
Vera - The King

Vera, an illegitimate child of a King born with the special traits of the royal family goes into hiding after her parent's murder. Later she encounters her half-sister and joins hands to take revenge on the one who betrayed them and get back the throne. Vera's life as a royal prince, her secret love, tragic life and duties... this story navigates through those...

vasuki_king · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Knock & Block vs Behemoth

Everyone was astonished, "What? Where did he go? So fast?" pondered Mazzi and felt the shadow of something above him. His eyes widened in amazement and his lips cornered to the sides, shaking. Roman was above him, levitating on air, with his beaming face, looking down on his opponent.

"Ha! You are really a monster," acclaimed Mazzi, laughing. Roman aimed his fist at Mazzi, powerful enough to crush a boulder. However, he blocked that tremendous fist with his dagger, and then backed off. Not just the audience but Sir Roman was surprised to see Mazzi blocking his fist. "Even though Ceaser and Erwin came this close, they couldn't block my fist. Mazzi of Nek-asrof, he is stronger than I thought," he pondered. He didn't waste any time, Mazzi impatiently attacked Roman. His maniac laughs were quite disturbing however Roman felt he was facing a worthy opponent after a long time.

"You are an adequate persistent brat!" praised Roman. Others were shocked by that praise.

"Did you hear? Sir Roman praised him,"

"Oh, this is the first time,"

"He only said weak and frail to us," everyone around began to whisper. The fight duel between Mazzi and Roman continued.

"Hey, kid... I am impressed, what is the name of your daggers?" asked Roman

"Huh! Why does that matter now? Just fight me, old man. This is fun," Mazzi replied arrogantly, laughing.

"Well, It's only natural curiosity for my Behemoth to know his opponent," he grinned as he drew out the shinning silver with a blue border and golden hilt of lion symbol sword from scabbard with the Luwick family crest, lion head with the sun on his forehead. It shimmered under the sun. "This is Behemoth, protector of the sun, water demon and the pride of Luwick house," Roman added.

"Huh! it's an honour to fight against such a dignified sword. Mine, they are called... knock & block, since I use them to knock and block," Mazzi's answer dazed everyone. "WHAT?" "WHO NAMES THEIR WEAPON KNOCK AND BLOCK?" knights watched, screamed.

"HAHAHA... knock & block! I like it, come at me," Roman laughed challenging Mazzi. Their fight resumed.

"Knock and Block? who names it like that?" Helga asked Vera who was observing the fight.

"Well, I didn't get it either. He said he used the red-hilted one to block and the black-hilted one to knock out his enemies, thus why he named it like that. It's easier for him to remember them," Vera answered with an embarrassed smile.

"He is really a fool, but he managed to stand more time than others with Sir Roman in the ground. I shall admit that he is stronger than our knights. No wonder we were not able to catch, we should have sent Erwin instead of one-star knights," Katalina commented. Vera smiled awkwardly as she watched Mazzi fearlessly fight the most powerful mage knight on the continent. However, the fight didn't last long after Sir Roman drew Behemoth. Knock & Block had to surrender, in front of the majestic swordsmanship of Sir Roman.

"Mazzi of Nek-asrof, I like you but you are arrogant and careless, if you don't leave it and train more, you won't last one hour on the battlefield. You will be training with them from tomorrow." Mazzi stood up from the ground; "It's Mazzi of Da-La, Sir Roman. My name is Aaron Volga, Mazzi of Da-La," he answered. Shocked Roman; "You know the history of Nek-asrof well, I guess you want to bring back the glorious Da-La, Aaron Volga," he said.

"Hmm... that's right, as the descendent of Mazzi Xero and Pheris Volga, it is my duty. Otherwise, I would never have accepted the title of Mazzi myself," he replied.

"Oh! blood of Mazzi Xero, I can see that. Well, isn't this era somewhat intriguing? I am very curious about our future," he laughed again while glancing at Vera.

"Did he just say, descendent of Mazzi Xero?" asked Erwin

"Yes, who is it?" Ceasar and Jugo were curious

"It's an old legend. Nek-asrof was once called Da-La, the richest land, a door to the Jaf and was ruled by men titled Mazzi. Xero, the last Mazzi, died fighting for Leighann's allies, and Da-La was burned by the witches of Jaf. That's how it became the barren land as now. I didn't know about Xero's relation with Volgas, it's surprising," he stated

"So, Nek-asrof really belong to him," Jugo answered, "I need to look into it too when I return home," he added.

"When are you leaving?"

"I will leave at twilight, Sir Erwin. Since its a request from Lady Catherine, I can't disobey,"

"I didn't know you were from such an old priest house, Kriks, isn't it?"

"Yes Sir, Krik house is one of the families that laid the foundation for the Utshani kingdom in the past," while Jugo and Erwin began to chat, Ceasar went up to Mazzi. "Hey, why did you name your daggers like that?" he asked.

"Huh! I name my daggers however I like, what is it with all of you?" frowned Mazzi

"Yes... but they protect us and our loved ones from danger. Our weapons are like ourselves. They are the key to our new dawn. So, I think you should have a little more respect,"

"Oh! What is your sword's name then?"

Ceasar unsheathed his sword, a silver-black one with a round tip hilted with black rose craved, the crest of Arkellis house. "This is Omega, means the end," he said.

"Whoa! That is indeed an unshakable name, but I am fine with mine,"

(sigh) "Yes, whatever, I know the limit of your head. However, Mazzi of Da-La, I am not going to lose to you. Let's resume our unfinished duel next time," Ceasar smiled.

"Now you are talking my language, Knight. I like that," They smiled at each other, fiercely and beginning of a rivalry.

Seeing them Vera's heart flustered. I will have to be strong. Stronger than them. Much stronger than Sir Roman. And more potent than Logan. I can't lose to anyone. If I wish others to heed my words and follow me, I will have to defeat Sir Roman. I must become more powerful than anyone here. She pondered.

"Seeing them I learned one thing, brother, it is hard for a woman to learn and surpass a man in a fight, but I won't give up. I will train hard," Helga said with pure determination in her eyes.

"You are right, but it doesn't mean a woman can't ever defeat a man unless she tries. We need to get stronger too," Katalina supported

"Both of you are stronger in your own ways. You don't need to compare yourself to others and defeat a man to prove you are powerful. Helga, and Katalina, I hope both of you can also help me in our future expeditions. I am sure you two will be as crucial as the knights. Women are not weak, even La once kneeled to woman's wrath, so never give in to the words of others. You two are stronger than you think and I believe in you," Vera replied. Both Katalina and Helga felt an unidentified aura wrapping around them, giving them the warmth of spirit and resilience to face all ordeals of the future.

Meanwhile, Vera and others decide to train for the great war ahead, the current queen of Loistava, Kaira Logan Leighann was planning something else. Her meeting with Nayogi had led her to send a message to Inci queendom.

"My queen, Marcus returned," Nayogi went to see Kaira the night Marcus returned to Shoma. He explained everything that had occurred between Logan and Marcus.

"So, the eternal flame, the golden-eyed survivor has returned. That scoundrel Logan, I believed his words. I am to blame," raged, she shouted as she threw away her wine glass.

"Yes, Egur, Utshani and Nek-asrof are standing with that bastard prince,"

"Huh! If he challenges the throne, it is bad for my Willian and my mother's dreams. We must stop this, Nayogi. I need to stop this, otherwise, Mother will be disappointed. I can't make her upset," she bit her fingernails, enraged as she walked to and forth on her balcony.

"We should send a shadow to Inci, my queen," suggested Nayogi with a smirk; "We need to end the sun before rising," he added.

"Yes, you are right. I need to ask my mother for guidance. Only she can decide our future. And now the challenger has aroused, we must move forwards before he crosses paths with us. We must kill him,"

"What should we do with Logan, my queen?"

"Nayogi, stick close to him and Marcus for now. I know Logan is an extremely proud man. He will do something foolish in his outrage. Marcus Trova, I don't believe him so keep some shadows around him." she ordered

"Yes, I understand, my queen."

"As for the golden-eyed bastard, I know exactly who to send... for his beautiful pair of eyes. Huh! I could put those in a glass jar and send them as a gift to my mother, she will be overjoyed." Kaira started to laugh like a bloodthirsty witch.

The next day, Kaira send a shadow with her letter to Inci Queendom. She was quite an anxiety in her heart so she went to see Logan in the morning. On the way, she came across Marcus who was strolling towards his sister concubine Alice's chamber.

"Marcus?" called Kaira

"I, Marcus Trova, greet the moon of the land. May La be with you as and always," he kneeled, head down, elegantly, flawlessly.

Kaira's dark brown eyes gazed directly into Marcus's, it was different from any other gazes he had come across. Those eyes were not human, but devilish. They lacked light as if it is completely engulfed inside a pit of darkness. "I will be watching you, Marcus Trova, so step forward carefully," she warned. Marcus felt a spine-chilling sensation throughout his body, but he didn't show it on his face but gave a soft grin; "I understand my queen, I shall be careful, prove my loyalty and work hard to change your belief in me. I have vowed my allegiance to the throne of Loistava, His Highness Logan Fermi Leighann, I shall never betray him," Marcus answered, glancing at the unflinching face of Kaira.

"Hmm..." mocking she said; "Don't play with words like that Duke, sometimes, they may not defend you the way you want. I must admit that you are clever but never underestimate Logan," she walked away.

"Fuck! Her eyes really see through me. I know Logan doesn't trust me and he made me his advisor to observe me closely. I know my words are double edges swords. I know I am playing a deadly game. Yet, I will play, until the end. I have to be extra careful around her... Wow! So scary, no wonder Logan obeys her like a puppy," pondered Marcus.