
Veiled Brilliance: Chronicles of a Reincarnated Being

Glen was taken advantage of throughout his entire life. Depressed at the miserable state his life is in, he goes for a walk and ends up dying. He meets the god over death who gives him a second chance at a new life in a world of magic and a system. Join him now, as Eric, as he fights to seek happiness in his new life. This is my first book so feel free to leave your feedback. I feel that criticism helps to improve some people and I'm one of them. Right now I'm writing whenever I have the free time. This isn't meant to be fast paced but if it's too slow just let me know. Expect a few errors because I'm only human after all.

Eaglestriker_22 · Fantaisie
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Chapter 32- Financial Issues

The STONE wasn't the only thing I bought while here, but it was the most expensive. I originally assumed that I would be spending no more than 1,000 in two months.

Unfortunately, with the way things were, my 26,000-gold budget wasn't going to cut it. There was no way I was going to the academy on that amount, so I needed a way to find some more income.

Walking back to the inn just as it gets dark, I found that it's way livelier than when I first got here.

I sit at a table and wait patiently for my dinner as everyone chatters around me.

Pretty soon the innkeeper comes hulking around a corner and places a plate in front of me with a giant mug which reeks of beer.

I raise an eyebrow at the innkeeper who smirks then walks away as I grab the spoon.

I frown knowing that I should have told him I was a vegetarian, because he's not only given me beer to drink, but a giant chicken leg with potatoes, carrots, and bread.

I move the chicken leg out of the way to eat the vegetables and bread more comfortably. Compared to the meals on the ship, this was a delicacy as the vegetables are actually cooked reasonable well and seasoned quite nice.

I hesitate for a second before taking a sip of the beer, and choke on how overwhelming the taste is.

As I choke, there's laughter all around me, and the guy next to me starts to pat me on the back. "You good?"

Struggling to catch my breath I reply, "Yea, how can you drink this? It's too strong and I don't like the taste."

As if to prove a point the guy chugs his beer and responds, "It's an acquired taste. Keep at it, you'll get used to it."

"I see everyone's a smart ass here. An acquired taste is the many wines and fruit juices we have at Iankia. This is just strong for no reason."

"Ah, there is a reason, you're just too young to know of it. Wine? Fruit juice? Hah that stuff is expensive and you barely get the reason to drink it so only nobles prefer the weak stuff."

I roll my eyes and try more beer, but I'm too used to my "weak stuff" and retch at the taste. Finished with my meal besides the chicken, I walk over to the innkeeper.

"So, how does one make good quality money around here?"

"I am hiring." I sigh in frustration and slide a gold coin towards him.

"I mean someone with my particular talents." He takes the cigar out of his mouth, pocketing the coin before he responds,

"Not too many people deal in Assassination around here, but with the rate people are encountering bandits, you could try accepting bounties from the guards."

"Thanks for the information, I'll check it out." I walk to my room where I spend some time trying to figure out how to properly regulate the mana here.

Having all my spells take more mana than usual is annoying and could cost my life in a fight. After an hour of trying, I gave up and went to sleep.

The next morning, I get dressed in a t-shirt and jeans then head out towards the guard's office. It's near the castle and quite the distance to walk, with an increase of guards.

The decision to not wear my armor was the correct move as I would no doubt get stopped and questions frequently while in this area.

Walking in the little building designated for people to report crimes to the guards, I see there's nothing but a man in a black suit behind a desk with posters spread out all across each wall.

"We're busy right now, so it'll take a moment if you want to report a crime." He says without looking up form whatever he was writing.

"I'm actually here to accept any bounties you have."

He looks up and raises an eyebrow. "You been here a while elf?"

"No, I just got here yesterday, and I needed money, so I asked around and was recommended bounty hunting."

"Well bounty hunting is a dangerous occupation, not only because you might get killed by bandits, but they have powerful backers, so if you kill the wrong one, you could piss off the wrong person. Plus, you're only approved to be here in Walchelin, so I can't let you go bounty hunting. There are other jobs in the city should you need money."

I leave disappointed that I can't bounty hunt as planned, but the guard had a point. Someone was profiting off all the bandit raids, and they had to be someone powerful if the guards knew but couldn't do anything about it.

Without the option of bounty hunting, and I couldn't go on dungeon hunts, my only choice was to get a job.

The problem with that was I would most likely get 20 gold, if that, every day I worked. Assuming that I never took a day off for 2 months, I would barely make 1200, which barely covers the deficit.

As I'm deep in thought, I fail to notice that I'm being followed.

When I just so happen to walk past alley, someone shoves me into and I'm surrounded by 4 guys, one of which presses a knife to my throat.

"Lord Mournwalker wants a word with you. Best come along and we don't have to get messy."

Mournwalker? Well shit, I didn't even do anything.

Anxious, I nod and start to follow them back on the street, the one who spoke up front, and the rest behind me. They lead me to the last part of the city towards the lake where huge mansions reside, spaced out.

We head towards the biggest mansion that's gothic and black with a cemetery and crows resting in dead trees.

This was giving me villain vibes and I was in a bad situation. I had no idea what I did, but best-case scenario, I somehow manage to escape and join the bandits before getting hounded down.

We enter and orbs light the place but it's still gloomy, a red carpet goes down the main hallway in between two flights of stairs that leads to the second floor.

The rest of the men hang back on the first floor as the first guy takes me up the stairs past rooms until he motions for me to enter one and he crosses his arms in front of him making no attempt to enter himself.

Opening the door my eyes are assaulted with the color red, as the carpet, the drapes over the window, the chairs, and even the candles are all red.

In front of me is a large desk with a skinny pale man with neat cropped black hair and glasses sitting behind it. He was quietly reading something until I walked in, and he smirks as he notices me.

As he speaks, his voice is a raspy whisper and yet still not hard to hear him.

"Good morning, Eric Ferngrow, allow me to introduce myself. I am Blair Mournwalker and I have summoned you here. Glad to see that you came. I'm sure you have some questions which you can ask now."

"Do I call you Lord Mournwalker or.....?" I trail off awaiting his reply, to which he sits back in his chair more comfortably.

"Well of course, don't have this title just for shits and giggles. You'll understand one day when you get your own."

"Well then what can I do for you then Lord Mournwalker? If you wanted me dead, I would have been when you.... summoned me." I say although I'm not convinced myself.

"Glad to see that you're an intelligent young man, that makes things much easier. You see it's come to my attention that you're in need of some good quality gold and thought about being a bounty hunter.

That's fair and a good choice, I would make the same decision if I was in your place. However, its rather unfortunate that I have a certain....agreement with a majority of those you would be hunting. Can't have someone getting in my way intentionally or unintentionally."

He pauses to pull a bottle with red liquid in it and a glass, which he pours himself a drink and takes a sip.

"Normally I would have someone convince said individual to reconsider their thinking, but you deserve more personal touch and decided to offer you a deal."

He twirls his glass, swirling the liquid inside as he waits for my reaction. So far, I've gathered that since he knows my real name, he knows either Garbhan or my father, either way that helps me.

"I'm listening."

"Smart boy, passing up on opportunities is for the weak. Those who lack confidence remain stagnant, hindering themselves from growth." He sets the glass down on his desk and stands, looking out the window.

"I like to think of myself as an opportunist. When there's a chance that could benefit me, I take it. That being said, imagine my surprise when a certain predominant man in Iankia calls in favor I owe him to assist his son whenever I can.

Then said son comes to my city and wants to be a bounty hunter. At the same time, some interesting fellows I've been doing business with have forgotten their place and bit the hand that feeds them, getting greedy.

Which is where you come in, I give you a list of names, and you deal with them for me."

"Is there a catch?" He turns his eyes showing amusement.

"Most would have just readily agreed, good on you for being different. Yes there is a catch.

You see, I too am a father that worries for their child. I have a girl your age who will be attending the academy the same year as you.

I've noticed long ago but I can no longer deny it but she's.... different. I feel a little companionship should help calm her down and I want her to accompany you on these bounties.

Maybe she'll be more sociable. In fact, it'll be quite easy for her to get along with you as she right now has a certain.... interest."

"What does that mean?"

"Oh, nothing at all serious that you'll figure out soon as you agree."

"I mean no disrespect when I ask this but is she capable because I'd rather not accept this if I have to worry about her safety as well as mine."

"Quite understandable, but you'll find her more than capable against anybody you come across. So with all that knowledge, what say you?"

He sits down and takes another sip from his drink while waiting for my answer. His offer was really good and the conditions weren't even bad. In fact, they worked in my favor as well. Both parties could only gain from this proposition.

"I can assume that I'll collect whatever the bounties are worth as payment?"

"Of course, I have no use for the bounty, and neither will she. She's just going for the battle experience."

"Well then I'd be an idiot to decline this offer. Consider me hired sir."

"Very well, you start immediately. Come let me introduce you to my daughter."