
Vera - The King

Vera, an illegitimate child of a King born with the special traits of the royal family goes into hiding after her parent's murder. Later she encounters her half-sister and joins hands to take revenge on the one who betrayed them and get back the throne. Vera's life as a royal prince, her secret love, tragic life and duties... this story navigates through those...

vasuki_king · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Princess Helga

"My lady, this is not a place we can just stroll into carelessly; this is Nek-asrof, and it is hazardous. One of my maids informed me that her husband's acquaintance went to cut some Boswellia barks and observed a beast-like monster eating a human. I've heard that there are wicked demons. Because it was so awful, he returned as a lunatic. Please send the knights on their way; we can wait here. What if this is wrong information?"

"Laisa, you genuinely accept the absurdity of everything your maids say. In Nek-asrof, there are no such things as demons or man-eating creatures. I have my father's research notes, and he claims they are impoverished people who are forgotten by all kingdoms because of the region they dwell in, similar to Jaf. There are just shrubs and Boswellia trees, the land is unproductive, and the only water body there is a lake close to Ouro's border that the Loistava kingdom currently governs. In conclusion, they are destitute people who are struggling to survive," A lovely young lady looked at Laisa while sighing and smiling. They conversed as they had tea inside a beautiful room shining with light and opulent garments.

Laisa smiled worriedly, "Lady Helga, I realize, but you need to be careful, you know what I mean."

"I understand your concern, Laisa. But I have to locate him. Prior to them, I need to locate my brother." Her blue eyes were bright with resolve. She sprinted outside the exquisitely carved window to see an incredible open garden full of different fruit trees, flowering plants, a fountain, ponds, and meticulously maintained garden bushes. There were geese, ducks, peacocks, and rabbits running throughout the yard. Helga's pink lips raised in a grin as she let the gentle breeze dance through her long, wavy black hair, and her eyes caught sight of someone in the garden.

"Lady Helga?" called red-haired Laisa Toga, her lady in waiting

"Mother is early today. She is feeding the bunnies. I suppose she's waiting for grandfather's message, don't you think Laisa?" She enquired

"Yes, my lady. She is aware of my anxiety. You are her sole heir," Helga pouted when she heard Laisa's response. "Yet to grasp it. It's crucial that I approach my brother; nobody else will do so. Otherwise, none of my intentions will succeed, therefore it has to be that way. My mother is just nervous, and I can't blame her for that; I'm sure she knows it better than anybody. In a single night, she lost everything she loved," Helga replied, getting up from her seat and fixing her stunning blue floral gown. She exited the opulent chamber without Laisa and her maids.

"Are you waiting for Grandfather's message, Mother?" Helga inquired about her mother, who resembled an older version of herself. She smiled back and asked, "Are you worried that I won't let you come?"

"Of course, mother. I'm a speck concerned,"

"As a mother, I am afraid to let you come with me, but as the Queen of Loistava, you are doing the right thing, and I will never stop you. It's taken a decade, but we've finally discovered that child; we need him, and we can only achieve what we want through him. I won't stop you because of that. You must perform this as the princess of Loistava and the daughter of Willard. I was not anticipating my father's letter, but I was preparing my apologies to you," she answered

"Apology? mother? why do you need to apologise to me?" confused Helga asked

"You should be learning dancing, etiquette, and matrimonial ideologies as the princess of Loistava, but instead you are studying politics and combat. You are training hard each day. I apologise for not being able to raise you as a lady like all the other mothers," Helga hugged her mother and giggled gently.

"Thank you, Mother; I am a lady, but a special one, different from other ladies. I suppose I am your daughter." The approach of a carriage interrupted their delightful talk. A middle-aged gentleman with red hair in elegant attire exited the ride as it came to a stop in front of them. Guards accompanied him and stood politely.

He handed my mother a letter that had a crimson seal on it and said, "Your Highness, lady Catherine of Maxwell and princess, I came to fulfil my duty by delivering the letter of Duke Howard Maxwell the capital to your possession."

"Thank you, Sir Arellano, you did well," Catherine said, and Helga bowed respectfully. Catherine began reading the letter as soon as she opened it.


Dear daughter,

The king has granted your request. He agreed to help you locate the late King Willard Fermi Leighann of Loistava's heir. He'll provide you with the defence and assistance you need. The kingdom of Egur has already been alerted of your arrival. The king wishes you luck in your endeavour. He does, however, have a requirement that he will only discuss with Loistava's successor. You must inform the king when you find him. And he will only reveal so when the time comes. Do what you must do and be cautious on your way. Count Arkellis' eldest lord Grand Cross Kinight Ceasar Arkellis will be responsible for your safeness. They will arrive in the morning. Travel safely, my beloved daughter and Helga. I shall await your response.


Howard Maxwell

Duke of Maxwell


"A requirement, that he will only seek the heir, isn't it odd, Mother?" questioned Helga

"Yes, but we are unable to reject it. He gave us shelter, care, and the liberty to live freely, among many other things. We must acknowledge that" Catherine answered.

"So then, our quest begins tomorrow. To avenge the murderer and discover the true heir to Loistava's kingdom," The rage in Helga's eyes flared.

"Yes, that's right. Although you may have my appearance, you are actually your father. Helga, I'm delighted right now."

"Thank you, Mother, but will you be alright? He is my brother and the son of father's mistress," Helga fidgeted as she peered at her mother.

"I am aware that your father, Helga... he was a very forthright and compassionate man. He had never experienced love before we met and had no concept of what it was. He entered into agreements with many nations for Loistava's peace and prosperity through all of his matrimonies. Even though he was my husband, I am aware that he never truly loved me the way a wife would hope for, yet he never caused me to feel uneasy or hostile. He treated me similarly to how he treated himself, as his greatest friend and someone he could rely on. In all honesty, he gave me you and a life I never complained about, which is all I asked of him. He came to me one day, flushed like a red tomato, happy and shining. He claimed to have discovered a girl in the street and to have felt a tickling in his stomach, something moving in his heart. She was Raya, a woman of breathtaking beauty from across the ocean, whom everyone coveted. Their boy will undoubtedly be our future, I am confident. Without love, the Leighanns are unable to create the "perfect Leighann" heir. Therefore, that boy is the key, to the future," Catherine closed her eyes as she saw the big blue sky, birds singing in the nearby tree, and the pleasant breeze flitting here and there. "That boy is the symbol of their love, and that's why they perished when Logan discovered the boy," she said. Helga was perplexed by her mother's words, but she smiled when she caught her tender gaze.

"Let's commence the battle now," she pondered.