
Vera - The King

Vera, an illegitimate child of a King born with the special traits of the royal family goes into hiding after her parent's murder. Later she encounters her half-sister and joins hands to take revenge on the one who betrayed them and get back the throne. Vera's life as a royal prince, her secret love, tragic life and duties... this story navigates through those...

vasuki_king · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Day 2- An Attack

Their journey went on forever, like an ode. Helga's anguish increased with each little hamlet they passed through. They were deeper in misery than she could have imagined. Her hatred towards Logan grew exponentially. That nightfall, they arrived at their second destination, Aroo. Similar to yesterday night, Ceasar escorted her from her carriage to the camp tent they had set up. Helga stood and looked up at the amazing sky that was ablaze with millions of stars.

"This night is colder than yesterday since we're coming closer to the Egur border; please remain warm inside the tent, my lady," Ceasar said, handing his warm leather long jacket to her. It appeared like he was cladding a thick bedsheet over her slender figure as he wrapped it around her. "Thank you for your concern, my lord," she said, smiling slightly. As Ceasar stood behind her, the stars in the sky once again captured her attention.

"Say, Lord, my mother thinks my brother will be like my father. Do you believe he will accept our proposal immediately? Will he join us? What if that boy lied?" She inquired. She spoke with trembling, and Ceasar could hear her anxiety.

"My lady, it's been ten years and yet you never let your faith thaw, you trained day by day to grow stronger, and your dedication always astounded me, your mother too. La won't let your efforts go for nought. We'll find your brother. He may have led a difficult life, but he survived. Life must be unpleasant for him; he may be living in a hideaway, but I'm sure he's always desired to slash Logan's throat, to get vengeance. Therefore, I think our goal will be successful. You ought to rest right now, my lady," Helga was encouraged by Ceasar's words and pleased to hear him express them. She grinned; "My lord, you are still that innocent child who worried about me all the time. You continue to astound me with your generosity and care, even if you ascend to the title of Grand Cross Knight of Utshani. I'm grateful you are here with me, and I thank you," she said before entering the tent. Ceasar remained still, flushed, and bewildered.

A few hours later.

"So she recalls your youth and appreciates your kindness. That's it, Caesar, she likes you. You should confess," In between bites of food, Jugo gave advice.

Ceasar closed his eyes, red-faced at his words: "Shut up, you dumb Jugo, eat your meal."

"Yeah... Yeah, you're blessed to have such a romantic adventure. I have to admit, I envy you. I desire a fiancée," He was lying on the sand and was whimpering like a puppy. Ceasar lay next to him, looking at the same stars Helga does, smiling, recalling her delicate and beautiful countenance. The sudden blast of the bugle startled everyone. Ceasar and Jugo seized their swords and leapt up, encircling their eyes.

"What is it?" questioned Ceasar

One of the soldiers announced, "Sire, a few men riding horseback are approaching us from the east." Using the telescope, Jugo saw more than ten horses heading their way from the east. He noticed the vulture emblem on the horse in the light of the full moon.

"They are, sir. Vultures are used by the outlaws of Nek-asrof as a symbol. They have a wild young lad called Mazzi as their commander. He is sought in both Utshani and Egur, and he once challenged you after you had taken one of his prey, the fat bandit nicknamed Master," Observed Jugo

"Yes, I do recall. Everyone, in place; five, guard the cargo, five, protect the tent, and the rest, stand with me," Ceasar stepped forward to fend them off, wearing his armour. Mazzi and his crew didn't halt; instead, he motioned for them to start their plan with a hand signal. His gang quickly split into three groups and surrounded the tents, goods, and Caesar's troops.

"Tsk! Is the hero knight Ceasar Arkellis of Utshani?" Mazzi regarded Caesar while perched on his horses.

"You must be the leader, Mazzi. What do you desire?" Ceasar valiantly responded.

"Huh! What do I seem like, a knight... hahaha... I'm a bandit, don't you see?" He made fun of them while his friends laughed.

"Hmm... Yes, wrong query." Ceasar's eyes gleamed, and his sneer was menacing: "Surrender now or die here, choose one."

Excited, Mazzi dismounted his steed and made his way over to Ceasar while smirking. His fiery eyes, which were blazing with blood lust, were reflected in the two daggers he drew from his belt. He chuckled, "That's more intriguing than the talking, knight; I like that." Mazzi's daggers and Caesar's sword collided without wasting any time. A battle has already been triggered.

"What is going on? Where did these thieves arrive?" Laisa cited her fear. Kaisy shielded Laisa with her body, saying, "Don't be frightened milady, hide behind me." While Catherine remained quiet, Helga changed into loose-fitting trousers and an armoured top. She reached for her blade and prepared to cut anyone who entered. However, the conflict outside is too ferocious; many people have been injured on both sides, yet they are still striving. Mazzi and Ceasar are on the same footing. Infuriated, Catherine got up and exited.

"Mother, where are you going? No. Don't go," Helga tried to stop her, but she didn't listen.

"Your Highness, it's dangerous,"

"Your Highness, please don't go" others also attempted.

"How can a mere bandit be this powerful? It is as if I am fighting myself," thought Ceasar

"He is really good. Is his life energy greater than mine, it is getting tough, no wonder he is called the strongest knight," pondered Mazzi. Their brawl continued, fierce.

Catherine kept moving forward and left the tent where two groups were engaged in a bloody battle for life. The cool soil-scented breeze now smells like blood. Catherine snatched the bugle that was tied to a soldier's waist and gave it a powerful blow. She was the centre of attention while her armed daughter stood by her side, majestic and courageous like a queen; "You're exhibiting. Once more, Nek-asrof is overrun with savage barbarians. If they are behind wealth, give them all," she ordered, cold eyes that frowned on Mazzi as a mortal. He was astounded to behold those eyes, which appeared to be witnessing filth. His body was burning with wrath.

"Wealth...Yes, we are ruthless barbarians who will do everything to obtain fortune. And we exist because of royals like you," In a rage, he struck out, spitting on the ground.

"Oh, I see. It was because of me that you turned into a bandit. You're blaming me for the life you chose," Catherine made a remark. She looked ominously, "You may take everything you want from the cargo, I will give you the jewellery I wear, don't even try to disrupt my route to Frook."

"Frook?" Mazzi was surprised to learn where they were going. He questioned, "What is your business in Frook?" After being stunned by his question, Catherine grinned. She replied, "You are from Frook."

"That was not my question. What are you doing in Frook?" He growled. Catherine saw an insight; "Our search is for a woodcutter and his son. Maybe you have met them." Mazzi's amazed eyes widened, "They're seeking Vera and father, why?" He pondered.