
Vera - The King

Vera, an illegitimate child of a King born with the special traits of the royal family goes into hiding after her parent's murder. Later she encounters her half-sister and joins hands to take revenge on the one who betrayed them and get back the throne. Vera's life as a royal prince, her secret love, tragic life and duties... this story navigates through those...

vasuki_king · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Kaisar Yula Egur - II

"Oh my! Kaisar scoffed, "The eternal fire is returning, the prophecy is accurate." The unsettling smirk of Kaisar startled Katalina and everyone else in the room, including Rollins, and Erwin. His smile is evil as if he is plotting something horrible.

"Brother, what are you thinking about? I'm not sure if it's good or tricky," said Katalina.

"Dear sister, what do you think the prophecy talks about?" he inquired.

"It talks about a great catastrophe coming when a golden-eyed Leighann is born with the eternal fire," she said.

"Yes, that's it; the prophecy is over. Whether it's true or not, he has the power to alter both our and the world's fate. But it's not only him; it's also the void. Let's consider Logan to be void for the time being; if Logan wins, there won't be a tomorrow for us and it's well known. As like that, if the eternal flame triumphs, we are unable to depict the future. Our future is ultimately uncertain. Obviously, I will never support Logan, but it doesn't imply I will support the missing prince either." Kaiser remarked with a sly smile.

"Brother? Then, what do you propose?"

"Only one, we must choose one, to believe in one, but if we do not choose the right one, we will lose. Logan is our common adversary, therefore we have no trouble choosing between him and the prince. On the other hand, consider the fact that the prophecy never states that the eternal fire would prevail; rather, if you pay great attention, it states that when the fire arises, the void manifests, and this will result in the demise of this land and the destruction of this Penta. Therefore, we may also assume that the eternal flame will direct the void to this land. We only have one choice and it's to choose a side. Which side we choose doesn't matter. Our lives will become a gamble in their fight. Thus, isn't the eternal flame the most dangerous of all to us?" he responded. Kaisar's remarks rang in every ear, and they were all baffled about the future.

"This bothers me. What if you're correct and we're fueling our own destruction? Why do we need to participate in this?" Erwin was worried and questioned.

"And if it's not, what then?" Through the door of the study hall, Enoke's voice entered.

"Enoke?" All gazes centered on him.

"Do you have another theory? My beloved advisor" questioned Kaiser. "I do, your highness, allow me to elaborate." he bowed and Kaiser replied with a faint blushed smile full of love and curiousness.

"Morrier Leighann's final words were a prophecy concerning the eternal flame, however, scholars contend that it was incomplete. His precise words were inaudible or difficult to grasp. Therefore, we are unable to predict the eternal flame's destiny. We don't yet know if he is the destroyer or the bringer of catastrophe. However, the only thing we now know is that, like two other nations, he and we have a similar adversary. We are also aware that he has the capacity to defeat our foe. Hence, why can't we utilize him for our selfish desires and the tranquility of our people?" He observed, his eyes glistening like a morning star, "When the time comes when our decision was a mistake, we can easily modify our stance." he added with an ounce of sneer. Kaiser was anticipating this answer from Enoke while Katalina and Erwin glanced at each other with a face that said, "They are made for each other."

"Enoke also has a fact, I suppose. We should act sensibly and cautiously here. Right now, we have to decide on a side. We will have to stand with Catherine if the prince's eternal fire is stronger than Logan's evil force. What if, as Enoke said, the prince was unable to live up to our hopes? What happens if Logan is stronger than him? We cannot put our people and our nation in danger. Thus, Egur will make a neutral decision. We will assist the prince with his requirements, but we will not fight against Logan until the prince demonstrates that he is capable of winning this battle. He will have to work to earn our loyalty and might," Kaisar answered his heart, the bright fading light that fall behind his head through the window made the decision more stern and firm.

"That's better than losing everything in an unpredictable future, your Majesty," Rollins agrees as Erwin; "Yes, your Majesty, I concur with your thought."

"Yet aren't we deceiving the people who believe us?" Uneasy, Katalina questioned.

"Of course not, I intend to meet with Lady Catherine and Vera. I shall discuss Egur's choice there."

"So, we're not going to fight Logan until Vera proves he's worthy to lead us or earn our trust?" Katalina inquired again.

"Yes, that is all."

"Now our future is marvelous. What is ahead for us is truly excellent," Enoke grinned.

"My dear, it's not just wonderful, but the start of a new world, new rule, new faith, and new everything; it will be a splendid future," Kaisar exclaimed.


Kaisar met Vera and Catherine the following day.

"Your majesty, Vera is still experiencing grief, and he needs to comprehend more. Can't your decision be postponed?" inquired Catherine

"My lady, I'm afraid not. If I don't speak now for Egur, there could be a crucial misconception later. We want to make it clear where we stand right now, from the very beginning, since it might potentially paint us as traitors. (A pause and glance at Vera) May your father's soul find peace, Vera, my condolences," he responded.

"I'm grateful, Your Majesty. More than that, I would love to know Egur's stance," Vera replied.

Standing up, Kaisar went to the window, leaned against it, and looked across at Vera, who was lying in bed with his injured hand. "We have no doubt that you are the prophecy child and the heir to Leighann, but what we are most concerned about is our future. I'm focused on the future of my country and my people since I'm the king of Egur. Without the interruption of a dangerous conflict, I want them to have a quiet and joyful life. We won't, however, watch helplessly as wickedness decimates our continent. Right now, Egur will assist you. We will provide you with anything you need or ask for, but we will not fight beside you against Logan until you prove yourself worthy. Enough that I should put your triumph and life above my people. If you want Egur to be your right arm, you must show your ability to be what we call the sun god La," Kaisar's black eyes glazed with determination. Vera was moved by his remarks, while Catherine was left dumbfounded and prepared to act. Vera smiled, she seemed to be awaiting this response.

"You have my unwavering respect. Every time Banami and I visited Egur, I heard plenty of tales about you. Some were compliments on your abilities and intelligence, while others were complete rubbish. I believed that if my father were still living, I would have the chance to meet you or become one of your friends. I respect your choice because I aspire to be a powerful and intelligent monarch like you, Kaisar Yula Egur. With my ability, I will alter your opinion. I'll prove to you that I'm capable of leading Egur's most powerful knights. Although I am powerless and helpless, I do not intend to remain this way forever. I've made the most significant decision of my life. And I won't give up in the middle. We are delighted to have your assistance, and I will always remember your compassion, Your Majesty," Vera said. Kaisar expressed approval.

"You actually put out that suggestion, then? How did Vera do? Does he actually resemble Willard?" Enoke inquired, putting his head on Kaisar's shoulder, both bare on a bed beneath one cover.

"Hmm... he doesn't really resemble Willard, but I got shivers as he casts his golden eyes my way. It was as though I witnessed Willard in his eyes. Not just Willard, but many looking at me and at times it shines, as if La is watching me. He is feeble. He is a child. Although he still has a lot to learn, he has made a remarkable and speedy transition from commoner to prince, maybe as a result of having spent some time in Shoma as a prince. In any case, I'm fascinated and curious; we'll have to wait and see how worthy the prophecy child is," Kaiser gave Enoke a forehead kiss.

"You do not believe him?"

"No, I don't believe anyone. I am the King of Egur, and I will not trust anyone, not even my shadow," Kaisar answered, grasping Enoke in his arms.


Presently, Vera's training has started. Roman summoned Mazzi, Ceasar, Erwin, and Vera to the training field. Jugo was unable to take part in the training since he had already gone for his home.

"Everyone assemble, Ceasar and Erwin, you both received your life energy training, am I right?" questioned Roman

"Yes, Sir,"

"What level are you at?"

They said, "Sir, we both have no magic core, so we are both at Alpha seven stars."

"Vera, the maximum degree of life energy for a human without a magic core in his body is called alpha. As knights, they attained the rank of seven stars. One to four are low-rank knights, five and six are high-rank, and seven to nine are master-level. The tenth level is usually awarded only to the king because he is the chief commander of every royal army," Mazzi stated to Vera.

"That's true but mage knights are treated differently. The magical life force known as Prana is used to determine their levels. Vera, you are currently at the Archi level," explained Roman.

"Prana? Archi? I remember my father talking about this once," perplexed Vera responded.