
Veiled Vengeance

"Are you going to hate me, little girl?" the man asked with a flat, emotionless voice that made Annica's mouth taste bitter with fear and hatred. Annica remained silent. She just stared at the frozen face without blinking, ignoring his increasingly blurred gaze. The man laughed. "What are you going to do? This is your fate. Accept it." The monster turned his body around and walked away, leaving Annica alone in her cold room. The gust of wind rushing in through the door extinguished the light from the remaining short candles in the room. But Annica could still gaze at the man's back. Tonight, the moon seemed brighter than usual. Tonight, Annica's world split in two. Tonight, the 14-year-old girl lost everything.

Jackofheartsss · Fantaisie
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79 Chs

I See You

The rustle of wind and the sound of dry leaves rubbing against each other dominated the tranquil atmosphere of the garden that afternoon. 

In the distance, the faint murmuring of a river could be heard, making anyone within it feel as though they were in a forest rather than the yard of a residential complex.

Octavianus walked silently, seemed serious and lost in his own thoughts, while Daemond, who walked ahead of him, appearing relaxed as he admired the beauty of the garden at his new residence.

Both men were wrapped up in finest clothing that suited for their posisition.

"I apologize for my impudence, General. But why aren't we taking any action right now?" Octavianus finally asked after a few moments of silence. "Are we just going to let that man go? Don't we have enough evidence to punish that man severely?"

Daemond didn't answer immediately. The general stopped and looked up to observe some birds that were perched on a branch and chirping away. After one of the birds flew off, he resumed his stride.

"Octavianus...," Daemond called without turning back. "Savo providence is far from the city. Do you think he's the only one who defected?"

Octavianus fell silent, thingking about his leader's words.

Daemond continued, "If we expose that man now, the other rats will just hide and making our job of catching them all much harder. Although my army is unbeatable, those rats were the ones who have long held power in this region. Before our kingdom took over this region, they were the ones in charge. Do you think they will stop just because we caught and executed one of their man? "

Octavianus furrowed his brow. This was why he disliked politics. Nothing was as clear as black and white; everything was always muddy. Who was the enemy, who was the ally, nothing could be distinguished until you saw who stabbed you in the back with your own eyes. No one could be trusted.

Octavianus didn't know how Daemond could live a life full of suspicion like this, but he knew he would follow Daemond wherever the man went.

Let alone into palace bureaucracy, he was ready to go to hell if Daemond ordered.

"You may be right, General," Octavianus replied. "But how do we lure them all out of their hiding places?"

Hearing his subordinate's question, Daemond slowed his pace until he was level with Octavianus' shorter step. 

Smiling, he then patted the man's shoulder and said, "Forget about it, my friend. After our long journey, you must still be tired. Rest. We will start everything tomorrow. There will be much work to be done."

Octavianus looked up at Daemond's always calm face and quietly traced the scars on the general's face with his eyes. He had memorized every movement of that man, every line of hardness that appeared whenever he was thinking, and he knew that Daemond would always do what was best for the kingdom. It was strange how someone could make you feel calm and excited at the same time. But that's what he felt every time he was beside that man.

Daemond was right; political games were different from the battlefield. He needed to be patient. He might not understand much about bureaucracy, but he believed in Daemond.

He nodded, "Very well, General."

"Good," Daemond replied. "Return to the barracks and rest, Octavianus. I will see you tomorrow."

Octavianus nooded again. "Yes, General."

As soon as Daemond released his grip on his shoulder, warmth flooded Octavianus's chest. 

Oh, how he wished to be in the embrace of that man forever. 

He knew that his feeling was irrational. What he wanted was something that could cost him his neck and his dignity. That's why he decided it was best if he buried his feelings deep inside and swallowed back all his hopes, rather than let anyone found out that he was in love with the general. 

Octavianus nodded and walked away from the man. At least the general was right. He was feeling tired after the long journey. A wash, hot meal, and sleep sounded wonderfull.

Octavianus was still walking along the path back to the main building when he heard the giggles of some women from the corner of the garden.

Curious, he immediately approached the source of the sound and was surprised to see what was happening.

The young slave he had just recruited, now looked pitiful, pressed against a tree with the general's five mistresses surrounding her. Her blonde hair that had once flowed beautifully on her back was now soaked wet, just like the dress she wore. Her slender body looked shivering from the cold. Even her once red lips now appeared pale and trembling.

The women were all facing away from Octavianus, and none of them noticed his presence.

"You look like a rat that fell into a ditch." Octavian heard the general's favorite mistress, Brianna, commented as she grabbed Annica's hair and pulled it back, making the young slave grimaced.

The other four mistress burst into giggles at Brianna's comment. Some added their insults to the slave girl, just to please Brianna.

"Yes... just imagine, if this is the prettiest slave they have in Savo, what would the ugliest one look like?"

"Maybe after this, you should order her to clean the latrine, Bri. She already smells like shit."

Another round of giggling was heard.

"Absolutely, Bri. And don't worry, there's no way that the general will be interested in a girl like this. Not only she is dumb, she also stinks."

Brianna tightened her grip on her hair.

"I know many women like you, Annica," she continued. "Dogs that never stop looking for opportunities to steal scraps from other people's tables. If you think by being here, you have a chance to become a concubine of the general, you'd better throw that thought far away from your head. He will never be interested in lowly women like you, understand?"

Annica clenched her jaw and glared back.

Brianna's threat wasn't new to Annica. It all just reminded her again that she was truly alone. Annica squeezed her fists tightly. Her palms now trembled with anger. She needed to control herself from retaliating. She had come this far. Whatever happened, she had to endure.

"Look... look..." A concubine named Serenilla pointed at Annica's face. "The slave seems angry, Bri. Her eyes look crazy."

"Better be careful, Serenilla," Brianna retorted. "We don't know what this wild animal is capable of. Who knows, she might bite."

Serenilla grabbed a stick that near her foot and then slashed it against Annica's arm, shouting, "Bad Dog! Bad...bad...dog!"

The five concubines burst again into laughter, while Annica squirmed.

Octavianus, who had been observing all along, knew he shouldn't interfere in the affairs of the concubines. It wasn't his job to help the slave, but what they were doing to the poor slave was outrageous. He couldn't contain himself any longer.

"Hey! What's going on here?" Octavianus shouted.

Startled by the voice, Briana immediately released her grip on Annica's hair and turned. Her beautiful face instantly paled. Not because she saw Octavianus standing there with his hands on his hips, but because she saw another man standing behind the commander.

"G-General Daemond...."

Brianna hurriedly dropped to her knees and bowed her head, as did the other four concubines. None of the women dared to look up at the man's face. None except… 


Helooo everybody, this is my first work here in webnovel, so all your responses and comments will be greatly apreciated. Also, since english is not my first language, grammar mistakes and weirdly wording might be common in the story. I will try to do my best, but if you find one that is too confusing pls let me know.

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