

"Morning Cal."

"Morning Ed."

"Did you find out anything yet?"

"No, sorry Ed."

Calvin Stockings, or Cal, is a 26 year old man working in bio-engineering. Well, he was. You see, Calvin got himself into a little bit of trouble one night when he accidentally stumbled across something he probably shouldn't have. This event ended up getting Cal riddled with bullets causing his body to cease functioning. Now, when you die that doesn't mean you are dead. When death occurs, all that happens is your soul leaves your body and either falls or rises. In Cal's case, it falls.

Calvin felt the blood seeping out of each of the tiny holes that were just put into him. He looked up to the sky, wondering why such a thing just happened. After a minute or two Cal turned to see his killer. His vision was blurry but he was able to make out what the person looked like. The person was Ed. Ed was Cal's boss, and a good friend, or so he thought. Cal felt himself begin to slip away but, before he died he heard someone say something to him.

"Don't take any of this personally Cal. I just didn't have a use for you anymore."

Cal's vision went black.