. Shouldn't we help him?" said Elizabeth, daughter of Logan and Alice.

"Yes, I saw him near the rose garden, he was crying alone. I was scared to approach him. If someone sees queen beat mother again," Liam, their son said.

"Eliza, Liam, if you see the kid again, befriend him. Don't take a blind eye to him. He is only a small child just like you, I will deal with the queen. So don't let that child suffer again. He is your brother. Eliza, you need to love and care for him as his big sister and Liam you need to respect and support him as your big brother, understand?"

"We understand mother. We are leaving to play with Alexis and Sarah (children of concubine Tera)," they left for the outdoor garden connecting the two mansions of Alica and Tera.

"Marcus, I know you are doing something, I am sure Logan also knows it. But please stop, I can't lose you too. You know it's suicidal yet why are you going forward," pondered Alice. A knock on the door woke Alice, it was a maid.

"Yes, what is it?" asked Alice

"Your Highness, His Majesty is asking for you," trembling the maid answered.

"Oh, I see, stay here and look after my kids until I return," Alice walked out of her chamber toward's Logan's. She stood in front of his chamber and inhaled deeply.

"Alice, why don't you come in?" before she knock, his voice came out. She opened the door and went in. Logan was sitting on his large cushion chair, wearing a red robe, swirling his wine.

"Your Majesty, you called for me," she said, heads down.

"Sleep with me today," he commanded. It had been long since he called for her. This month is for Kaira, mine is already over and he didn't come. Why so sudden? Is it because of Marcus? thought her.

"Your Majesty, this month belongs to Her Majesty, please reconsider," Alice requested.

"Oh!" Logan approached Alice, closer to her, brushing his fingers through her smooth cheek; "Are you rejecting my command? Concubine Alice Logan Leighann," he whispered in her ear and he slowly licked her ear border, trapping her body inside his strong arms.

"Of course not, Your Majesty," trembling Alice answered; "I merely wished to not have a conflict with the Queen," she added.

"Hmm... Is that so?" staring at her face Logan replied; "However, how is that my problem? I want your body now, strip and come to the bed," he sat down on the bed, observing her with a grin.

"Y-Yes, Your Majesty," shivering inside out, Alice started removing her clothes one by one in front of a heartless lustful monster, greedily waiting with a watering mouth.