
Veiling the Celestial Realm

"Veiling the Celestial Realm" is a novel that blends Eastern fantasy with modern magical fiction. In this story, a young hero named Ye Fan embarks on a journey to explore the mysteries of the cosmos. By chance, Ye Fan discovers a mysterious image depicting nine dragon corpses pulling a bronze coffin, a finding that leads him into an ancient world hidden in the shadows of the universe. This world is filled with unknown powers and forgotten legends. Within it, Ye Fan continuously grows, gradually uncovering the deeply buried secrets. Along the way, he meets a group of like-minded companions, and together they face challenges and threats from the depths of the cosmos.

MythTree · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Chapter 006: The Site of Enthronement

In the desolate and dark expanse of space, nine colossal dragon corpses lay strewn, with a bronze giant coffin that was simple yet grand, as if it had coexisted with the vast desolation of the universe since time immemorial.

Days had passed, and the mysterious signals emitted by the bronze patterns remained undecipherable. There was still no reliable method to "salvage" and transport them to the ground.

"Movement detected!"

"Deviating from the orbit, it's sinking!"

At that moment, the eyes of several elite astronauts within the International Space Station narrowed sharply as the Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin deviated from its orbit and began to descend slowly.

Mount Tai, with its majestic and profound presence, and overwhelming momentum, is revered as the foremost among the Five Great Mountains and is hailed as the supreme mountain of the world.

Since ancient times, Mount Tai has been a symbol of sacredness, located at the easternmost part of the ancient Central Plains, encircled by the Yellow River and the Wen River, and was considered the place where the sun rises and all things begin to thrive in ancient times.

No other mountain surpasses it in grandeur, and no other history is as ancient!

Mount Tai, with its majestic and expansive terrain and profound historical heritage, dates back to the ancient times of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, a place where one could draw near to the divine.

"The sky is too high to reach, but by performing the enthronement ceremony on Mount Tai, one may come closer to the divine."

Both the mighty Emperor Qin Shi Huang, who unified the six states, and the ambitious Emperor Wu of Han, had held grand enthronement ceremonies on Mount Tai.

And even before them, seventy-two emperors from the ancient times had performed their enthronement on Mount Tai.

The pre-Qin ancient book "Guanzi - Enthronement" recorded: "In ancient times, Emperor Wuhuai performed the enthronement on Mount Tai at Yunyun; Fuxi performed the enthronement on Mount Tai at Yunyun; Shennong performed the enthronement on Mount Tai at Yunyun; Yellow Emperor performed the enthronement on Mount Tai at Yunyun; Emperor Yao performed the enthronement on Mount Tai at Yunyun; Emperor Yu performed the enthronement on Mount Tai..."

In ancient times, numerous sage kings and ancient emperors, without exception, chose to perform their enthronement here, shrouding Mount Tai in layers of mystery and emitting an endless aura of mystery.

During the Spring and Autumn period, Confucius, the Sage, had frequently visited Mount Tai, seeking the traces of the ancient enthronement ceremony, but left with regret and unable to answer his disciples' inquiries.

Later generations had made some discoveries.

In the 20th year of the Republic of China, General Ma Honglie led his troops to camp at the foot of Mount Tai and accidentally discovered a five-colored earth altar with two sets of jade books, sealed with "stone mud and gold rope" and hidden underground.

Why all the ancient emperors from the pre-Qin era chose to perform their enthronement here remains a mystery, one that may never be unraveled.

After resting in the hotel for a night, Ye Fan and the others began to climb Mount Tai the next day.

Among the group, many were visiting Mount Tai for the first time, and only by being there in person could they truly feel its grandeur and majesty.

The mountain has a three-tiered geological structure like steps to the heavens, facing north to south, with the entire mountain body open, a ten-kilometer-long path leading up to the vast mountain body and extending to the peak.

Whether from afar or up close, one can feel the overwhelming grandeur that stirs the heart.

In the face of the majestic Mount Tai, one has a strange illusion of being as insignificant as an ant, and even the sun, moon, and stars in the sky seem insignificant.

It is a feeling that is profoundly shocking, causing the soul to tremble.

When the guide spoke of the ancient enthronements, it further ignited boundless imagination, as humans are perpetually captivated by the allure of the unknown and the enigmatic.

Li Xiaoman walked side by side with Kade, constantly translating and explaining for him, making the American youth increasingly amazed by Mount Tai, asking questions incessantly.

Liu Yunzhi looked at Ye Fan with a playful expression, then at the two in front, but his obvious intent seemed to be directly ignored by Ye Fan, who did not show any reaction, leaving him disappointed.

In fact, Ye Fan had not noticed him at all and remained very calm.

Having completed his reading of the "Huangdi Neijing," Ye Fan, contemplating the ancient sage kings who had performed their enthronements at this very site, was suddenly struck by a bizarre thought: could it be that there truly existed an ancient civilization that had vanished into the annals of time? If that were the case, then Mount Tai during that era was undoubtedly a sacred locale.

But he immediately shook his head, thinking that he had been too bored lately to have such a ridiculous association.

Mount Tai is lush with ancient pines and has many springs and waterfalls. Its solemn and majestic appearance is complemented by a touch of elegance, and with the ethereal clouds and mist, it naturally adds a sense of mystery and profundity.

Climbing upwards, there are countless historical sites and cliff inscriptions along the way, which are truly admirable.

From the earthly realm passing through the imperial palace of Dai Temple, to the heavenly realm of the Jade Emperor Peak, it forms a ten-kilometer-long axis of hell... earth... heaven.

In the evening, everyone finally reached the summit of Mount Tai... the Jade Emperor Peak, overlooking the myriad mountains below and gazing at the Yellow River, instantly making one deeply understand Confucius' true meaning of "when one ascends Mount Tai, one sees all the world as small."

"I will ascend to the utmost peak and look down upon all the lesser mountains!" Even the Poet Saint left behind such an eternal masterpiece.

At this moment, the setting sun was in the west, and the cloud peaks were all edged with a golden glow, shimmering like precious treasures.

Such a beautiful scene is intoxicating.

Suddenly, several black dots appeared on the horizon, gradually growing larger, and then the sound of wind and thunder could be heard.

Nine colossal objects descended from the sky, like nine black rivers falling down. At this moment, everyone on Mount Tai was shocked, their expressions frozen, staring at each other in astonishment.

They were actually nine massive dragon corpses, pulling an ancient bronze coffin, pressing down towards the summit of Mount Tai.

Dragons, legendary beings that stand alongside gods and above the laws of nature. But with the development of science to the present day, who would still believe that dragons truly exist?

The tourists on the mountain held their breath in shock, even forgetting to shout.

A brief silence, and then Mount Tai erupted into chaos as everyone panicked and fled in all directions, trying to escape the approaching massive dragon corpses.

It was a shocking scene. In the bloody sunset, the Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin descended upon Mount Tai!

Screams of terror and helpless cries filled the air as people scrambled to escape.

The Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin did not descend rapidly, but upon its landing, it still produced a powerful shock at the summit of Mount Tai.


The nine colossal objects fell like nine mountain ranges, causing the Jade Emperor Peak to crack open with large fissures, rocks and dust flying, and the mountain shaking as if an earthquake had occurred. Many rocks tumbled down the mountain, creating a rumbling sound like thousands of troops galloping.

Numerous individuals were caught in the chaos, their forms battered by the impact of falling rocks, tumbling down the slopes, their terrified screams converging into a collective wail.

The tremor subsided, and the mountain swiftly returned to a state of calm, but Mount Tai had already plunged into pandemonium. Many individuals had stumbled amidst the frenzy, leading to a scene of utter disorder, with numerous people injured and bleeding as they scrambled down the mountain in abject fear.

The nine hundred-meter-long colossal dragon corpses, with the majority of their forms resting tranquilly atop the mountain peak and a small portion dangling over the cliff edge, resembled a Great Wall of black steel, exuding an overwhelming force and striking an immense impact on the beholder's eyes.

The Jade Emperor Peak of Mount Tai was shattered, with the ground covered in terrifying large cracks.

The twenty-meter-long bronze coffin was simple and unadorned, with some vague ancient patterns on it, full of a sense of the passage of time, and a mysterious aura flowing around it.