
Veiled Brilliance: Chronicles of a Reincarnated Being

Glen was taken advantage of throughout his entire life. Depressed at the miserable state his life is in, he goes for a walk and ends up dying. He meets the god over death who gives him a second chance at a new life in a world of magic and a system. Join him now, as Eric, as he fights to seek happiness in his new life. This is my first book so feel free to leave your feedback. I feel that criticism helps to improve some people and I'm one of them. Right now I'm writing whenever I have the free time. This isn't meant to be fast paced but if it's too slow just let me know. Expect a few errors because I'm only human after all.

Eaglestriker_22 · Fantaisie
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Chapter 72- Song of the Enchantress Part 2

Lawson continues to thrash about madly as he attempts to free himself from the mess of roots binding him in place.

One of the now buffed up minions take the initiative by charging forward and punching Lawson in the face.

Grunt 2 slides in right next to him, getting his punches in on Lawson as well.

Each of their punches are strong enough to knock Lawson into opposite directions of their punches.

Soon, after a couple of punches, Lawsons body radiates a blue and purple hue, sending off sparks as dangerous clouds form above him.

Both grunts back off, just in time for a bolt of lightning to come down, striking himself, which clears the roots that hold him in place.

Landing on the ground on two feet, Lawson cracks his neck, and the two grunts draw their weapons to prepare for their encounter against him.

Grunt 1 has the standard sword while Grunt 2 pulls out a mace and shield.

There's a brief pause of silence as nothing but the rustling of leaves from nearby trees can be heard as each party waits for the other.

As I wait for either party to make a move, a thought occurred to me, 'Why didn't these idiots use their weapons when he was bound?'

Suddenly Lawson drops on all fours, launching at extreme speeds towards Grunt 1. Grunt 2 moves in front of him, bringing his shield out which Lawson crashes into. Grunt 1 comes around and swings at the momentarily stunned beast-kins head.

As the sword nears him, he blocks the blade with his left claw, then swipes at him with his right one.

Grunt 2 brings his mace down on Lawson's head, but it's much slower, allowing Lawson to jump back a safer distance. The grunts realign themselves, Grunt 1 behind the second as they prepare for another confrontation.

I watch amused that I once again have the upper hand and can figure out why Lawson wasn't affected by my charm.

Comparing to how he was previously, I could easily assume that he was in some form of enraged state.

It would make sense that he could resist my commands if he wasn't in the mindset to understand them.

Which would mean that there was a time limit before he returned to normal and open to getting charmed again.

Good thing I could improve anyone I charm's performance by 55%, making them temporarily stronger than whatever they currently are.

Unfortunately, if he was smart enough to run, there was a chance he could escape. Shame I used my best spell on Eric there because this was a good time to use it on him as well.

Lawson roars as he charges on all fours again.

Once again Grunt 2 steps forward, placing his shield to intercept him.

Lawson at the last second, diverts to the right, out of reach of Grunt 2's mace radius, and moves to stab him in the back with his claws.

Grunt 1 raises his blade, blocking Lawsons claws from reaching their mark, giving Grunt 2 enough time to turn around and swing his mace towards Lawson.

He easily dodges the mace once again, jumping back, but his goal is completed as he gets past those two, and dashes towards me.

Impressed that even in this state he can show this level of intelligence, I prepare to counter.

"Stop him again trees."

Roots erupt out of the ground attempting to wrap around Lawson, but he's prepared this time, as he swipes at any branches that get too close, jumping to the side as he dodges any branches that try to come underneath him.

As he destroys the last branch, a giant shield comes down, causing Lawson to shuffle back to avoid it.

I rotate from my previous position, putting my buffed-up minions between me and Lawson.

Backing away from the duo, he paces back and forth slowly, his eyes darting between us three rapidly. He drops on all fours once again, howling as dark clouds gather around him with sparks of blue lightning dancing between each cloud.

The grunts look at each other before the before Grunt 1 raises his sword, forming a glowing shield around each of them.

Lawson charges in, sparks flickering off his claws as he charges head on into the shield.

Bolts of lightning dance off the shield every time Lawson strikes it, causing Grunt 2's glowing shield to dissipate.

Grunt 2 groans in pain with each strike as the lightning travels through the shield into his arm. Grunt 1 notices and slips around him to relieve the pressure from him, swinging his sword to repel Lawson.

He at first dodges each blade swing, but then starts to counter with attacks of his own, also getting rid of Grunt 1's shield.

As his blade comes into contact with Lawson's claws, sparks of lightning fly off, traveling through the blade into Grunt 1's arm.

Grunt 1 backs off a bit as the second grunt comes in, raising his mace to strike down Lawson.

While he's poised to swing down with his mace., Lawson's clouds that surround him gather in front of him, sending out a bolt of lightning that strikes Grunt 2 in his slightly exposed chest.

Grunt 2 crumbles to dust, showing that it was a lethal attack and he just got eliminated. My scowl returns as these two idiots just needed to stall for time until Lawson leaves his enraged state.

Grunt 1 clearly isn't able to handle Lawson by himself, so I have to make a move. Taking a deep breath, I turn around and begin to tactfully retreat.

I refused to stoop so low as to reveal any more of my skills in a fight with this mere beast-kin.

Lawson doesn't bother with the last grunt and begins to dash after me.

"Earth stop him."

As he's about to take the next step, the ground under him gives away and he begins to fall into a large pit.

Smiling, I continue to run, starting to plan my next moves. Lawson outreaches his hand, sending out a bolt of lightning at the walls of the pit, which propels him into the parallel wall.

Clutching the sides of the pit, he rapidly climbs until he's back on level ground, where he continues to chase with a snarl.

I'm too in my thoughts about how to proceed that I fail to notice his approach.

I notice too late the shadow of a figure behind me and turn just in time to see the outstretched claws of Lawson almost on me. All I can do is fall backwards, raising my arms in defense, while I close my eyes in fear.

I hear the sound of a sword being drawn I can see a flash of light even from under my closed eyelids.

The pain of either teeth or claws never come causing me to peek.

Instead of Lawson there's a crater in his place, and I begin to search why I didn't get eliminated.

There's the purple haired guy from Class A, causally walking towards me with a group of other students behind him.

Approaching me he kneels, "Princess Denise."

I quickly recover from my shock and regain my composure.

"I will admit, you've caught me a bad time and have helped me in my time of need. What do you want?" I ask.

"Unfortunately, Lawson proves to be quite the problem as I didn't eliminate him there and he got away somehow. I can only assume that both of them double teamed you which caused you to be in your current state.

Therefore, I'm here to offer my services, in the elimination of the demon Mariath, Mournwalker, and Eric." He proposes.

"What do you have to gain from this?" I question, wanting to get a sense of his end goals.

"My family has long been holders and protectors of relics of Lady Fairleigh, who's goal was to eradicate those who possess taboo classes or those who oppose humanity.

No demon should be allowed to have free reign in this country, and Mournwalker shouldn't be as unopposed as she is now. It sickens me that Eric is allowed to just causally use forbidden magic like this. They must be oppressed now, while we can." He explains.

I smile as a plan form because the perfect opportunity to come out on top has presented itself before me.

I stand, shaking the dirt of my clothes, "Pleasure to work with you..."

"It's Arthur Falkner, Princess."