
Vengeance Under Heaven

In this gothic Victorian-Era, including those with supernatural abilities, and automatons lingering around with the Empire, setting law and order. But when the plauge doctor, Gunn, a young man who’s family was killed by this Empire, he becomes a villain, but was easily defeated due to the fact that he wasn’t born with any natural magic, but he studied curses and acid and poison, and killed many. But after getting beheaded in front of the entire city, minutes later, he is reborn, but with natural curse, blood, a noir-like system, and poison abilities. And as he revives without a clue how, he yearns to make the strongest leader and member of the Empire suffer, and kill every member of it.

Deleted_accou · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Public Safety

As dawn's pale light breached the horizon, the Victorian streets of Thornville District came alive with the clamor of boots and the frantic shouts of constables on the hunt. "Spread out! Gunn could be hiding in any of these shadows!" one officer barked orders as his squad dispersed through the mist that clung stubbornly to the ground.

Amidst this scene of organized chaos, Marshy emerged like a phantom from the adjoining mist-laden alleyway. Shrouded in an attire resembling the garb of a nocturnal hunter, her ensemble was woven entirely from darkness. Her hat, wide-brimmed and imposing, seemed to absorb the meager light, casting her face into obscurity. Below the brim, a mask made partly of shadows clung to her features, contouring to her expression and blending seamlessly into her outfit. The texture of her clothing, if such a term could be applied, appeared fluctuant and ethereal, rippling with movements not wholly commanded by the air.

She watched silently as the constables continued their erratic search, the desperation palpable in their voices. "He's not getting away this time!" another voice echoed down the street, full of fervent resolve.

With deliberation that contradicted the urgency around her, Marshy extended a gloved hand, knitted from the same dark fabric as her garments, and lightly tapped the ground. Instantly, darkness pooled at her feet, spreading swiftly across the cobblestones like ink in water. Unseen by the constables, it expanded, harboring lethal traps beneath its deceptive calm.

"Sergeant, look at the-" A constable's warning was abruptly cut off as he stepped into the shadow pool. Before his companions' eyes, horrific black tendrils erupted from the ground, branching out and piercing through him, his blood curdling scream ending in gurgles as a shadow-tree gruesomely split his body.

The scene erupted into chaos, the remaining officers drawing their batons and pistols, spinning wildly to locate their new-found adversary. "Ambush!" the sergeant cried out, just as he too met with a grotesque fate, shadow trees spearheaded through him, silencing his command in a grotesque display of authority by the darkness.

Marshy walked unobstructed through this dance of death and shadow. "The Bjørnurn," she spoke softly, her voice a chilling contrast to the pandemonium around her, "is the ancient magic system that underlines all known realms of power and element in our world. Those versed in the arts of this ancient force manipulate the very fabrics of reality."

One daring constable managed to direct his pistol toward the shadow-clad figure, his arms trembling but his resolve clear in his eyes. "This ends now, witch!" he declared with forced bravery. Yet as he stepped forward, the ground beneath him betrayed him, a shadow tree bursting forth and impaling his defiance, his body suspended in a grotesque floral display of dark limbs and torn uniform.

Marshy's attire seemed to pulse with a life of its own, the shadows curling and twisting around her form, reacting to each burst of violence as if in macabre celebration. "In Bjørnurn, those gifted with the affinity of darkness already hold dominion. Our abilities are not confined to mere alchemical transmutations or elemental bending. We command the primal essence of shadow and fear itself."

A young constable, horror-struck yet fueled by an ingrained sense of duty, stumbled as he avoided a deadly trap, shouting, "We will not yield! For justice, for the light!"

Marshy turned to him, her half-masked face tilting in what could be perceived as intrigue. "Foolish yet noble. But understand, in your crusade against the dark, you are but moths fluttering towards a deadly flame."

As she spoke, more shadow traps activated around her, the screams of the trapped and dying melding into a horrific orchestra. Every shadow tree that arched into the air, bifurcating another constable, seemed tethered to her very breath, a grotesque extension of her will.

"Bjørnurn teaches us that power is not merely held; it is commanded, it is the sovereign right of the darkness to reign," she declared, stepping gracefully over a fallen branch that still twitched with the heartbeat of its ensnared prey.

Her boots, manifestations as dark as the rest of her attire, made no sound on the cobblestone as she continued her stroll amidst the carnage. Each step was purposeful, her entire being an embodiment of the dark arts she so revered.

"See, to wield such power, one must understand beyond the elemental, beyond the physical." Marshy paused beside a constable, his life faintly clinging within the clutches of a shadow tree, black veins creeping across his features, "One must understand the very essence of absence, of nothingness, and of the void."

With a sweep of her hand, another shadow tree rose beside her, not from the ground, but coalescing from the very air itself, palpable darkness materializing with a chilling grace.

Marshy's continued march was a symphony of terror and beauty as the streets of Thornville bore witness to a display of power unfettered by mortal constraints. She moved amidst death as a conductor would amongst an orchestra, each movement meticulous, each note struck with precision but carrying the weight of inevitable demise.

Terror gripped the district; those constables left watched in horror, their duty-bound souls shackled by mortal fear yet spurred by an endless dedication. "We will not falter," choked out a young officer, his voice barely a whimper against the encompassing darkness. "Gunn deserves justice!" With pitiable defiance, he advanced, only to meet his end under a cascade of shadowy spines.

As Marshy approached the boundaries of the district, her silhouette was a dark stain against the gray skies, a shadow amongst shadows. "The Bjørnurn does not distinguish between the righteous and the wicked," she intoned. "It only recognizes the wielder's will to embrace the vast abyss or to be consumed by it."

She confided to the wind, her words for none but herself, "In the heart of darkness, lies the purest form of understanding, unobscured by the light's blinding hypocrisy."

The constabulary's efforts had been decimated, their pursuit a grotesque ballet of loyalty and obliteration. Marshy's demonstration of Bjørnurn's horrific majesty left no doubt of the dark's dominion, her path now paved with remnants of those who dared to challenge the shadows.

'Fuck. That brat Gunn…He jumped into this without giving it a second thought. I used this shadow technique to hide my presence, and I have to talk like my ancestors, all sophisticated and edgy and shit. Gunn, why would you do this? You're just like my son, never thinking before doing anything. That's what led to his….dammit. Calm down, Marshy. No thinking about it. Press through. Think about one thing, save the brat Gunn. He is young, of course he's gonna make mistakes. So was my son, he…no, no. Stop it Marshy, no thinking about it. Am I worried about this kid?'

Suddenly, a new shadow loomed, not born of the dark magics that Marshy wielded but of steel and time itself. From the dense fog, a figure emerged, ominous and majestic., an automaton with a physique crafted solely from glinting metals that caught the weak morning light. Its head and torso were an intricate maze of gears and dials, shaped like a grand clock, the hands ticking in a relentless, hypnotic rhythm. In one metal-clad hand, it clutched a large, weathered book, bound in iron straps; in the other, it brandished a massive steel hammer, poised and ready.

There was an eerie precision to its movements, each step resonating with the mechanical cadence of cogwheels and pendulums, harmonizing with the silent dance of death that had just unfolded. When it spoke, its voice was a blend of man and machine, a sonorous timbre overlaid with metallic overtones, resonating along the deserted lane. "I am here for the murder," it declared, the sound of ticking gears punctuating its words, "as commanded by my creator, Chief Bramwell. I choose no sides but to neutralize those who threaten the empire's stability."

Its eyes, if they could be called that, gleamed with a light as cold and calculated as the logic that drove it. "Chief Bramwell is the hand that keeps the clock of this empire ticking, the true symbol of peace and public safety. Under his directive, I function, I execute, I purge."

Marshy halted, her shadow-draped figure turning towards this new adversary with a calm that belied the charged atmosphere. Her somber gaze, a rare glimpse of her eyes visible beneath the shadowy brim of her hat, measured the automaton with both curiosity and disdain.

"Death to the Empire," she responded, her voice a mere whisper yet carrying the force of a storm. Her stance was unwavering, the dark aura around her pulsing as if reacting to the proclamation of her defiance.

The automaton approached, its gears whirring louder with each step, its clock-face reflecting the gray skies above. The eerie tick-tock filled the air, a discordant tune to the visual opulence of this confrontation. "Your rebellion is noted," it responded, tilting its massive head as though scrutinizing her with an unseen gaze. "You stand against the empire, against order. You are an aberration to time, a stain upon the seconds that must be cleansed."

Marshy smirked lightly, almost amused. "Order? Your order is but the illusion of freedom draped in chains of iron and clocks and shit. What is time to those who dwell in shadows? We do not bow to the march of hours nor the decrees of tyrants."

With a grace that contrasted its formidable frame, the automaton swung open its large book, revealing pages upon pages of names and crimes, etched deep into metal. "Every tick etches closer to your end," it boomed, the sound resonant as if echoing through a vast canyon. "For the empire, I shall bring annihilation to its dissenters. Your time has met its hour."

Marshy's laugh, dark and melodious, filled the air. "Then let's dance to the tune of ticking and shadows. Let's see whose time runs out first. Bitch."

As the automaton raised its steel hammer high, the ground beneath them seemed to pulse with imminent conflict. Marshy swirled her hand, summoning darker, thick tendrils of shadow that snaked around her protectively. 

"Very well," the automaton intoned, the sound mechanical yet imbued with a strange anticipation. Its hammer swung down with the weight of inevitability, aiming to crush the insurgent before him.

The battle that unfolded was a clashing symphony of metal against shadow, each strike from the automaton precise and lethal, each counter from Marshy a dance of darkness, fluid and formless. The street became an arena where two philosophies warred order and chaos, light and darkness, time and eternity.

Marshy lunges forward, her fingers tracing the air as shadows ripple and solidify into twin daggers of dark flame. She slashes at the automaton, who parries with the broad side of its massive electric hammer, sparks flying upon contact. The automaton stomps the ground, activating its landscape reversal ability. The shadow beneath Marshy's feet hardens into reflective metal, distorting her balance and reflecting the daggers' dark light back toward her. Regaining composure, Marshy thrusts her hand toward the automaton, summoning shadow hands that burst from the ground, wrapping around its limbs with crushing force. They begin draining its power, the metal groaning under the supernatural strength.

In response, the automaton channels a surge of electricity through its body, illuminating the shadow hands in a blinding light. The shadows recoil, sizzling, as the electric current disrupts their form. The automaton activates its gliding mechanism, soaring upwards. It swings its hammer downward in a devastating arc aimed directly at Marshy. Marshy touches the ground, disappearing in a burst of shadows. A shadow tree explodes upward from where she stood moments ago, its branches missing the automaton as it hovers above. From the air, the automaton swings its hammer horizontally. The head of the hammer detaches, spinning propelled by an internal mechanism, flying towards Marshy like a gargantuan projectile.

Marshy reappears, summoning a shield of dark flames that absorbs the spinning hammer, melting it into a molten slab before flinging it aside. The automaton lands heavily, its internal gears whirring as it magnetically recalls the molten metal, reforming its hammer with visible damage but still functional. Marshy swiftly sketches an intricate pattern with her foot, a dark field spreading rapidly towards the automaton. Detecting the trap, the automaton reverses the shadow into a layer of slick oil. Marshy slips but recovers with acrobatic grace, flipping backward to regain her footing. The automaton's clockwork face spins wildly, attempting to trap Marshy in a hypnotic trance. Marshy shields her eyes with one hand, visibly shaking off the disorienting effects.

Breaking through her brief disorientation, Marshy channels the shadows around her into a dense spear, hurling it directly at the automaton's core. The shadow spear strikes true, piercing the automaton's chest. Sparks and oil spray from the wound, but within seconds, the gears and pistons visibly repair the damage. Marshy rushes forward, her dark flame weapons reformed into a scythe that arcs through the air. The automaton meets her charge, its hammer blocking the scythe's path, but not before the blade grazes its side, drawing more oil and some stray wires.

The automaton rotates its body, its arms extending like the hands of a clock, striking Marshy across the chest. The blow sends her skidding backward, her coat torn and skin showing marks that quickly start to bleed. From her prone position, Marshy summons concentrated shadow hands that shoot forward, faster and more desperate this time. They clutch the automaton's hammer, trying to wrest it away. Detecting the threat to its weapon, the automaton overloads the hammer's electrical core, causing a small explosion that forces the shadows to dissipate and sends Marshy flying.

Both regaining their stance, they circle each other warily. Marshy's eyes burn with a fierce determination, creating an aura of shadows pulsating around her. The automaton's gears spin, its damage evident but its resolve unbroken.

Marshy propels herself forward as shadows and flames conjure a giant blade. The automaton swings its reconstructed hammer with terminal force. They collide in a cataclysmic convergence of shadows and metal, the impact echoing through Thornville like the bell of judgment. As the dust settles and silence briefly returns to the field, neither combatant stands clearly victorious yet both remain unyielding, their wounds testament to their brutal exchange, an epic tableau of resilience and power etched into the annals of their endless war.