
Vera - The King

Vera, an illegitimate child of a King born with the special traits of the royal family goes into hiding after her parent's murder. Later she encounters her half-sister and joins hands to take revenge on the one who betrayed them and get back the throne. Vera's life as a royal prince, her secret love, tragic life and duties... this story navigates through those...

vasuki_king · Fantaisie
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41 Chs


"I am grateful Sir Ceasar for accepting our request," said Helga, Ceasar was too stunned and embarrassed to speak but tried hard not to show it on his face.

"I am honoured, princess" he replied. On the other hand, Jugo was still puzzled by the words of Catherine, the prophecy, he wondered who is the chosen one, and he was eager to see him.

"We will commence our journey at dawn. The place is a mountain named Frook, near the border of Egur kingdom and Nek-asrof. We must cross through Nek-asrof to reach there. This land is not suitable for sluggish movement, we cannot camp frequently. The thief gangs there are very skilled and notorious so we must travel faster with only two halts for camping," Arellano explained the plan.

"Yes, that's true. I brought twenty knights with me including Jugo. And it will be relaxed if your highness reduces the number of your maids," Ceasar suggested

"Only four maids are coming with us, including my daughter's maid-in-waiting Laisa Toga, daughter of Viscount Arellano Toga," Said Catherine. "And don't be wary my lord," Helga replied; "I am also contriving to experiment with my sword skill," she added with a smile.

"Then that's decided, we will leave for Nek-asrof in the dawn, be ready we will only take two carriages and the rest will escort them in horses," Catherine's words concluded the short meeting, she left to her room and Arellano went to his duty. Ceasar, Jugo, Helga and Laisa were left alone.

"My lord, try talking to her," Jugo whispered

"What? I can't. What should I say?" he asked back in a hushed tone

"I don't know, maybe say how you feel," they began to bicker like angry birds on a tree.

Meanwhile, "Should I ask him? Will he say yes?" whispered Helga

"There is only one way to find the answer. Just ask him," Laisa whispered back.

"I don't know, I am scared," they were also arguing about something. Then both Ceasar and Helga gazed at each other ready to speak; "Do you mind taking a walk with me, princess?" with all his might, closing his eyes, the manly knight of that nation asked, trembling. At the same time Helga requested; "Would you please train with me for some time, lord Ceasar?"

"Huh!" both blinked at each other dumbfounded. "Yes, sure, pleasure my lady," Ceasar cheerily reacted.

"Really? I am content. Thank you, lord. Please come with me," beaming, Helga invited Ceasar to the inner garden where she drills her sword skills. They both strolled through the beautiful mansion hallway to the inner garden while Jugo and Laisa followed. Ceasar was falling more in love with Helga, her determination and strong will attracted him better. It was too late he had already sunken entirely into an ocean vaster than Amazzi filled with the essence of eros.

Walking with her sweet chuckles side by side, Ceasar recalled a past. He remembered seeing young Helga for the first time. It had been one year since they had escaped Logan's clutches. They met at a family gathering, and Helga was dressed in a brilliant sunflower yellow gown, standing terrified of the throng in a corner. wearing an elegant suit and an emerald brooch that mirrored the colour of his eye, Ceasar approached Helga, observing her. "My lady, why are you standing back?" he inquired, smiling. "Please enjoy the event." Ceasar felt as though storm clouds were causing havoc within his soul as Helga's piercing blue eyes met him. Her gaze occupied all of his attention. "I apologise, but I need to go," she said as she rushed towards her mother, one last glimpse at Ceasar. Ceasar couldn't move or speak for a second when he realised something. He recognised the significance of his body's quivering and racing heart as a warning. He realised why he couldn't take his eyes off of her beauty and why he was only able to think about her. Days after verifying his sensations are classified as love, he acquired the answers. He loves Helga. He concealed his blossomed love inside him after hearing all regarding her and what they live for. Seasons came and went, years went by, his body matured, and he accomplished a lot, but his love for Helga remained constant. The man who had ardently fallen in love with Princess Helga was Ceasar Arkellis.

Someone far away was preparing for another while Catherine, Helga, Ceasar, and others were getting ready for their missions and aims. A man cautiously proceeded ahead while concealing himself from notice with a brown robe through a dark, stinking alleyway and over a drunken person dozing on the rat-filth-covered ground. He entered after taking a few steps and then vanished into the darkness. A door that was hidden deep inside the shadows was opened, and light beams were sent out to reveal to the world how disgusting its surroundings are. He entered that light and down an old staircase into an isolated wine cellar. Two other men waited for this man. When they saw him, they rose and offered him a seat. He took a seat and then unveiled himself to them. It was a young man with ash hair and grey eyes, he grinned at them.

"We've gone a long way. We took five years to get here. On this arduous road, we suffered numerous losses, but we will never again. And we will triumph in this battle, precisely as we envisioned," the young man remarked, grasping his hand with unwavering devotion and resolve. "Yes, my lord," the other two shouted alongside him.

"This is our final chance; we cannot let it drift away. The beast will know if you make a mistake. He is watching our every move, therefore we must be extremely vigilant. If we flaunt our frailty, we will perish," he forewarned them and emphasized how deadly their foe is. His other two partners nodded in agreement. "We begin the game. Remember, this is a battle of life and death; we are now in his den," He reminded them once more as they parted ways.

Meanwhile, Vera and Banami's shack, where they dwell. Banami was pressing his own incense into little bundles. Vera was fixing their meal with the rabbits she had caught.

"When do you intend to leave the mountain? To Egur?" She enquired

Without looking at her, he responds, "In three days," as he hurriedly collects his items.

"I require a few necessities. I'll accompany you, "She said

"Yes, but make sure you completely cover your eyes. I don't want to be imprisoned for keeping you hidden "Banami frowned.

"You don't have to remind me of this constantly; I'm no longer a little child. I know," she replied as she peeked in the mirror; "but I don't need these two burdens. It possesses no power nor value. All they can do is implant horrors in me, and every time I look in the reflection, I am frightened that I may one day become that nightmare itself. Should I scratch them off, I don't need it," she talked. Banami was speechless, but he spoke calmly: "It is your wish. Whatever you desire, do it. If you want to see everything, look... if you want to be blind, remain blind. Whatever you decide, it may present you with an answer in the future."

"Hmm... (smiling) Sometimes, it's hard to acknowledge you are a mere woodcutter and incense maker, old man," hearing Vera's answer Banami laughed like a madman.

"I don't know why I feel like this, but something tells me to wait. Something is coming," Vera roamed her eyes through the tall trees around her, reaching the top, squeezing through the branches, viewing the vast starry sky, and murmuring to herself.

On the next day, early in the morning, Maxwell mansion bids its farewell to Catherine and Helga. They initiated their expedition as they designed along with Ceasar and his knights, to Nek-asrof.