
Veiled Brilliance: Chronicles of a Reincarnated Being

Glen was taken advantage of throughout his entire life. Depressed at the miserable state his life is in, he goes for a walk and ends up dying. He meets the god over death who gives him a second chance at a new life in a world of magic and a system. Join him now, as Eric, as he fights to seek happiness in his new life. This is my first book so feel free to leave your feedback. I feel that criticism helps to improve some people and I'm one of them. Right now I'm writing whenever I have the free time. This isn't meant to be fast paced but if it's too slow just let me know. Expect a few errors because I'm only human after all.

Eaglestriker_22 · Fantaisie
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77 Chs

Chapter 70- All Against One

My claws tear easily through the monster who falls to the ground lifeless. My claws return to the form of a human hand as I shake the blood from them. I was having the time of my life right now.

I was just all too happy to hone my skill and there was an endless amount of prey just wandering these woods now. I had the most fun when the shadows were swarming me, but I was able to hold my own against their numbers.

I learned long ago how to fight against great numbers, despite how fast and relentless the shadows were, they didn't stand a chance.

I wanted to find someone from Class A and test my skills against them. Sniffing the air, I smell a nearby mana signature that I've smelt before.

I can't remember who it is, but since they're alone, I can only hope their in Class A.

Running on all fours, I quickly catch-up to where I knew the mana signature was located. Only to find no one was here. Smelling once again, I knew someone was here, but I couldn't see them.

"Come out and fight me, I know you're here."

There's nothing but silence as the person makes no attempt to reveal themselves.

"Fine, Im sure that spell you're using takes a lot of mana, I just have to wait you out."

I sit on the ground to show I was serious to what I've said and there's a pause before I get a response.

"You're going to be waiting for a while then, because it doesn't take that much to maintain this spell."

I recognized the voice as Emarim although he still didn't appear before me.

"Finally, another Class A. Come out and fight me." I stand, issuing the challenge and wait for him to exit.

"No, I don't think I will." Is what he says, angering me.

"So you'd rather hide behind your spell coward?"

All I get in reply is a proud, "Of course."

Now pissed off, I drop to the ground, as sparks flick off my fur as my eyes glow blue. Dark clouds form above the area, as I howl, summoning a turret of lightning that strike the ground.

As lightning strikes the air in front of me, it arches in a semicircle around a giant bubble before hitting the ground under it.

"See there's nothing you can do to me, you're blowing my cover, run off somewhere."

Not giving up yet, my hand transforms into a claw and I swipe out at the bubble in front of me.

My hand distorts into a semicircle like the lightning and reaches behind the bubble, as I snatch my hand back slightly panicking. Flexing my hand to make sure it's ok, I begin to question him.

"Alright now I'm curious, what is this?"

"It's a spell I made that I like to call, My Safe Space. Not going to explain how it works or what it does."

I stand back on two legs, now sure that he isn't going to fight.

"I take it your plan is to hide until the last person gets eliminated?"

Once again I hear a proud, "Yep."

Disgusted I ask, "It doesn't bother you, having to hide like a worm to win?"

"The game mode is survive, Lawson, not fight like idiots."

"You think you're so smart huh, what if it's just you and one other person left, how are you going to win then?"

Another pause of silence before a light chuckle can be heard.

"Judging from how the games are going so far, the less people there are, the more chaotic the random events are going to be alongside the frequency they happen. Therefore I can safely assume that there will be apocalyptic events almost every hour."

I ponder on his information for a second.

If what he said was true, I could assume by his confidence that his spell would probably withstand whatever random event would happen.

I, on the other hand, would have no way of escaping whatever was sent.

Which means, if anyone wanted to win, he had to lose. While I wasn't smart enough to figure out his spell, there were a lot who could.

Someone like Eric.

I could come to Eric, pretending to try to patch things up by offering him Emarim on a silver platter.

Once Eric figured out this kids spell and eliminated him, I could eliminate Eric while he was distracted.

I couldn't help but smile at how devious I could be sometimes.

Before I go I say, "Have fun in your hiding hole, I'm sure your parents would be proud to see their son sniveling in corner to win."

With that said, I drop to the ground on all fours, running off to catch the scent of my new preys mana signature.


Eric POV:

Life is crazy, that when you're looking for one thing, you always find another.

My intention when I sent out the shades was to find the other survivors.

They did their job quite nicely, but unfortunately with day break along with the random event, I had to make sure they returned with whatever they were carrying before I canceled out the spell.

Imagine my surprise when one stumbles upon a monster with a massive mana signature just casually sitting underground.

Although my shades somehow couldn't get near it, I discovered enough to know that it was going to be worth a lot of points.

I could tell because it was guarding five chests at once which meant it was strong. Of course, I couldn't just go and fight it.

Before I underestimated my peers perception of mana a bit, but now I understand, that someone is bound to notice a massive fight.

All it would take is for them to toss a single spell at it and they would also receive credit even if I was the one to defeat it.

I could imagine Mariath wouldn't hesitate one second to steal kills.

So what I needed was a distraction.

I was considering the giant shadow monster spell, but in broad daylight it would be a distraction instead of a danger.

I think my best bet was to wait till the next random event and hope it's bad that directs everyone's attention elsewhere.

While I waited for the next event, doing some reconnaissance and making preparations couldn't hurt.

Leaving a shade back in the cave, I decided to check on the one person who I've never interacted with before.

Heading to the last known location where my shadows fought with him, I start to scan, hoping to catch a sense of which direction he went.

However I get a looming bad feeling, causing me to summon Chathis.

"Is Mariath around?"

I can see him turn around looking , then turn back to me,

"No, why is something wrong?"

Rather than focusing on his words, I try to get a sense of what's wrong.

Somehow I felt like I should be running away from something. Maybe it was an invisible monster that evaded my Pith Orientation.

But it couldn't be because the mana Pith Orientation sends out would still collide with anyone invisible, telling me where they are.

The sense of danger only grows stronger as multiple mana signatures enters Pith Orientations range.

It identifies them as a bunch of guys from Class B. Curious as to what they're doing at my location, I slip into invisibility.

The group stops just a couple of meters from me and one of them says,

"I don't see him Princess."

At the mention of her name, my heart skips a beat as I remember one her powers is to charm. I remembered that Adriana said it doesn't work a second time, but I wasn't up for finding out.

I decide to teleport with the shadow back in the cave but when I try, nothing happens.

Confused I check my active effects and see,

[You cannot active any spells or skills without the Enchantress' permission.

Any current active spells and skills will end in 1 minute.]

Then I hear her voice,

"I know you're here Eric, come out of hiding and let's talk this out."

Her voice echoes through my mind and I can't help but realize how soothing it is. My entire being doesn't want to upset her, and I feel like I must obey. I end the Invisibility spell and all heads snap towards me.

Even blind I can see her once calm face form into the most triumphant smile.

"Hello Eric."

While I was writing on my break at work, the loudest eater I've ever had the displeasure of hearing, sat next to me.

I made the mistake of saying a funny joke so he proceeded to sit next to me three days in a row.

Needless to say, this chapter took longer than it should have.

Eaglestriker_22creators' thoughts