
Veiled Twilight

Masha is a novice magician working at the apothecary. One day, as she is searching for a rare plant, she stumbled upon a forgotten tunnel. Thinking it contained treasure, she went there, only to find a sleeping vampire. The vampire made a deal with her that he would give her gold treasures in exchange that she would complete a dangerous mission—to retrieve a powerful talisman which is stolen by a sorcerer. Will she be able to succeed, or will she become trapped in the conflicted worlds of humans and magical beings? Original Title: Veil of Twilight Genres: Fantasy, Mystery, Vampire Fiction, Magical Fiction (Although labeled as 'fantasy romance' by the platform, my story is actually a work of pure fantasy and it does not focus on romance) Themes: Revenge, Betrayal, Friendship Length: Short Story/Novella Note: This book has slow updates due to the unpredictable schedule of the author. Updates are not consistent and may take a few weeks or months. This is the first draft of the story so you may see errors. Copyright 2023 by JA.

JA_Phoenix · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Chapter 22

That afternoon, I decided to go to the nearby forest to get some herbs to strengthen my amulet and enhance my magical practices. The forest embraced me with its tranquility as I ventured into its depths, my bag dangling from my arm. The need for rare herbs had drawn me to this secluded grove, where the sunlight filtering through the leaves above cast a dappled pattern on the forest floor. The sounds of wildlife and birds filled the quiet air around me. A gentle breeze blew in from the river, carrying the scent of pine with it.

As I carefully plucked various herbs, a subtle sensation crept over me—the feeling of being watched. I paused, scanning the surroundings, but no human or animal form revealed itself. Only the whispering leaves and the distant murmur of a river accompanied me. But still, the hairs on my neck pricked uncomfortably as goosebumps rose along my skin. I was alone here. The eerie feeling persisted as I continued searching.

After a moment's hesitation, I began walking further ahead. As my sense of unease increased, the trees grew denser and closer together, giving off the impression that they would soon swallow me whole. Anxious and scared, I picked up speed. A branch snapped behind me, causing me to spin around wildly. But nothing appeared out of place. No figure came running at me. Just the peaceful sound of rushing water. Still uneasy, I turned back again and continued, trying to ignore the prickling sensation along my nape. But I couldn't help myself as I glanced over my shoulder one last time before I continued.

A quick movement, like a shadow dancing on the trees, caught my attention. My gaze darted to and fro, but the source eluded me. I suddenly remembered one time when I was in the forest and a vampire attacked me in broad daylight. My nerves were tingling as I continued to move forward, but the image remained clear in my memory. I had not imagined it then, and I don't imagine it now. Something was watching me. Something dangerous. And I wanted to make sure there wasn't another person lurking in the darkness of the underbrush behind me.

Only that it was not a person.

I turned to leave when a flash of vibrant green caught my attention. A rare plant, one I had been searching for, adorned the forest floor. I plucked a few leaves.

Just as I was about to leave, a deep, male voice broke through the gentle rustling of leaves. "Masha."

I looked up, startled, to find a satyr standing amidst the trees. His appearance struck me—a perfect blend of masculine allure and ethereal beauty. His eyes gleamed with curious intelligence, and his features bore a charming yet serious expression.

"What brings you to these woods, Masha?" he inquired, his voice as alluring as his appearance.

Startled by the sudden appearance of a creature I had never encountered before, I stammered, "I-I'm gathering herbs for my magical practice."

The satyr, seemingly amused, gestured towards a particular herb nearby. "For a practitioner like yourself, this herb would be more applicable. It enhances magical potency and clarity of vision."

As he spoke, I couldn't help but notice the captivating energy emanating from him—a heat, both literal and metaphorical, that stirred something within. Satyrs, I recalled, were known for their magnetic appeal, and this one was no exception.

His advice continued, extending beyond herbs. "Choose your friends wisely, Masha. False friends are as dangerous as venomous snakes. And never doubt the power within you. Your magical skills are more potent than you may realize." He paused to gaze at me appreciatively, then smiled warmly before continuing, "But do not let your ego blind you to reality, Masha." With that, the satyr vanished among the foliage, leaving me wondering if he had ever really existed. I was certain that no mere figment could speak so lucidly. I stared after him as he faded away like smoke until I finally managed to tear my gaze away and continue my quest.

The weight of his words settled in my thoughts. The forest, once again, stood in tranquil solitude, and I continued my journey back with a newfound awareness. If he was right, if what he said was true, perhaps a new path had just opened to me.

For years, I'd relied on my magic to keep me safe. Now, I wondered just how much of an illusion this life truly was. I had always lived a double life, and although I was grateful to have my powers awakened, I still felt vulnerable. My magic didn't always work as well as I would have liked. How long would I dare remain hidden? Would my safety ever fully return to me? And what did that mean for those around me?

I returned to my hotel room afterward, and there I found Nikolai seated in a dimly lit corner, his hand clutching a delicate locket. An intense frown furrowed his brow, but as soon as he noticed my presence, he swiftly concealed the trinket and adorned his lips with a forced smile. "How did your walk go?"

I offered a nonchalant shrug. "Fine, I guess."

He leaned back, the subtle worry in his eyes persisting. "I hope you aren't having too much trouble getting used to your powers," he said in hushed tones.

Taking a seat across from him, I maintained a cautious distance. "It's not so bad. I've only had a couple of nightmares and some spirit encounters. I'm used to it. What were you holding?"

With a twirl of his fingers, he raised the necklace for me to see. The chain was a masterful creation, adorned with intricate silver beads interspersed with tiny jewels, each catching the light in a mesmerizing dance. As my gaze shifted, he revealed the locket, dangling as a pendant.

As Nikolai gently cradled the delicate locket in his hand, the room seemed to hush, and a weighty silence draped around us. His voice, when it finally emerged, carried a solemn resonance that painted a poignant picture of the two women held within the locket.

"This," he began, "is a locket that holds the essence of the two most important women in my life."

My breath hitched, my eyes widening as I took in the intimate revelation. Nikolai's gaze met mine, and a soft smile played on his lips. "My dearest sister, Ophelia, and my beloved wife, Lady Eleanor."

He closed his eyes briefly, letting out a breath of longing. "Both gifted, courageous, kindhearted, and generous. They are the reason why I live and why I breathe. I treasure their memories deeply every day. That locket represents everything that they meant to me." He took another deep breath, opening his eyes again to meet mine. "They will forever be in my heart, as vivid and tangible as if they were sitting next to me."

For a moment, I stood transfixed, touched by the beauty and tragedy held within the small, precious locket.

"That's... beautiful," I breathed my voice a mere whisper.

He nodded in acknowledgment, averting his gaze. "Yes. It is indeed," he agreed, his tone heavy with emotion. Then he cleared his throat and looked me firmly in the eye, the tenderness he displayed momentarily breaking the barrier between us. "I have something else that I want you to know, Masha."

I cocked my head inquiringly.

"If you need anything, whatever you ask for, you shall have it."

My face flushed with embarrassment, unsure of where such a declaration was coming from. "Thank you," I murmured, looking down shyly.

"You're welcome," he replied with a smile.

With a wave of his hand, the lamp in the room flickered to a bright glow. He leaned forward in his chair, his elbows resting on his knees. We lapsed into silence for several moments as we gazed at one another in comfortable silence.

Curiosity sparked within me, and I found myself wanting to know more about Nikolai's past and his roots. With a gentle voice, I asked, "And how are your parents, Nikolai? I did not see them in your castle, only your brother and some others."

A shadow passed over Nikolai's face, and his eyes turned distant. His countenance darkened swiftly, the once soft glow in his eyes replaced by an abyss of brooding shadows. He spoke with an edge, the tone cold and devoid of the warmth that had accompanied his earlier reminiscence.

"I can't remember them clearly. I haven't seen them for thousands of years," he replied tonelessly, his words hanging in the air, heavy with an unspoken sorrow.

I was taken aback by the sudden shift in his demeanor as if a veil had been drawn over the light that had shone so brightly moments ago.

As I observed that his light blue eyes were now a deep, unsettling shade of red, a shiver ran down my spine. The depth of his gaze seemed to hold secrets and a darkness that I could barely fathom.

Sensing my unease, Nikolai's voice turned cold and distant. "The vampire realm, Masha, is beyond human understanding. Its laws, its ways, are not something I will waste my time explaining to you."

I felt a pang of disappointment and confusion. I had glimpsed a vulnerability in Nikolai, a glimpse of his humanity, only to be met with a wall of darkness and secrecy. I quickly offered an apology, realizing that I had unintentionally touched upon a subject that was too sensitive, too veiled in the shadows of his past.

I turned away and made my way to my bedroom, clutching the bag that held the herbs I had gathered from the forest. As I closed the door behind me, I took a moment to steady my racing thoughts.

Seated on the edge of the bed, I contemplated the complexity of dealing with beings beyond the human realm. Vampires, with their age-old mysteries, proved to be a challenge, but as an aspiring magician, I couldn't afford to be deterred. There were depths to navigate and secrets to uncover, and I found solace in the knowledge that every encounter with Nikolai revealed a new layer to the supernatural tapestry I was destined to explore.


It was late at night, and I had my dinner alone. I had not seen Nikolai since our meeting earlier, as the time drew closer and I grew anxious, I found myself growing increasingly restless. So far, there were no reports of vampire attacks, which was good, although I knew Nikolai would not hurt a human since it could hinder him from achieving his goal. He was probably out there, eating small animals in secret, or talking to some spirits.

After a quiet hour, I retired to the lounge, seeking refuge on the sofa. Despite my exhaustion and my lingering concerns regarding Nikolai, I could not shake the unsettling feeling that hung over me; I found myself unable to relax, despite all of my efforts to overcome this strange discomfort. It persisted throughout the remainder of the night, and while my mind tried desperately to clear itself, sleep eluded me. The moon cast a silvery glow into my room, creating an eerie illumination in its rays. The room slowly filled with shadows, and I lay awake, staring up blankly at the ceiling.

At last, I rose to my feet and walked to the window. I peered through the curtains, seeing the faint glow from the streetlamps illuminating the streets below. I watched silently, thinking of the apothecary, the lodge of the Shadow Covenant, and searching for the talisman. Many things happened to me in just a short time. It seemed unrealistic yet somehow exciting to explore the wonders and dangers of the unknown world and to discover parts of myself that I never dared to seek.

 A soft knock at my door interrupted my introspection. My attention shifted towards it, and without saying a word, a pair of familiar, brilliant, icy blue eyes regarded me from beyond the threshold. A chill rushed up my spine, and before I knew it, he was standing in front of me. In the dim lighting, Nikolai's gaze seemed to gleam like an obsidian gem, a look of awe and admiration radiating off of it. He was breathtaking and ethereal—a true king among vampires. The moonlight reflected upon his hair, giving the impression of shimmering silk. His face, however, was shrouded in shadows, making his features look even more demonic than usual.

"Nikolai," I whispered. I wondered if he was still upset or in his proper mind.

I heard him chuckle softly under his breath. "Masha, my dear," he replied, his tone husky and playful. He stepped fully inside my quarters and approached me. "How lovely it is to see you again."

Despite his warm greeting, his gaze betrayed nothing, revealing nothing. "Hello, Nikolai." I hesitated. I needed to find out what he was here for. But I was afraid of what I might learn.

"Come, we must discuss our next course of action, don't you agree?" he inquired.

Without waiting for any sort of response from me, he placed his hands gently on my shoulders and gave me a gentle nudge forward. "Now," he said softly, "please sit down."

"What? What are you going to do?" I replied, quite irritably.

"There is so much work to be done, and we must be swift about it. You understand?" his tone lowered, becoming stern.

I let out a sigh. "But, Nikolai-"

"Do as I say, little mouse. No arguments." The intensity of his gaze sent a shock of electricity coursing throughout my body, eliciting goosebumps across my arms and neck.

I sat down. I couldn't help but feel slightly intimidated by his mannerisms and speech, which struck fear into my heart. He had always appeared mild and reserved when he was being his normal self. Now, however, I sensed a change. The dark, brooding aura surrounding him had intensified. I had no idea why he was acting like this.

But then, I remembered from my magical practice that magicians must have complete control over dark beings. This is to ensure safety and authority, not superiority. And though Nikolai's powers may have been diminished during those centuries spent in the dungeon, they remained, and he continued to use them as part of himself. I supposed he was able to maintain his power because he was a nobleman and the talisman still existed physically.

"Please, Nikolai. Tell me what's going on," I said. "Or else, I might turn you into a toad."

His expression became less severe as I looked up at him, his eyes now showing concern, but also a glimmer of amusement dancing in his irises. It almost seemed as though he was enjoying my discomfort. "Alright, well, we should discuss the matter of your training," he told me.

"Training?" I blurted out. Then I suddenly remembered my astral projection.

"Yes, that's it," Nikolai said with a grin. "You'll begin practicing this evening. If you fail in this, you will try it again tomorrow morning, and then night. We'll do this now, every day, twice a day if possible. I can sense the talisman's presence becoming stronger. So searching it would not be too difficult for you."

"Really? Where is it now?"

"In this city, Masha. I am sure of it."

My lips curled upward into a smirk of delight. That sounded like something I would expect him to say. "Okay, I'm ready."

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