
Veiled Brilliance: Chronicles of a Reincarnated Being

Glen was taken advantage of throughout his entire life. Depressed at the miserable state his life is in, he goes for a walk and ends up dying. He meets the god over death who gives him a second chance at a new life in a world of magic and a system. Join him now, as Eric, as he fights to seek happiness in his new life. This is my first book so feel free to leave your feedback. I feel that criticism helps to improve some people and I'm one of them. Right now I'm writing whenever I have the free time. This isn't meant to be fast paced but if it's too slow just let me know. Expect a few errors because I'm only human after all.

Eaglestriker_22 · Fantaisie
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77 Chs

The Definition of a Raid Boss

From a safe distance back, I struggle to identify the monster. The difference between our mana was too vast, and it interfered greatly with Pith Orientation.

While I was trying to get a sense of the monsters true strength, I enjoyed the fight that was happening between my fellow classmates and the behemoth. The millipede raises its head, then lunges at the group in a blur.

Everyone jumps out the way but two from Falkner's followers aren't fast enough. One gets eliminated immediately on making contact with the monster and the other is caught in its deadly mandibles.

The guy begins to frantically thrash about trying to free himself from the monster's clutches as it slowly raises its prey in the air. The millipede snaps his jaws shut, easily slicing the guy in half as he gets eliminated.

Its antenna rapidly moves back and forth as it tries to relocate more prey. As the others in the group hesitate to engage such a creature, Avos steps forward.

"Hah just as I thought. You guys can be scared and run, but the glory to face such a monster will go to me."

His entire body and lance become engulfed in flames as he grows a bit taller. Twirling his spear, his dashes forward leaving a trail of flames in his path. The creature senses an oncoming threat and turns to face it.

The monster crawls in a circle, sending its massive body towards Avos.

He jumps, dodging its attack. While in the air, he begins to suck in air as his chest swells slightly before letting out a fan of flames towards the millipede.

The flames travel across the body of the millipede causing it to begin screeching in pain. Doing this keeps Avos airborne while scorching any part of the creature he looks at.

The monster launches itself at the airborne Avos and he quickly stops his fire-breathing and begins to fall. The creature's attack misses him as its head sails above Avos.

He twirls is spear before jabbing it up at the creature, sending a funnel of flames up striking it. His attack knocks the creatures head up towards the ceiling. Using this to his advantage, he drops on the creature's body, running towards its head.

The millipede recovers and quickly notices Avos traveling on its body. It turns around, intending to smash Avos into the ground. He jumps to avoid getting crushed and the creature whips its body around, smacking Avos away.

He safely lands then gives a triumphant twirl of his spear before crouching to try again. Lawson stands beside him, changing both his hands to claws and lighting sparking off his body.

They nod at each other before taking off, in a trail of red and dark blue towards the millipede.

They reach it within seconds with Lawson tearing off any legs he passes with his claws and Avos rakes his spear across the creature's body wherever he passes. The millipede snaps towards Avos who danced out of the creature's path, making it bite itself.

They both notice a hole in the creature's shell and begin running towards it. A cloud of lightning forms over the creature as sparks arc off of Lawson's claws. Avos tosses his spear forward in the air as he begins his chant.

After a couple of seconds, he finishes his chant then he jumps catching his spear.

A funnel of flames form at the top of his spear as he aims at the missing chunk of the monster's armor. They both arrive at the same time, Lawson stabbing his claws into a bite mark, while Avos stabs into the other.

His spear sends intense flames high as an explosion sounds off at the same time as a lightning bolt slams into the spot where Lawson stabbed.

The creature screeches in pain, thrashing to get them off it. They jump back, and the creature falls to the ground.

They watch as the creature frantically flops about before suddenly freezing. Its shell turns from red to a light pink as there's nothing but silence.

After a few seconds, Avos twirls his spear and slams the butt into the ground, "Easy."

No sooner do those words leave his mouth does the creature explode in a shower of pink. As the dust settles, the millipede emerges, with a brand new red shell without any missing holes.

From the shadows that I'm hiding in, my jaw drops. When the creature was shedding its skin, it's mana unintentionally allowed mine to identify it and I didn't like what I saw.

Troglobite LVL 80

Health: 7500/7500

Mana: 5000/5000

Active Effects: Physical Resistance, Magic Resistance

It had both resistances and it fully healed when it shed its skin. Just how could you beat this thing?

Avos and Lawson poise to charge again but the creature turns its head to them. It begins to curl into itself, forming a massive ball.

Confused, they both pause waiting to see it's next move before they take theirs.

A hiss sounding can be heard, followed by more as the legs retract into the shell and green gas leaks towards the group. As the gas makes it to them, causing everyone in the group to stumble about coughing uncontrollably.

Lawson dashes out and begins to claw at the wall.

Avos twirls his spear, shooting fireballs at the ceiling.

Denise falls to her knees crying.

Mariath spins, with the biggest smile on her face.

Falkner looks at everyone in confusion before his eyes flash with understanding.

He raises his sword and a beam of light passes from person to person each. When the light touches them, they stop coughing or doing whatever random thing they were and calm down.

While they take the time to recuperate, Falkner steps forward.

"Obviously Eric knew of this creature's strength beforehand and lead us here. I propose we join together to take this beast down." His remaining members look amongst each other, fine with his proposal because they couldn't do anything to the creatures themselves.

However, from the side, "Nah, stand back we got this." Lawson replies as he crouches for another attack. From across the room, a lunch crunch can be heard, and all eyes snap towards the monster.

Watching it carefully they notice it inching forward slowly. Then suddenly, the curled ball of the monster launches towards the group at insane speeds. Everyone moves out of the way, except for Princess Denise. When she recovered from the toxins of the creature, she looked at it with hatred for putting her through something so embarrassing.

However, she noticed something behind it and knew instantly what it was. The random event escape portal. In her shock, she failed to notice the giant creature heading straight for her.

As the shaking ground snapped her out of her daze, she turned her head just in time to see a wall of red just seconds away from crushing her.


Finally released the OW fan fic.

If you want to check it out it's called Overwatch: Rise of Rose.